查看我們在使命海灘的頂級評價 4星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


4/572 評價
我們2年來第二次住這裏,一定會回來的!房間一塵不染,牀超級舒服,整個度假村都輝煌。3個游泳池,雖然我們沒有冒險比我們房間外面的更遠(我們住在2間臥室的水療室)位置很好。短途漫步到海灘,基本上有一個BWS在現場,旁邊有一個夢幻般的咖啡店,在小(儘管可悲的是破舊)購物“村莊”咖啡店被稱爲沙克,強烈推薦。現場的運動酒吧和酒館很棒,工作人員超級友好。伍爾沃斯就在拐角處(週日關閉)Mission Beach本身只有很短的車程,大約5分鐘,還有一堆其他餐館和咖啡館可以享受,包括停車場啤酒廠,我在任務海灘最喜歡的地方。我認爲度假村有禮貌的班車,可以帶你/從任務海灘本身接你,但我們沒有使用它,所以不確定周圍的規則。我們會回來的。我們喜歡這裏!
4.4/523 評價
4.4/529 評價
The park is overpriced at $67 a night when competitors in the same area are $10 cheaper per night. In the two weeks we were there, the park went through extensive construction work with concreting, campsite repair and footpath/road repair. This all brought obvious disruption and noise to the guests. The restaurant/cafe was very expensive and sold what we considered subclass meals. Many of the sites needed sand fill-in and were literally bog holes. I understand park maintenance is required but when the park is in a condition like this, guest should be pre-warned and/or the site fees should be lowered accordingly. We have stayed here before several times, but this time was very disappointing. The pool is good, location is good and the staff were very good, in particular Alvera.
3.7/580 評價
This is a very tired and old hotel with obvious add-ons of a pool and spa pool. The meals were awful with everything fried. I asked if my fish could be grilled and was told that it came already battered. Lovely ?? Surely Australian cuisine has moved beyond this. We went to the supermarket at Wongaling Beach and bought some fresh food so we could eat a healthier meal. There was maintenance going on in the hotel at the time we visited with very loud, piercing drilling noises right next to our room completely cancelling out any plans we may have had for a restful afternoon and a nap. Really disliked this place. Don’t come here.
4.1/56 評價
優點: 1、前台服務超棒 入住當天沒有WIFI密碼,打電話給前台,第一次回覆説應該就在房間內,讓我找找…真是沒有。再次打電話,又幫我去問,沒多一會兒,就有人給我發短訊,把WIFI密碼發了過來 2、距離沙灘入口特別近,步行1分鐘 3、周圍很多餐廳 ,也有小超市。炸魚薯條最經濟實惠 4、床很舒服 5、密碼門鎖,出入方便 缺點: 1、臨街,有點吵 2、室內無論WIFI還是手機信號,都有點弱 3、實際不如圖片展示的那麼精緻 注意,前台不在公寓處,需要去5公裡外的指定地點



平均價格 (平日)NT$5,355
平均價格 (週末)NT$5,705