我們竭力確保顧客享受一流的服務和設施,為顧客帶來舒適的體驗。 您在整個住宿期間均可免費使用 Wi-Fi,保持即時通信。開車前來的旅客可享受免費停車。入住Modern 4-Bedroom Townhouse in Gated Community Near Leeds City Centre,無需大包小包,洗衣服務可確保您的衣服保持幹凈清新。請注意,為確保所有顧客能夠享受更新鮮的空氣,住宿內嚴禁吸菸。 每間客房均以舒適為宗旨,提供一系列設施服務,讓您享受靜謐的睡眠,同時確保您的舒適度。 部分客房提供空調或寢具用品,以確保您的舒適和便利。Modern 4-Bedroom Townhouse in Gated Community Near Leeds City Centre精心打造的客房可以提供例如獨立客廳甚至陽台或露台之類的選擇。部分客房提供室內娛樂設施,如室內視訊流媒體、每日報紙或電視供您享受。 請放心,部分客房提供沖泡咖啡或茶所需的一切器具,您不必擔心口渴問題。 值得注意的是,部分客房浴室配有浴袍、毛巾或吹風機,為您提供便利。
No bar we left our room at 09.00am came back at 16/00 Hrs and we had to go to reception and ask that our room be made up very poor.
Would not stay again, and it was not cheap at almost £200 for 2 nights
MMs.MeeraI loved staying at Quebecs, I was here for a solo trip and only stayed for one night. Its very boutique, staff at the reception were lovely and professional, explained everything that I needed to know. My room was very spacious and comfortable. Will definitely be booking here again, maybe more than one night next time!