



4.4/570 評價


I chose Daiwa because of its location is by the lake location and not too far away from Kurokabe distance. Daiwa is famous for good price performance ratio, meaning not expensive room rate yet providing quality room and service. The hotel lobby is grand, and you pick up the bathroom amenities at lobby yourselves. Check in was smooth but you have to bring your own luggage to your room. The hotel charge you Yen 500 for parking per night but give you Yen 500 voucher in return which you can spend in the hotel, not a bad deal. The hotel also provides a shuttle bus service to the Nagahama station for hotel guests if you are not driving. Even taking a taxi from the station to hotel is not more than 5 minutes. The station is just a few minutes walks to the famous Kurokabe Plaza and its surrounding waling streets. Yukata is available on each floor lobby where you pick your selection and size. We were allocated at the corner room which is very spacious, overlooking the lake and the pier, with windows on two sides, and therefore, very bright when the weather is sunny. We reserved a dinner in the booking with the hotel. The dinner is served in the function. It was a multi course dinner with various cooking method of Omi beef, including stew, hot pot and grill, plus a variety of other dishes such as sashimi. Server is very good and the staff are trying hard to communicate with us in English. The onsen on the ground floor is not very big, but the two nights we stayed are Friday and Saturday, so there were extremely many people. There is a souvenir shop which opens until 9pm, a bit early. After we checked out the hotel, we walked around the Nagahama Castle Park which is five minutes walk away from hotel. The castle was built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the sixteen century but the current castle is a re-built. We dined at the hotel lobby tea lounge for lunch. But the meal was probably the worst meal I have ever had in Japan over the years. I think a tea should be fine with a good view of the lake. The location of the hotel, and the service quality makes an ideal choice when staying in Nagahama.





4.6/53 評價


入住這家旅館可以説是我整趟琵琶湖繞湖之旅最正確、也是最温馨的一個決定了。寫的有點長,重點在後頭,諸位如不趕時間可以細細看看😄 這是一家正宗的日式家庭旅館,經營旅館的是一對和藹的夫婦,年紀看來已經半老了。旅館坐落在黑門市場旁,鬧中取靜,距離市場和大通寺都很近~ 旅館內部環境出人意料的好,外面保留了老町屋的原貌,走進去卻發現裝修不顯老氣,典雅精緻,是審美很不錯的日式老旅館呢。 廁所和浴室的裝修也很現代,設備都是新的,非常震驚,維護的很好,甚至超過了許多我住過的許多日本商務旅館。 我住的日式間屋外有一個小巧的庭院,別有洞天。旅館的早餐也是相當豐盛,種類繁多,許多也是琵琶湖的土產食材,口味也不錯,十分推薦~ 重點來了!三谷旅館的男女主人超級超級熱情有禮!得知我是外國人之後也是照顧有加!前往長濱碼頭和大通寺時主人都是主動領路,一路上也是介紹長濱的名物,男主人頭髮有些花白卻充滿活力,相必很鍾情於長濱的風土吧~ 臨離開時,兩位店主還送了我一套長濱曳山祭的明信片,真是一對可愛的人哪😄 我是獨自旅行,誤打誤撞選擇了這家旅館,不曾想是此行最大的驚喜。我在長濱停留的時間很短,折算下來也就是一天一夜,且天公不作美,多是下雨。但幸是遇上了三谷旅館,對於長濱的回憶便是春雨般的温情了。 祝店主兩口子健健康康,順心順意~將來我如果路過長濱,若時間允許,為了三谷旅館我也會刻意再宿幾晚~
4.4/570 評價


I chose Daiwa because of its location is by the lake location and not too far away from Kurokabe distance. Daiwa is famous for good price performance ratio, meaning not expensive room rate yet providing quality room and service. The hotel lobby is grand, and you pick up the bathroom amenities at lobby yourselves. Check in was smooth but you have to bring your own luggage to your room. The hotel charge you Yen 500 for parking per night but give you Yen 500 voucher in return which you can spend in the hotel, not a bad deal. The hotel also provides a shuttle bus service to the Nagahama station for hotel guests if you are not driving. Even taking a taxi from the station to hotel is not more than 5 minutes. The station is just a few minutes walks to the famous Kurokabe Plaza and its surrounding waling streets. Yukata is available on each floor lobby where you pick your selection and size. We were allocated at the corner room which is very spacious, overlooking the lake and the pier, with windows on two sides, and therefore, very bright when the weather is sunny. We reserved a dinner in the booking with the hotel. The dinner is served in the function. It was a multi course dinner with various cooking method of Omi beef, including stew, hot pot and grill, plus a variety of other dishes such as sashimi. Server is very good and the staff are trying hard to communicate with us in English. The onsen on the ground floor is not very big, but the two nights we stayed are Friday and Saturday, so there were extremely many people. There is a souvenir shop which opens until 9pm, a bit early. After we checked out the hotel, we walked around the Nagahama Castle Park which is five minutes walk away from hotel. The castle was built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the sixteen century but the current castle is a re-built. We dined at the hotel lobby tea lounge for lunch. But the meal was probably the worst meal I have ever had in Japan over the years. I think a tea should be fine with a good view of the lake. The location of the hotel, and the service quality makes an ideal choice when staying in Nagahama.



HOTEL R9院子長濱
4.1/57 評價
非常舒適! 這是一家不錯的酒店,提供便餐
4/567 評價
4/56 評價
和妻子一起去長濱,木之本,高月,米原,醒ケ井觀光的2晚3天行程,用了2晚[住宿用的是 本館シングル 16m2ベッド寬140cm x 2間,シングル在附件還有14m2,18m2タイプ。參考:本館ツイン:32m2,本館スイート64m2]。選擇這裏的主要因素是: 這裏眼前有【琵琶湖汽船】的乘船處,是竹生島觀光的足跡,與【長浜】和イタリア【ヴェローナ(ロミオ和ジュリエット的舞台城市)】是姐妹城市合作的,ロビー等的內部裝修有ヴェローナ感因爲知道你有(如果在カップル住宿使用 ロビー 這裏的雜誌[PHOTOGENIC HOTEL(見附件照片)]是參考在ホテル內拍攝紀念照片的。我這邊 早餐吃了兩次,但是コロナ 考慮預防感染 我這邊提供給大家的スタイル 考慮內容和金額 推薦(附件 參考圖片, 如果是連住 我這邊提供內容有變化)每個房間都有バスルーム,但是在主樓7樓也有大浴場。ホテル整體82房間(主樓67間,附件15間)也是大ホテル的ロビー,往往沒有ガサガサ的感覺,ロビー的氛圍很好,所以個人旅遊住宿作爲ピッタリ。有點遺憾的是 因爲不是新住宿 バスルーム有台階,シャワーヘッド和ビジネスホテル一樣是シンプル的東西。 
4.4/570 評價
I chose Daiwa because of its location is by the lake location and not too far away from Kurokabe distance. Daiwa is famous for good price performance ratio, meaning not expensive room rate yet providing quality room and service. The hotel lobby is grand, and you pick up the bathroom amenities at lobby yourselves. Check in was smooth but you have to bring your own luggage to your room. The hotel charge you Yen 500 for parking per night but give you Yen 500 voucher in return which you can spend in the hotel, not a bad deal. The hotel also provides a shuttle bus service to the Nagahama station for hotel guests if you are not driving. Even taking a taxi from the station to hotel is not more than 5 minutes. The station is just a few minutes walks to the famous Kurokabe Plaza and its surrounding waling streets. Yukata is available on each floor lobby where you pick your selection and size. We were allocated at the corner room which is very spacious, overlooking the lake and the pier, with windows on two sides, and therefore, very bright when the weather is sunny. We reserved a dinner in the booking with the hotel. The dinner is served in the function. It was a multi course dinner with various cooking method of Omi beef, including stew, hot pot and grill, plus a variety of other dishes such as sashimi. Server is very good and the staff are trying hard to communicate with us in English. The onsen on the ground floor is not very big, but the two nights we stayed are Friday and Saturday, so there were extremely many people. There is a souvenir shop which opens until 9pm, a bit early. After we checked out the hotel, we walked around the Nagahama Castle Park which is five minutes walk away from hotel. The castle was built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the sixteen century but the current castle is a re-built. We dined at the hotel lobby tea lounge for lunch. But the meal was probably the worst meal I have ever had in Japan over the years. I think a tea should be fine with a good view of the lake. The location of the hotel, and the service quality makes an ideal choice when staying in Nagahama.
4.9/54 評價
我不能強烈推薦這個日式旅館。從從長濱火車站接站,到第二天(在經理的堅持下)穿梭回車站,體驗超出了我對我們在這裏住宿的任何期望。作爲一個四口之家旅行,我們在這裏住得很舒服,儘管住一晚,相比之下,東京甚至箱根的喧囂令人歡迎。我們的住宿是2023年12月29日晚上。沿着湖散步,在冬天的清晨參觀長濱城堡,令人耳目一新,對住宿非常方便。工作人員非常熱情,似乎他們不能做足夠的工作來確保您的健康和舒適。晚餐和早餐是日式風格,非常美味和餡。如果你在某個地方遠離被打敗的軌道和有點不同,我強烈建議在長濱的 Hamakogetsu 停留。
4.4/515 評價
