




訪客We recently stopped at the AC Hotel by Marriot Krakow for a three-day city break. Let’s talk about the positives first… The hotel is in a great location, it is not too far from the city centre but is on the outskirts, a few minutes’ walk from a large green recreational ground which was lovely. A Bolt (Somewhat a European version of Uber) was almost instantly available at the hotel, and we never waited more than four minutes. A Bolt cab into the city was approximately £2.50 which was great too. The hotel is clearly very new, and this shows with its modern design and use of LED ***** lights which look amazing at night-time. The reception area is modern, has free coffee machines (for use between 1000 hours and 1600 hours) and has a bar within, which again, is very nice. The spa was lovely and is included within the price of the room. We visited at approximately 0900 hours, and it was very quiet which was nice, at one point, we were the only people within the spa. Though, don’t allow looks to deceive you. There were some annoyances with the AC Hotel by Marriot Krakow, and I think it is important to raise them. Firstly, the hotel is next to a building site, which is not evident from the pictures of the hotel’s website or online listings. We paid for an upgraded room with a balcony so you can imagine the disappointment when we learnt it was overlooking a very loud and dusty building site – so much so that the balcony was unusable. Secondly, the AC. (Not the name, the air conditioning!). This hotel uses the AC controls which link in with the windows and doors to prevent loss of energy, which is all well and good when it works. Ours seemed to glitch out constantly and as such locked the AC in the off position. We rung reception after spending a few hours in unbearable heat to be told that there was nobody who could help in the evenings and that they’d send someone in the morning. Fine, so we went to bed only to be woken by someone an hour later who said that they had come to look at the AC. We got up whilst the lady, what can only be described as “faffed” with the AC and then shrugged her shoulders and left – without resolving the issue. Now, if we could have opened the window, or the balcony door, to solve the issue then it wouldn’t have been as much as a big deal, yet it was a trade off between unbearable heat or construction site noise and dust. Another annoyance is when we ordered room service. We telephoned down to the bar and asked if they sold “Sauvignon Blanc”. We were told that they did and that it was however much. I asked for two bottles, and they said that they’d send someone up with it. 45-minutes later, the first waitress arrived with a trolley, an ice bucket, two wine glasses and two bottles of Chardonnay. We explained that we had ordered Sauvignon Blanc and that we would be grateful if she wouldn’t mind swapping it for the correct wine. She took the two bottles away and said that she would return. 20-minutes down the line, she r
馬里奧特AC飯店克拉特夫 洛博祖夫附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 4192
訪客The hotel was beyond expectations 5 star+ level Right in the center of the square The view is amazing The attitude is like that of kings The breakfast is wonderful We were honored at the reception with a first drink They upgraded our room to room 402 A bottle of champagne in the room 2 completely free minibars Jacuzzi in the shower-room of the year 2025 2 bathrooms For two days we felt like sons of kings And the price is really, really cheap And the payoff is above and beyond Thanks to the wonderful hotel staff The hotel was beyond expectations 5 star+ level Right in the center of the square The view is amazing The attitude is like that of kings The breakfast is wonderful We were honored at the reception with a first drink They upgraded our room to room 402 A bottle of champagne in the room 2 completely free minibars Jacuzzi in the shower-room of the year 2025 2 bathrooms For two days we felt like sons of kings And the price is really, really cheap And the payoff is above and beyond Thanks to the wonderful hotel staff The hotel was beyond expectations 5 star+ level Right in the center of the square The view is amazing The attitude is like that of kings The breakfast is wonderful We were honored at the reception with a first drink They upgraded our room to room 402 A bottle of champagne in the room 2 completely free minibars Jacuzzi in the shower-room of the year 2025 2 bathrooms For two days we felt like sons of kings And the price is really, really cheap And the payoff is above and beyond Thanks to the wonderful hotel staff המלון היה מעבר לציפיות רמת 5 כוכבים+ ממש במרכז הכיכר הנוף מדהים הגישה היא כמו של מלכים ארוחת הבוקר נפלאה קיבלנו כבוד בקבלת הפנים עם משקה ראשון הם שדרגו את החדר שלנו לחדר 402 בקבוק שמפניה בחדר 2 מיני בר בחינם לחלוטין ג'קוזי בחדר המקלחת של שנת 2025 2 חדרי רחצה במשך יומיים הרגשנו כמו בני מלכים והמחיר ממש ממש זול והתמורה היא מעל ומעבר תודה לצוות המלון הנפלא
貝特曼諾斯卡主廣場住宅飯店 - 限成人 洛博祖夫附近的飯店

貝特曼諾斯卡主廣場住宅飯店 - 限成人

每晚起價: TWD 4013
Lliamka91我和妻子在一月中旬在這家酒店/公寓住了3晚。我將從積極的方面入手。 住宿的地點是完美無瑕的,您就坐落在廣場上,周圍無數的餐館和商店被字面上包圍。晚上十點以後,酒店的客人必須使用鑰匙卡進入房屋區域,公寓樓真的很安全,這對大多數人來說可能並不重要,但我發現這是一個很大的積極意義。公寓本身令人難以置信,寬敞的空間和許多現代家具。 關於住宿,我將繼續保持負面看法-房間的隔音效果非常糟糕。我們住宿的第一夜,我們在午夜左右上床睡覺,正當我要離開的時候,我以為隔壁腳步聲大聲地進入我們的房間,我們的公寓就被打破了。第一個晚上我實際上不得不搬到客廳去睡覺,因為我無法隔壁的噪音睡覺。接下來的兩個晚上,我們被返回的鄰居吵醒了。我們很幸運,我們的鄰居是一群安靜的女士聚會,我只能想像一個大聲喧group的噩夢會給您的假期增添什麼。我無法強調噪音從公寓穿過牆壁傳播的聲音有多大,每一個腳步聲都被放大到聽起來就像他們在你的房間裡一樣。 總體而言,酒店地理位置優越,佈置精美,感覺非常安全。但是,隔音問題會使我遺憾地永遠不會回來。
市集廣場威尼斯別墅公寓飯店 洛博祖夫附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 2031
This was a unique experience to us. We stayed in room 200 which isn' a room but an apartment of 125 square meters: Two large bedrooms, a living room with a piano, a small kitchen and a huge bathroom. And all is furnished with lovely, old furniture and is nicely renovated. I guess that it used to be the old owners own home? But the apartment is on ground floor, in one direction (the bathroom) facing the hotel yard, and the other direction (the bedrooms) facing a small street. This was not a problem to us, but might be it to other guests. The staff was very friendly and helpful and the breakfast was good, but not fantastic. The hotel is very close to both the railway station and the old town.
歐洲飯店 洛博祖夫附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 2287
KKellylouisegibson從我們進入酒店到今天離開,一切都非常完美。 位置最好!一切都那麼接近! 接待處可愛的工作人員快速簽到。然後直接進入我們的房間。 我們在頂樓,房間很漂亮。 它具有您需要的一切。 。 。吹風機。 。 。洗髮水/護髮素。 。 。沐浴露。 。 。肥皂。 。 。組織等等。 每天都有新鮮的白毛巾,我們的房間絕對是我見過的最乾淨的房間。 一個可愛的工作人員在第一天晚上轉過身來,敲門說你要巧克力!我從不拒絕巧克力,那真是太可愛了。這是每天晚上的第一天,如果我們進來的話,他們會用一張晚安卡把它放在床上。 考慮周全。 床和枕頭很舒適,純白色/新鮮。 準備好大鏡子。 對於女士們,我在化妝時確實在光線下掙扎,所以我衹是在窗帘打開的窗戶上做的,這很棒。我對化妝很挑剔:-) 衣櫃中有大量存儲空間,還有一個免費保險箱。 現在進入溫泉。 。 。我能說什麼很漂亮。漂亮的大游泳池和按摩浴缸。蒸氣室和桑拿。很少有躺椅的地方。 早上,桑拿房的第一件事是小竅門,其中含有某種白蠟油,可以使您神清氣爽。如果您像我一樣早起的鳥兒。 水療中心再也一塵不染,您每天都會得到一條新鮮的毛巾! 長袍和拖鞋在抵達時就在您的房間裏。 在我去放鬆的好地方時,總是很安靜。 我們沒有在酒店吃飯,可悲的是無法推薦食物,但餐廳區再次看起來很迷人。與酒店相連的意大利人應該再美麗一點,因為我們沒有在那裡吃飯,但無數人告訴我,我無法評論。 酒店的所有工作人員都很可愛。感謝大家的友好。 另外,您的清潔工的工作也很棒! 我推薦的遊覽。 。 。 奧斯威辛集中營 鹽礦 越野車之旅 伏特加夜遊 看到瑪麗街的大教堂 廣場布藝大廳下的博物館對我們來說有點無聊。我愛我的伴侶沒有歷史,但即使我發現其中的一部分也很無聊。 我們還被告知去做一個徒步旅行,大多數都是免費的,但是我們不能完全適合。但是,強烈建議您在第一天就去其中一個旅行,以使您知道去哪裡。 無論如何,我要做的就是在這家酒店住宿,我是環遊世界的豪華旅行者,這必須是我住過的前三名!
克拉特夫老城區溫德姆大飯店 洛博祖夫附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 7122
我們選擇這家酒店只是因爲離ICE Krakow很近,我們即將參加音樂會的場地。房間很基本,在小的一面,但除了冰箱,它有你需要的一切。只有兩個枕頭和兩個大毛巾...牀比較硬,但是,有些怎麼樣,挺舒服的。可以步行到瓦維爾城堡(就在河對面),老城區,卡齊米日,斯特拉多姆,電車站離酒店很近。是探索城市的很好的基地,即使火車站也在步行距離內,如果計劃一日遊出城。對我們來說,從南方來,開車很容易到達。停車是45PLN/night,但空間有限。我看到周圍有很多付費的公共停車場。
克拉特夫中心民宿飯店 洛博祖夫附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 1631
維斯潘斯基飯店 洛博祖夫附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 1631
訪客Excellent location staff wonderfully friendly, although nobody appeared to know what a poached egg was as I tried to order for breakfast. Rooms nice, clean & spacious. Bad points aircon aweful very big and noisy and does not push out cold air this time of year room was very hot. Big shower but water pressure low. Tv very old does not have casting to watch your countries programmes (from your phone/device) so only Polish TV available. Overall good value for money.
瑟斯亞飯店 洛博祖夫附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 1442
德科飯店 洛博祖夫附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 467
精品克拉特夫飯店 洛博祖夫附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 2000


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