正在查找La Granja de los Ninos附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


正在尋找La Granja de los Ninos附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4/578 評價
4.5/5130 評價
Unfortunately I am not staying in the hotel but go every morning to the hotel’s restaurant for breakfast, and for ice latte in the afternoon. The staff is amazing! Friendly, polite, attentive! Green juice is fresh and tasty, cappuccino is great, just like ice latte. I had avocado toast with poached eggs for breakfast, which was perfectly prepared, got some fresh fruits before. Really healthy and tasty for a really good price. The restaurant looks nice and has a chic vibe! I will keep coming back until I’m here on vacation. I also go the the hotel’s gym every day which is very well equipped and clean, has a lot of space and types to free weights, cardio and weight machines to use.
墨西哥 - 託雷奧智選假日飯店
4.5/564 評價
Primero comentaré qué en 33 años asistiendo a tianguis turísticos en varias ciudades es el 1er hotel que no pone al menos una carta de Bienvenida, aparte del gold member qué tampoco fui reconocido, escogí llegar a este hotel por estar según ellos a 10 minutos del centro Banamex y es FALSO el día que menos tiempo hice a la ida 40 mints y los regresos de 2 a 2:30 su publicidad es falsa, la otra cosa el tráfico en esa avenida y la tocada de claxon no dejan dormir, todos los días a las 4 de la mañana te despiertas porque te despiertas, así que con esto todo lo bueno que pueda tener el hotel termina por no RECOMENDARLO
4.3/578 評價
Good business Hotel. Good location in the Naucalpan area. Excellent service from Johana at bar/restaurant. Johana was extremely attentive and hospitable with us. Rooms are clean and staff is courteous. Breakfast buffet is average. Do recommend the Hotel. Dinner menu is extensive, good good and reasonably priced.
3.7/532 評價
位置:酒店的標誌不是很明顯,去參加展會的時候,住了2晚,周邊便利店多,但是中國人去那邊要注意安全。我出去都是使用攜程打車 設施:有個燈壞了,不過我也沒有讓酒店修,樓下有廚房,可以自己簡單的做放。但是酒店沒有配拖鞋 服務:一般 衛生:一般
4.6/5105 評價


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