正在查找Župnijska cerkev sv. Miklavža附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


正在尋找Župnijska cerkev sv. Miklavža附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
宜必思尚品盧布爾雅那 Fuzzy Log 飯店
4.3/517 評價
我住在一間非常舒適溫馨的吊艙室裡。這些風格的房間的價格也非常實惠。飯店位於盧布爾雅那的完美位置,位於市中心以及巴士站和火車站之間。飯店還設有一個美麗的露臺區,可欣賞周圍山脈和城市的景色。我遇到的唯一不便之處是,前兩天 WiFi 斷了,這對我來說不是什麼大問題,但對少數在那裡工作的人來說卻是個大問題。
4.3/575 評價
The rooms are independent and the ”hostel” gives a level of security. You can use the common kitchen (small fridge on each floor) which looked ok. The room was clean. The beams were beautiful but the room was tiny, there was very little space to stand in (I am 1.77). The quality of the mattress (of the single bed - which I tried) pillows and bedding was poor. For the entire time I spend there (Tue - Wed) the common toilet smelled horribly and the floor was sticky - not properly cleaned- to the point I avoided using it as much as possible. I stayed there at the end of September, I do not know how they handle it in peak season. I booked the accommodation directly from their website for 55 EUR for a night, but as I have seen the same rooms in platforms selling for 70-90 EUR per night, I had higher expectations. Due to its proximity to the center and the comparison of the cost for other accommodation, for one or max two nights its OK, but definitely not more.
4/520 評價
我們在阿斯特里亞酒店住了3晚,很喜歡。位置很好,距離火車和公共汽車站10分鐘,距離老城15分鐘。超市就在酒店附近。我們一對夫婦有一個大房間,可以容納3人。浴室把房間分成2個睡覺部分,我們有一個小廚房和一個不錯的露台。小廚房不是真的可以做飯,但是有冰箱,2個滾刀和一些東西如眼鏡,杯子...,適合喝一杯或者泡茶。一切都很乾淨。Airco工作很好。Wifi也很好。早餐很好,有雞蛋隨心所欲,酸奶,水果,奶酪,火腿...它包括一個小自助餐和餐桌服務。外面在院子裏吃很可愛。在那裏工作的人非常、非常友善和樂於助人。酒店旁邊是餐廳“Das ist Walter”,裏面有典型的盤子和不錯的啤酒。所以,如果你不喜歡晚上走得很遠,那就很容易了。我可以推薦阿斯特麗亞酒店。
4.1/57 評價
4.1/542 評價
4.5/553 評價
Overall a good stay. Nice bright modern room and hotel. But only one USB port, the beds are VERY firm, and the shower has a hand held spray which I really dislike. Also the tub is slippery and hard to get into. The elevators were quick and there were several. I would have liked to use the stairs more but while they were clean and well lit, they were confusing about where they ended up.


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