正在查找Fat Brother附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Fat Brother附近的熱門飯店


4.5/51341 評價


吉隆坡|距離Fat Brother0.41km
服務/精選俱樂部福利: 服務是唯一不太滿意的地方。特地多花錢定了俱樂部房型,結果衹想享受到兩項福利—lounge和延遲退房。Lounge挺寬敞安靜,但是沒啥吃的東西,衹有紅絲絨蛋糕、茶水咖啡和簡單的飲料。延遲退房,頁面上説是可以兩點退,但衹讓我延遲了一個小時。其他的福利比如雞尾酒和免費洗衣都沒有享受到。2杯免費雞尾酒衹在5-7點提供,我10點才check in(這裡是希望前台可以免費提供我一杯的,但是並沒有,可見主動服務的意識淡薄)。問了前台,洗衣至少需要24小時的時間才能洗完送回,所以衹住一晚的親們,不用考慮這個福利啦。攜程應該要在頁面上把這個洗衣時間標註出來,不然感覺被忽悠了。所以多花了一兩百塊,衹用了俱樂部和延遲退房,感覺很不值得。大家不要花這個冤枉錢了。另外,房內Mini bar的東西竟然不免費,連價格表也無,而且也沒有標出需收費,這點體驗不好。 設施:剛裝修不久,設施較新。五星酒店,健身房泳池啥的,該有的都有,餐廳還有兩個。早餐不錯,品類多。房間內是凈化的直飲水,不是瓶裝水,這點很好,水不僅隨便喝,還環保。 衞生:可以,沒發現不乾淨的地方。 環境:環境不錯,地理位置很棒,離武極免登商圈步行5分鐘。 另外,酒店入住率不錯,前台一直有排隊check in的,導致有什麼事需要找前台快速問下的時候,都要排隊,這點體驗也不好。





4.2/599 評價


吉隆坡|距離Fat Brother0.07km
A budget 'boutique' hotel a couple of minutes walk from Jalan Alor food Street and the bars of Bukit Bintang? A trendy hotel stay for little more than £20, the price of 2 pints of beer in the surrounding area!? Can that be possible? Well, yes, just about. The hotel is tucked away in a side street behind the food street and a strip of massage shops- when walking here you'll run the gauntlet of 30 kids per shop trying to encourage you to take an overpriced massage. The street is urban gritty but funky- all the buildings are painted in street art, including the Melange hotel which has a cute kitten peering into its windows. It's a thin, six storey block with glass frontage. After an elaborate check-in process and the usual addition of mysterious extra taxes you always get in Malaysia, we were assigned a room on the 5th floor. The impression I got having checked out all the floors is that floors 1 and 2 (shiney wood panelled corridor) and 3 and 4 (swishy curtain covered corridors) are probably better standard than floors 5 and 6 (painted corridors slightly stained carpets). However our room was okay- fridge, big TV, a/c, large comfy bed, good sized bathroom with separate shower room and the best shower we had on this 5 week trip. The room had a window with views of the city skyline over the rooftops and the scruffy tenement building in front. I enjoyed watching KL's infamous rats make their way up the side of the building and in through people's windows. Our room seemed clean enough but it was let down by easily fixable things like staining on the funky white bed headboard which could have been deceased insects or even nasal debris and unmistakably a greasy head print. There were certainly 'boutique' elements such as the storks painted on the ceiling and unusual wire bedside lights, which I think were once insects but have now lost their wings, but then the whole thing was let down by little things like the key card only working on the 10th attempt. We slept well though- the bed was comfy and the room quiet, although the window didn't close properly which allowed more noise in than it would have if it closed. Staff were efficient and spoke okay English. The rooftop bar/ restaurant looked nothing like the photos shown on here. There was no one in when I called, just 2 teen staff watching cartoons on TV. It's a good view from the balcony but you can only access this when the bar is open and it closes early afternoon. With a little investment to tidy up small defects this could be a really nice hotel. However, I guess the conundrum for the owners is that to invest more may mean pushing the room cost up and I'm not sure mid range travellers would appreciate the 'gritty' city surroundings. As it is, it's a perfectly good budget option in a very convenient location.



正在尋找Fat Brother附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4/54 評價
OYO 321 戴樂岡特飯店
3.2/510 評價
碼頭飯店Bukit Bintang
3.5/5154 評價
Penginapan selama 7 hari di hotel ini sangat membahagiakan saya. Hotel yang sangat selesa kerana biliknya yang bersih dan kemas. Keselamatan juga terjamin, staff hotel yang peramah. Kedudukan hotel di jalan alor, memudahkan saya untuk mencari makanan kegemaran saya. Pastinya saya akan menginap di hotel ini pada masa akan datang
OYO 90121 夏日之家咖啡民宿
4.5/53 評價
位置好,酒店乾淨,但是停車很難找到,但是可以理解,因爲它是Bukit Bintang反正😅員工的服務很棒。強烈推薦👍🏻請大家不要猶豫住在這裏!
OYO 90138 吉隆坡市艾爾瓦達飯店
2.6/592 評價
4.2/599 評價
A budget 'boutique' hotel a couple of minutes walk from Jalan Alor food Street and the bars of Bukit Bintang? A trendy hotel stay for little more than £20, the price of 2 pints of beer in the surrounding area!? Can that be possible? Well, yes, just about. The hotel is tucked away in a side street behind the food street and a strip of massage shops- when walking here you'll run the gauntlet of 30 kids per shop trying to encourage you to take an overpriced massage. The street is urban gritty but funky- all the buildings are painted in street art, including the Melange hotel which has a cute kitten peering into its windows. It's a thin, six storey block with glass frontage. After an elaborate check-in process and the usual addition of mysterious extra taxes you always get in Malaysia, we were assigned a room on the 5th floor. The impression I got having checked out all the floors is that floors 1 and 2 (shiney wood panelled corridor) and 3 and 4 (swishy curtain covered corridors) are probably better standard than floors 5 and 6 (painted corridors slightly stained carpets). However our room was okay- fridge, big TV, a/c, large comfy bed, good sized bathroom with separate shower room and the best shower we had on this 5 week trip. The room had a window with views of the city skyline over the rooftops and the scruffy tenement building in front. I enjoyed watching KL's infamous rats make their way up the side of the building and in through people's windows. Our room seemed clean enough but it was let down by easily fixable things like staining on the funky white bed headboard which could have been deceased insects or even nasal debris and unmistakably a greasy head print. There were certainly 'boutique' elements such as the storks painted on the ceiling and unusual wire bedside lights, which I think were once insects but have now lost their wings, but then the whole thing was let down by little things like the key card only working on the 10th attempt. We slept well though- the bed was comfy and the room quiet, although the window didn't close properly which allowed more noise in than it would have if it closed. Staff were efficient and spoke okay English. The rooftop bar/ restaurant looked nothing like the photos shown on here. There was no one in when I called, just 2 teen staff watching cartoons on TV. It's a good view from the balcony but you can only access this when the bar is open and it closes early afternoon. With a little investment to tidy up small defects this could be a really nice hotel. However, I guess the conundrum for the owners is that to invest more may mean pushing the room cost up and I'm not sure mid range travellers would appreciate the 'gritty' city surroundings. As it is, it's a perfectly good budget option in a very convenient location.


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到吉隆坡旅遊,一定必備一張 myrapid 交通卡,類似台灣的悠遊卡,可以搭乘除了機場快線之外的所有吉隆坡大眾交通工具,包含單軌列車、輕快鐵、地鐵、火車。myrapid 交通卡可以在各大車站的櫃檯購買。


吉隆坡因位處赤道附近,終年炎熱多雨,全年各月均溫皆約為攝氏 27 度左右。一年有兩次明顯雨季,一次為春季(3 到 5 月間)、一次為秋季(9 到 11 月間),多半以午後強降雨形式出現。不過也不用太擔心,吉隆坡的雨來得快也去得快,春、秋兩季上午雖熱,但幾乎每日午後都有一場驟雨,雨後天氣轉涼,故有「四季是夏,一雨成秋」的說法。




雙子塔是馬來西亞最知名的國際地標,也是目前世界上最高的雙棟大樓。雙子塔內有購物商場 Suria KLCC 以及擁有超過 150 種海洋生物的大型水族館,在水族館中,旅客可以悠遊在亞洲熱帶水域中,穿梭迷樣的熱帶雨林,探索神秘的的海洋世界。雙子塔可說是一個適合男女老少的、全家大小的景點。


形成時間已有數億年的黑風洞,最早為馬來西亞原住民居住的地方,1900 年代在這裡興建了神像之後,黑風洞逐漸成為印度教海外的聖地。在黑風洞內,有世界最高的室內佛陀神像以及神聖的印度教神龕,獨特的石灰岩自然景觀以及宗教建築神像,都為黑風洞籠上一層神秘面紗,讓旅客爭相前往朝拜。在黑風洞的階梯上,隨處可見不怕生的猴子,這些猴子好似黑風洞的山中大王,常常會上演與旅客搶食的搞笑戲碼。




吉隆坡大華飯店 - 傲途格精選飯店(The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Autograph Collection)

吉隆坡大華飯店 - 傲途格精選飯店可說是吉隆坡 CP 值最高的吉隆坡住宿,不僅提供良好的服務,設備也非常的齊全完善。吉隆坡大華飯店 - 傲途格精選飯店位處交通便利地帶,不論旅客想前往哪裡都非常的方便。飯店內還設有兩個游泳池,兼顧了旅客在吉隆坡住宿內休閒娛樂的需求。

吉隆坡維雅飯店(VE Hotel & Residence Kuala Lumpur)

設計氣勢非凡的吉隆坡住宿 - 吉隆坡維雅飯店,飯店周圍擁有良好的生活機能,步行即可抵達美食中心、超級市場以及星巴克等等店家。飯店內設有酒吧、游泳池、健身房等休閒設施。此外吉隆坡維雅飯店提供旅客多樣的美味早餐選擇,讓不同的旅客,都能有滿意的選擇。

吉隆坡帝苑飯店(Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur)

坐擁優越地理位址的吉隆坡住宿 - 吉隆坡帝苑飯店,交通便利,對面就是柏威年廣場;想要抵達雙子塔也只需要 15 分鐘的步行路程;附近的巴士站,可以前往茨廠街中國城或是中央車站,非常方便。對於喜歡小酌的旅客而言,在吉隆坡帝苑飯店後方就有酒吧街以及大排檔,非常熱鬧。







位於蘇丹街上的南香飯店,店裡招牌海南雞飯是超人氣美食。不同於海南雞飯發源地 - 中國海南省,南香飯店的海南雞飯會將雞肉和白飯分開擺放,因此不僅可以分別品嘗兩種不同的滋味,也可以混著搭配,又是另一種不一樣的口感。南香飯店的雞肉爽口多汁,饕客還可以依照自己的喜好調味不同的醬汁,從辣椒醬、生薑到陳年醬油都有提供,不同的醬汁與雞肉相互交織,蹦出不同的味道,滿足所有味蕾。
