

3.9/5116 評價
我衷心感謝Celine女士、Tina女士和Saintiago先生,感謝他們爲歐洲地中海黃金海岸管理公司(Euromed-M****ille)全體員工的工作,並表示極大的滿意和衷心的感謝。非常能幹的女士:塞琳女士。她真的是一個GTS:Geniale,Top,et Super。泰娜女士總是樂於助人,帶着特別的歡迎微笑,比在家裏更讓人感到溫暖。聖迪亞哥先生是個有解決之道的人。他從來不告訴你困難,對他來說,不管發生什麼問題,客戶總是有解決辦法的。感謝你們三個,感謝所有與你們一起工作的工作人員,Goldentulip Euromed-M****ille已經成爲了一切事物和一切到位的地方,一句話:你們是最好的。👍我寫這篇文章是在十多天入住這家特別酒店後,寫到,建築物與管理它們的員工一起活了下來。我已經嘗試了附近其他三家酒店,甚至想把Goldentulip Euromed-M****ille與他們進行比較都是一個錯誤。你不能比較無與倫比的!!
馬賽中心 Euromed 諾富特全套房飯店
4.2/572 評價
another syat at the property, always nice to come back, even if the staff is new. It is true they dont really care of you at front desk but at the breakfast the lady is there since the opening (I think she was from algeria) and she is top great. I still remember her after year and maybe more than 6 visits. good
InterContinental Hotels 馬賽迪歐洲際飯店
4.1/5127 評價
完美的洒店、服務態度真係非常非常好、還有一個好啲早餐區、露台房可以看到美麗動人的聖母堂、普罹旺斯薰衣草區、一個最靚的風景、🈶️家的感覺。 大家必定要試下入住。 Spa 內有冰池、按摩、必丶定🈶️難忘的回憶⋯⋯浪漫的假期。🇫🇷👍🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷
4.1/567 評價
The hotel was quiet (provided your window closes well...), But the darkening curtains were old, and see through. They really provide the minimum Accor benefits for a gold/platinum/diamond member. No way to get a welcome drink for the two occupants of the room, and no gift as a benefit. Moreover it is the only hotel in the town that does not participate in the free breakfast at weekend benefit. Please take that into account. It is not advertised anywhere and we were told that we had to check it for ourselves on Accor website. The hotel takes a lot of advantages by using the name Mercure and attracts status members but they do not take this responsibility seriously and give the benefits as they see fit. The customer is not in a position to negotiate what benefits they want, so why is it so easy for a hotel to opt out?
4.2/569 評價
4.4/571 評價
房間中規中矩,我預訂時選了有陽台的房間。躺在床上看日落很開心。酒店的地理位置很好,對面就是馬賽火車站,大巴站和火車站緊挨着。坐大巴去巴塞隆拿非常方便。一個人旅行選擇酒店就是要安全、方便。 早餐還可以,該有的都有,甚至還有豆漿~但是吃一週相同的早餐還是有點鬱悶的 服務員都很熱情有禮貌



最低價格CAD 98
最高價格CAD 3,071
平均價格 (週末)CAD 461
平均價格 (平日)CAD 435