
4.2/5112 評價
我們慶幸選擇在這裡住了六個晚上,酒店所處位置鄰近地鐵站,方便乘地鐵到zone one各處遊玩及購物,徒步可到購物區及博物館,交通便利。環境清幽,治安良好,各式優質食店林立,晩上十時後仍有食店選擇,夜歸也不用擔心。 酒店接待處員工親切友善,早機抵達也樂意提早供應房間接待,讓旅客可提前入住,沐浴梳洗,非常貼心,提出需要也馬上回應及安排,很有效率,退房當日更讓我們延遲退房,非常體貼住客的需要。房間寬敞舒適,服務生每天殷勤清潔及添加各式飲品。餐廳早餐顯出各廚師的風格,可以吃得出他們的心思,人手沖調的飲品尤其可口。 特別要多謝幾位服務生: Alicia , Maria & Hanna, 她們每天早上都殷切款待,為我們預留最美的角落用餐,又為我們拍照留念。她們的親切笑容,讓人有回家的感覺🥰 下次到訪英倫,此酒店仍是首選😊
Hotel Indigo 倫敦 - 帕丁頓
4/5105 評價
We had a very disappointing stay at Hotel Indigo, as our room was plagued with problems that the front desk had little sympathy for and lots of excuses. Half our stay (4 out of 8 nights) we went without AC - 4 sleepless nights in a room with temperatures in the 80s. Every time we reported it to the front desk, we were given a different excuse - from “it’s a known issue”, to “the whole neighborhood block is having problems (which made zero sense as AC in every other part of the hotel), to “maintenance is looking into it”. One morning, our room lost all power, and again, after a sleepless night, we made our way to the front desk, where we were told it was a neighborhood power grid issue. I explained that made no sense, as the maid next door was vacuuming and no where else in the hotel had lost power. Thankfully maintenance came to investigate (after much arguing with the front desk) and he said the card key controller that powers the room was broken, hence no power. A whole morning was lost to this, and we missed our prepaid excursion. Another morning the safe would not open - which is a horrible feeling with all our cash and passports locked away. Again, more time wasted waiting for someone to come and fix - maintenance told us not to use as the safe was old and broken. My biggest complaint was the lack of concern and attention from the front desk. No one seemed to know or care what we were going through, and we were made to feel like a nuisance when we had serious problems with our room. Upon checkout, we were asked how our stay was. I said it was honestly very disappointing, and explained all the issues we had. The front desk replied “Oh, I’m sorry. Would you like a copy of your invoice?”. Upon our return home, I received an email from the hotel inviting me to share feedback on our stay. I documented all the above, and asked for a follow-up reply. Almost immediately after it was sent, I received a form letter reply. As a loyal IHG Gold Elite member, I purposely booked this property over Marriott Bonvoy, even though this stay cost us much more. After this unacceptable experience, I will be spending future hotel stays with Marriott Bonvoy, where I am respected as a guest.
Hotel Indigo 倫敦 - 塔山
4.4/554 評價
英式早餐不錯 酒店設施一般 和國內的英迪格不是一個檔次的 就是一個三星半的標準吧 價格真心貴 出行很方便 離倫敦塔橋很近
4.1/5132 評價
This hotel is in a great location. It is close to everything you need (restaurants, china town, shops) and the underground lines. Very impressive breakfast included in stay and awesome view from rooftop bar.


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有著兩千多年歷史的英國首都倫敦,是極具魅力的大都會。路上是保有歷史記憶的傳統建築,而巷弄間又隱藏著現代藝術、新潮時尚的精神。準備來趟倫敦旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門倫敦景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開倫敦之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往英國倫敦機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。倫敦交通非常多元化,以下的倫敦交通指南你千萬別錯過!

倫敦地鐵分九區,初訪倫敦的朋友最常前往的便是 Zone 1、2,因為知名景點大笨鐘、倫敦眼、倫敦塔橋、白金漢宮等皆集中在 Zone 1、2區。只要簡單弄懂分區,就能知道怎麼看單程票價與區域票價!入住鄰近這兩區的倫敦飯店對行程安排也會更方便!

倫敦自由行最常使用的交通卡有兩張:Oyster Card 與 Travelcard。Oyster Card 類似悠遊卡,先儲值後搭車,是倫敦自由行必備之一。Oyster Card 還有每日收費上限,在 Zone 1、Zone 1-2,Oyster Card 不分時段,每日都會有固定的收費上限;相較於 Travelcard,Oyster Card 較為划算。但若你想用特定 Travelcard 景點優惠,推薦購買特定版的七日 Travelcard,可以省下不少景點門票費用。




1. 倫敦眼

2. 大英博物館
成立於1753 年,作為世界三大博物館之一,大英博物館館藏來自世界各地的豐富藏品,喜愛歷史、參觀博物館的旅客絕對不可錯過的倫敦景點!其收藏的瑰寶足以讓人大開眼界。博物館的鎮館之寶就是紀錄三種語言版本的羅塞塔石碑 ,喜歡埃及歷史的朋友一定要來!

3. 泰晤士河


還沒安排倫敦自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的倫敦飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂倫敦住宿!
