正在查找Dabizha Monkey Park附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Dabizha Monkey Park附近的熱門飯店




4.2/572 評價


羅達拉木灣 皮皮島|距離Dabizha Monkey Park0.61km
A fantastic little resort where every room is a detached chalet set in palms and green foliage. At night spot lights add to the magical feel of the place. The room is a little on the small side but the beds are very comfortable and the bathroom is modern. However... the walls are paper thin and although being detached, you cloud clearly hear the guests next door. The pool area was perfect. The relaxing atmosphere encouraged you to make the list of the swim up bar and the pool food service. The view out to sea was pretty spectacular too. The hotel is situated a few minutes walk from the main part of the island where you can eat and drink at so many places. Everything was idyllic until the clock struck 8pm! Then you are bombarded with the loudest club music you could ever imagine. This lasts every night until 2am. Why the island can't stop this, I haven't a clue but it certainly spoiled the holiday for us. We were so shocked in the first night, with the windows of our hut literally vibrating that we rebooked our original hotel back on the mainland as we just couldn't bear the noise. However the next day was our first full day at the resort. That was so relaxing and enjoyable, that we decided to bear with the loud music for the next two nights. The reception staff were not that cheerful which was a shame. And we had issues with the aircon and the fridge which was warm. This wasn't really fixed even though we asked and we were charged for ice too which again was a little rich! Would we go back? No. But it was a nice place to stay for a few days up until 8pm!
4.3/589 評價


通賽灣 皮皮島|距離Dabizha Monkey Park0.89km
這真的會傷害我愛Phi Phi和泰國人民,我覺得我應該“背上”並提供良好的評論。不幸的是,旅行者需要知道他們獲得的$$是什麼,所以我必須在這裏100%誠實。希望我的誠實會被視爲建設性,激勵酒店管理層改進Cabana。總的來說,我們給了酒店3/5,但真的應該是2.5 -Gr8熱情,樂於助人,友好的工作人員:) -很棒的AC :) -每天更換乾淨的linnen -配有免費瓶裝水的冰箱 -酒店和房間都很累,需要雙劑量紅牛:( -有史以來最硬的牀,認真:( -浴室非常黑暗,非常基本:( -INSANE深夜重症重症低音來自一個neigbouring酒吧。我對Cabana酒店管理層感到非常抱歉,因爲他們無法控制這個問題。沉重的低音來自海灘下瘋狂的酒吧,但聲音在海灘上傳播感覺就像它在大樓裏。他們說他們試圖與酒吧老闆交談,但沒有什麼變化。它持續到凌晨3點,所以如果你受到深夜噪音的影響,這可能不適合你。-很棒的中心位置,一切都很好 -設備齊全的健身房,如果這是你的事 -Gr8家庭友好游泳池,有各種深度 -Gr8早餐:))LongTAIL船租:)在長尾船上的最佳體驗,聯繫我們僱用了3天的司機。他的名字叫鄧,在麥當勞周圍掛着滿臉笑容,他有一艘裝備良好的船,他是一個非常善良體貼的人。他兩次帶我們到PP Le,我們設法和他一起看到鯊魚和其他外海魚,他居然和我們一起潛入水中,給我們看一些特殊的地方看特殊魚,6小時行程收費3500B(好像是標準價)



正在尋找Dabizha Monkey Park附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.1/551 評價
糟糕的酒店。位置看起來不錯,因為它非常靠近商店和餐廳所在的中心,但事實是這是一個糟糕的位置。當經過一個非常漂亮和乾淨的接待處時,他們告訴你必須退出並穿過一條小巷才能進入酒店。它的維護極差,在整理和清潔方面有許多缺陷。它看起來更像是旅館而不是旅館。平房本應是比較保留的住宿場所,但你會聽到其他平房傳來的噪音。你所看到的到處都是灰塵和破碎的東西。房間裡有一台空調,但好像根本沒有,因為它不工作。我們把它放在 16⁰ C 上,感覺就像只是一個風扇。我們在酒店待了 2 個小時,由於所有這些缺陷,我們寧願退房。最後,我們要求退房並要求退款我們未使用的剩餘住宿。我們沒有得到退款,因為儘管顯示它與廣告中的內容有多麼不同,但接待員告訴我們他們不提供任何類型的退款。這類飯店只是為了欺騙不了解該地區的遊客,並為一間不值其實際價值1%的飯店支付相當大的費用。我們感到被欺騙和被搶劫。
4.3/5114 評價
酒店會在碼頭舉牌接人 到通塞碼頭后找酒店英文名字就可以 有推車接 行李和小朋友都可以坐推車 服務到位 離碼頭稍遠 在皮皮島的最西邊 入住辦理熱情耐心 房間很大 泳池很漂亮 早餐東西不是很多 吃飽沒問題 畢竟是島上 不可能很豪華 但乾淨衛生 已經很滿意啦 出門就是沙灘 浮潛魚很多 奈斯
4/536 評價
4.2/572 評價
A fantastic little resort where every room is a detached chalet set in palms and green foliage. At night spot lights add to the magical feel of the place. The room is a little on the small side but the beds are very comfortable and the bathroom is modern. However... the walls are paper thin and although being detached, you cloud clearly hear the guests next door. The pool area was perfect. The relaxing atmosphere encouraged you to make the list of the swim up bar and the pool food service. The view out to sea was pretty spectacular too. The hotel is situated a few minutes walk from the main part of the island where you can eat and drink at so many places. Everything was idyllic until the clock struck 8pm! Then you are bombarded with the loudest club music you could ever imagine. This lasts every night until 2am. Why the island can't stop this, I haven't a clue but it certainly spoiled the holiday for us. We were so shocked in the first night, with the windows of our hut literally vibrating that we rebooked our original hotel back on the mainland as we just couldn't bear the noise. However the next day was our first full day at the resort. That was so relaxing and enjoyable, that we decided to bear with the loud music for the next two nights. The reception staff were not that cheerful which was a shame. And we had issues with the aircon and the fridge which was warm. This wasn't really fixed even though we asked and we were charged for ice too which again was a little rich! Would we go back? No. But it was a nice place to stay for a few days up until 8pm!
3.4/543 評價
3.8/524 評價
Très satisfait de l'environnement. Les gens sont très gentils. Et tout est accessible autour.


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