正在查找Palace of the Counts of San Mateo de Valparaiso and Marquises of Jaral de Berio附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Palace of the Counts of San Mateo de Valparaiso and Marquises of Jaral de Berio附近的熱門飯店


4.4/5100 評價


墨西哥城歷史中心 墨西哥城|距離Palace of the Counts of San Mateo de Valparaiso and Marquises of Jaral de Berio0.1km
This lovely gem is right in the heart of the city! The interior hallways are sleek and modern while homage to a historic past. The building is a former law office and the interior is a classic courtyard presentation. The restaurants and bar are on the roof top, which is the 5th floor. My room was on the street side and I got an upgrade due to my Hilton status, so I had this huge suite on the 4th floor with incredible views of the interior when I opened my door. The bathroom was roomy and spacious. The shower was huge with both a hand held and a shower rainfall option. I had dual sinks and the lotion and other amenities were very nice. The bed was comfy, the windows could open and there were many lighting options. There was bedside lighting, overhead lighting and more. It was quite amazing! The bedroom was all white and quite bright. My ”living room” was dark, but had so many additional lighting options, plus the record player, TV, and the bright window for when the curtains were open. The sliding door between the 2 rooms was perfect. And, I had not only a desk with hand sanitizer, but also a small dining table with 2 chairs in my ”living room”. It was a heavenly stay. Now, the pool was tiny, but the hot tub was lovely and the cocktails were nice! Breakfast at Oliva was included for me and was delicious. The other restaurant on the rooftop, Paixa Do was also quite amazing. Creative food and a gorgeous view with excellent service and a great wine selection. What else? The front desk staff and bellmen were lovely. The concierge was a little odd to me, so I ignored him after the first day. It was easy to take an Uber from my hotel and the Uber was very cheap in US $. Within walking distance were a few Sanbornes, a money exchange place, and some nice restaurants. I totally would return here again. It was my fifth trip to Mexico City in the last 15-20 years and I've stayed only in 1 other place twice. Again, this is a fantastic place to stay...I almost forgot to mention the private movie theater upstairs, the art gallery and the records (vinyl LPs) that one could take and play on bluetooth speakers in your room! What a treat!





4.3/5111 評價


墨西哥城歷史中心 墨西哥城|距離Palace of the Counts of San Mateo de Valparaiso and Marquises of Jaral de Berio0.16km
經過11小時的飛行以及前往墨西哥城和里維拉瑪雅(Rivera Maya)的2週假期/假期開始之後,城市中心酒店成為我們對墨西哥和墨西哥城的第一印象。經過Uber的快速騎行之後,我們到達了目的地,我們對go一詞感到失望。 我們到達2145,酒店死了,兩名工作人員在接待處,一名保安正在大廳里四處亂逛。否則,這座建築是一個沉默寡言的幽靈小鎮。感覺就像我們走進了“恐怖的加利福尼亞/好萊塢塔酒店”。 工作人員接待處令人愉快,但是入住和付款系統兩次失敗,但最終在等待15/20分鐘後工作。或者他們確實說我們可以在早上付款。我們等著他們給我們水喝了墨西哥糖果。 接待員將我們帶到了原來很涼爽的電梯裡的房間,這很酷,提醒我們該建築物曾經是銀行。在其網站上,該酒店看起來非常注重設計/可點贊,但令人讚嘆的因素沒有達到期望。 打開房間/鎖上門。只是愚蠢。方式比需要的要復雜。當我閱讀其他評論時,我以為他們在大驚小怪,不是在-令人討厭的沮喪感。 我們把行李放到房間裡,洗個澡,看酒吧開著,上樓開始度假。電梯開了,燈關了,酒吧關了,儘管廣告在房間歡迎書裡開了。沒問題,樓下的酒吧在我們到達時就開放了,歡迎書上說的開放時間甚至比樓上還晚。 。 。 錯誤。當我們下樓時,酒吧男子正試圖鎖定,當我們問他為什麼鎖定時,他說“我想回家”,儘管他至少有一個小時才能關閉。他的確讓我們在房間裡買了兩杯啤酒喝,但是他說我們無法得到食物-他示意我們應該在黑暗中在街上轉轉。 我們從SevenEleven那裡拿了一些薯條,喝了啤酒,然後回到房間。我們以為我們鎖著的門根本沒鎖。 。 。讓我們早上再試一次。 。 。 房間很聰明,淋浴很溫暖,不弱,但不強大。如果您不認識與之同行的人,請做好準備,讓他們聽到您在浴室裡所做的一切-牆壁落到天花板上。對我們來說不是問題。床在堅固的一面,“單婚”床恰好是歐洲雙人床上的錫。我睡得很好,但我的伴侶卻睡得不好,但是我們正努力地改變6小時的時間。房間缺乏自然採光,加上深色的大廳和深色的牆壁,使人感覺幽閉恐怖/骯髒。 咖啡機沒有任何意義。一個咖啡包,一個無咖啡因咖啡包。 。在兩個人的房間裡-沒有問題。 。 。我們早餐吃一頓。錯誤。 早餐從早上7點開始,由於時間的變化,我們大約在0710點到達,約有3位員工在忙碌。我們以為我們在酒店的錯誤區域,因為沒有早餐的跡象。一個人最終說:“還沒準備好,十五點回來。”我們認為有點不合常理,但是還可以。 。 。 我們抓住了星巴克,漫步到主要廣場,環顧四周。我們於0800回到酒店吃早餐。依然沒有。有人告訴我們工作人員沒有出現。我簡直不敢相信,在三名工作人員中,除了聊天外,他們似乎什麼也沒做,而接待員不是其中一個不能開始吃早餐嗎? 我們再一次被告知要等待,並且缺乏光彩的道歉。考慮到這是第四次失望,還不夠好。我們問是否可以在房間裡還一些錢,接待員聳了聳肩,不知道該怎麼辦。 總體而言,他們缺乏照顧或願意為入住的客人創造良好體驗的意願。您有一個房間和一張床-您可能還想要什麼? 最令人失望的酒店,我住了很長時間。它毀了我們對墨西哥城的印象,我們可以早點起飛,所以我們做到了。幸運的是,當我們一周後返回時,Hotel Historico Central改變了我們對這座城市的體驗。 如果您在中周正在尋找一個熱鬧的地方,並且有吃飯和喝點的地方,請不要選擇舊城區。當地人離開了內城,然後變成了鬼城-不過這不是酒店的錯。 我們之所以選擇這家酒店,是因為從英國出發11個小時的飛行之後,我們可以喝一杯,吃點東西並放鬆一下。早上我們想輕鬆地吃早餐,不要大驚小怪。我們無法執行上述任何操作。 選擇另一家酒店。



正在尋找Palace of the Counts of San Mateo de Valparaiso and Marquises of Jaral de Berio附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.9/5120 評價
4.3/5117 評價
我們被航空公司預訂在這家酒店度過了漫長而艱難的一天。早餐後我們沒有吃過東西,在一場病毒危機期間,在機場的混亂中站了幾個小時,我們度過了非常緊張的一天。我們原以爲在zocolo附近的“Hotel Ritz”會在凌晨返回重新預訂的航班之前提供一次很好的休息和一頓豐盛的晚餐。但是,唉,這不是。迎接我們的員工非常友好和專業。但我們的房間是沿着長長的、荒涼的走廊,儘管在一座古老的歷史建築中,但裏面卻沒有任何特色。房間功能齊全,雖然淋浴只是不冷不熱。當我們去餐廳時,學校餐廳的魅力十足,給了他們600比索的代金券,他們給了我們一張破舊的打印本,裏面有少量的餐食,然後告訴我們只有4種選擇。沒有一種是我們願意選擇的。我們計劃在晚餐時買飲料,但是他們讓我們簽了一張收據,上面寫着我們甚至在上菜之前就花了600比索(約合30美元),這在真正的菜單上大概要花300美元。我吃了一塊橡皮雞肉和一小塊枯萎的沙拉,我丈夫吃了一塊白麪包三明治,然後我們走到別的地方去吃東西和喝飲料,我們一開始就應該這樣做。我們經過了酒店裏另一個家庭的用餐,發現他們有麥當勞外賣。後來,我們檢查了他們的常規菜單,其中有很多選擇,可以輕鬆地納入600便士的預算。這種治療感覺很侮辱。我們收到往返酒店的出租車券,在接待處,我們要求他們安排我們早上的出租車,他們向我們保證他們會安排。我起得很早,向早間接待處雙重確認它已經安排好了,他們說是的--它正在路上。酒店在一條只有行人專用的街道上,所以我們把行李送到最近的汽車交通地點等了一會,出租車一直沒來。最後,我丈夫回到酒店尋求幫助,被告知給Uber打電話。很明顯他們沒有給我們叫出租車,我們因爲打車到機場耽誤了將近一個小時。哦對了,電梯按鈕壞了。而且牆壁非常薄。有人在附近有生病的孩子,整晚的尖叫和咳嗽聲在大廳裏迴盪。我們能夠聽到走廊裏的每一聲沖水聲和每一次談話。大多數MX酒店都有堅固的磚牆和灰泥牆,可以阻擋聲音,但這個沒有。中心區很棒,值得一兩個晚上入住,但是我推薦貝斯特韋斯特皇家酒店。我們旅行開始時住在一個套房裏,我們巨大的房間很漂亮,俯着zocolo,工作人員很棒。房價也不錯。如果您有更多的時間在CDMX,Coyoacan是我最喜歡的住宿社區,但很高興在中心度過一些時間。
4.5/582 評價
Very clean hostel and great facilities. Most evenings there’s events at the hostel like karaoke or movie nights. Or if that’s not for you there’s loads of great bars and clubs nearby. The hostel provides free tours around the city. Jair took my group on a cycling tour and a trip via the subway to Coyacan. He speaks great English, knows everything about the city and is fun to have a joke with. Deserves all the tips.
4.4/5100 評價
This lovely gem is right in the heart of the city! The interior hallways are sleek and modern while homage to a historic past. The building is a former law office and the interior is a classic courtyard presentation. The restaurants and bar are on the roof top, which is the 5th floor. My room was on the street side and I got an upgrade due to my Hilton status, so I had this huge suite on the 4th floor with incredible views of the interior when I opened my door. The bathroom was roomy and spacious. The shower was huge with both a hand held and a shower rainfall option. I had dual sinks and the lotion and other amenities were very nice. The bed was comfy, the windows could open and there were many lighting options. There was bedside lighting, overhead lighting and more. It was quite amazing! The bedroom was all white and quite bright. My ”living room” was dark, but had so many additional lighting options, plus the record player, TV, and the bright window for when the curtains were open. The sliding door between the 2 rooms was perfect. And, I had not only a desk with hand sanitizer, but also a small dining table with 2 chairs in my ”living room”. It was a heavenly stay. Now, the pool was tiny, but the hot tub was lovely and the cocktails were nice! Breakfast at Oliva was included for me and was delicious. The other restaurant on the rooftop, Paixa Do was also quite amazing. Creative food and a gorgeous view with excellent service and a great wine selection. What else? The front desk staff and bellmen were lovely. The concierge was a little odd to me, so I ignored him after the first day. It was easy to take an Uber from my hotel and the Uber was very cheap in US $. Within walking distance were a few Sanbornes, a money exchange place, and some nice restaurants. I totally would return here again. It was my fifth trip to Mexico City in the last 15-20 years and I've stayed only in 1 other place twice. Again, this is a fantastic place to stay...I almost forgot to mention the private movie theater upstairs, the art gallery and the records (vinyl LPs) that one could take and play on bluetooth speakers in your room! What a treat!
墨西哥城中心歷史區 NH 精選飯店
4.2/5130 評價
我們和旅遊團一起住在這家酒店。大多數北美人可能想知道的是:這家酒店是現代的,裝飾精美,一切都是最新的。 。 。位置非常方便。 Centro Historico的遺址,博物館,餐館和商店都可以步行。 。 。無論白天還是黑夜,我們都可以安全地與團隊同行。 。 。工作人員很友好,能乾和樂於助人。 。 。自助早餐非常好(除了咖啡很重要)。墨西哥城是一個充滿活力的世界級城市,擁有眾多景點。當我們回到墨西哥城(我們一定會)時,我們將留在NH Collection Mexico City Centro Historico,我相信我們會在這裡受到朋友的歡迎。
4.3/5101 評價
這是一個不錯的,一塵不染的酒店。我真的很喜歡設計酒店不同部分所付出的努力。位置也很好,步行即可到達佐卡洛。 優點:  -保險箱(保管箱)特別大,內置照明燈,是我見過的最好的保險箱!  -床很乾淨舒適。 缺點:  -房間裡沒有冰箱!  -洗手盆上的水龍頭髮出的水壓太低,不足以觸發取暖器,所以水總是很冷,要花幾個世紀才能洗手! ! (淋浴間的水很熱,但洗手盆的水卻很冷)我要求接待處看一下,但是在這方面什麼也沒做。我認為水龍頭是為了節省水而設置的,但確實很煩人而且不舒服!節約用水是好的,但不能以失去舒適感和使用溫水為代價!  -空調不能正常工作,所以房間很冷!即使設置高溫,大多數時間出來的風也很冷。幾分鐘後變暖,然後又變冷。  -早餐很好,但是服務不是很好。
