正在查找The Elephant Gate附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在The Elephant Gate附近的熱門飯店


4.7/5139 評價


蘇美島|距離The Elephant Gate1.16km
My daughter wanted to go somewhere really special to celebrate her 30th birthday and was interested in going to Thailand. Then she saw some photos of this hotel and it’s amazing views. After reading the reviews the decision was made. We were so excited and so hoped it would live up to everything we dreamed of. We had chosen a private pool villa and it was THE most amazing room with a private pool and outside jacuzzi in a beautiful garden. We felt like we were living in a dream. The big round inside jacuzzi bath in our bathroom was huge. On her birthday I had decorated our room and the staff matched the colours with petals on the bed and two cakes. One was made from towels the other was a delicious white chocolate one! The room was behind the main beach pool so we would get a buggy up to the lounge but we always chose to walk down the big hanging bridges back to the room. The views were stunning and the bridges and stairs looked so pretty lit up at night. We both visited the spa for treatments on her birthday which were very nice. We wanted to go to an ethical elephant sanctuary whilst in Thailand and the concierge booked us to go to Samui Elephant Kingdom. This was just a short drive from the hotel and was one of the high lights of our trip. It was a wonderful experience and we would definitely recommend it. The club lounge was where we had our daily afternoon tea and evening drinks and canapés. The club staff were great they got to know us and knew my daughter liked the duck spring rolls. To her surprise they brought out two on a plate with candles in on her birthday whilst singing “happy birthday“. It’s the little things that make it perfect. I would like to thank you all for everything. I can only remember a few names, Lisa, Knowfang, Meen, Markey but you were all great. A special thank you goes to Dow. You were amazing, kind, professional, friendly and very helpful especially when the air con needed attention. I can’t thank you enough. I had wished we got to see you before we left to say it personally but it was your day off. All the staff from management to ground staff were professional, friendly, polite and always had a smile on their faces. The service was excellent. The hotel app was great. If you wanted anything you just sent a message and the response was immediate. We wanted different pillows they were there in 5 minutes. We asked for sun loungers for our garden again there in a few minutes. We had a problem with the air con and immediately the engineers came. I have never stayed anywhere with such great service. This hotel not only lived up to expectations it surpassed them. It really was like living in a dream. Thank you to all the staff for making this the perfect holiday. We will most definitely be back.



岬角別墅 1 號

岬角別墅 1 號

蘇美島|距離The Elephant Gate1.2km
簡潔的線條、現代的風格、現代簡約的裝飾和中性色調都是您所期待的來自  Headland  Villa  1。  作為位於蘇梅島西海岸的⼀處私人岬⻆房產,這座華麗的拉爾夫·勞倫  (Ralph  Lauren)  風格的建築,兩臥室山坡度假勝地鬱鬱蔥蔥、通風良好且寧靜。不僅可以看到海景和⽇落令人驚歎的  180  度全景,更有別墅的簡約和自然的交織。周圍的環境提供了⼀個安靜的隱居環境,簡直就是呼吸新鮮空氣。穿過別墅的入口,你會看到翠綠的植被和時尚的10m地下游泳池,通向別墅到主人套房,從前露台通向後花園。鏡像主人套房是⼀個相鄰的第二間臥室配有兩張單人床,兩張床均通向寬敞的共⽤空間露台和無與倫比的海景。⼀條小通道將帶連接浴室的臥室與開放的臥室隔開,規劃起居/⽤餐/廚房區和客⽤浴室,以及通往夾層休息室的樓梯。休息室和起居區均提供靈活的空間,配有⽩色木製高天花板和摺疊式,玻璃門將戶外空間帶入室內,通向點綴著三個空間的大型戶外露台不同的休閒⻆落,非常適合娛樂或放鬆。Headland  Villa  1  提供簡約的自然環境、前沿的現代風格、現代奢華和精美的裝飾。這是⼀棟私人專屬別墅,為您帶來真正難忘的體驗,特別是對於在僻靜的環境中尋求多功能私人舒適的高端度假者岬⻆別墅莊園位於蘇梅島班達林⽢洲際度假村附近,設有海濱餐廳以及⽔上運動。夏季潮汐現象使海⽔從海灘線退縮至  100  米。
岬角別墅 3 號

岬角別墅 3 號

蘇美島|距離The Elephant Gate1.2km
您可能需要掐一下自⼰才能相信,但 Headlands Villa 3 ⼏乎就是一個您會發現夢想的假期。作為 Headland Villas Estate 的五棟經濟實惠的豪華別墅之一,這座別墅位於蘇梅島西海岸,擁有整個莊園中最寬的臨街麵,更好充分利用其岬⻆位置所提供的令人驚歎的海景。從它引人注⽬的⼊口到其 180 度的碧綠海洋景觀以及著名的五島星羅棋佈,您可以確保你周圍都是好的。這棟別墅既親密⼜令人印象深刻兩間帶連接浴室的臥室最多可容納 8 位顧客⼊住,並且可以選擇將空間轉換為夾層⾄第三間帶連接浴室的臥室。所有客房均採用簡約設計,但質樸、舒適和中性的感覺。由兩個佈置精美的展館組成,一個展館設有兩個相互連接的臥室非常適合家庭。主臥室設有一張特大號床,並配有一張連接浴室設有步⼊式淋浴區,而相鄰的第二間臥室則配有兩張單人床,配有額外的內置上鋪,使房間最多可容納四位顧客(2 名成人和 2 名顧客)孩子們)。第二個展館擁有一個大型開放式起居和用餐區,配有一個設備齊全的廚房和摺疊式玻璃⻔體現了熱帶室內/室外理念。樓上的夾層是電視間,可以輕鬆轉換成第三個雙人間,臥室配有兩張單人床、沙發床和遮光窗簾,並配有設施齊全的連接淋浴間。室外空間則設有11.6m的⽆邊際泳池,非常適合欣賞美麗的風景,適合孩子們的淺槳部分,甚⾄是戶外電影休息室內設有大型下拉屏幕和電影系統,可提供多種選擇。你還能要求什麼?岬⻆別墅莊園位於蘇梅島班達林甘洲際度假村附近,設有海濱餐廳以及水上運動。共享⽩⾊沙灘。蘇梅島班達林甘洲際度假村可通過私人樓梯抵達。夏天潮汐現象使海水從海灘線退縮⾄100公尺。



正在尋找The Elephant Gate附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.1/517 評價
我有機會從6年回來蘇梅島。島上仍然安靜,甚至很多酒吧和餐館開始開放,旺季到來。Am Samui度假村在自然,平靜,桃子方面,新冠病毒19前後沒有任何變化,現在由Leo先生領導的新團隊管理將服務標準提高爲5星級。餐廳就在我逗留期間的海灘上,有浪漫的婚禮派對。房間在10月合理,都是冰蘭,景觀地面整潔綠色。海灘每天都照顧好。感謝Leo和團隊的照顧。我強烈推薦Am Samui Resort給大家。
4.2/51 評價
不錯的交易。美麗的設施。早餐好。我們選擇了這家酒店,因爲我們晚上到達港口,他們來找我們,第二天他們帶我們去了我們所擁有的另一家酒店(這條路付費 )。我們選擇了,因爲我們只是在那邊睡覺,但是村看起來很漂亮。游泳池也很漂亮,在所有村中間。附近沒有很少的環境,就是放鬆。早餐在酒店前面,有7種不同的品種,不是一個自助餐,行李被打破了,老闆幫我們修理了。¡ 非常推!
3.2/50 評價
4.8/541 評價
酒店後院出去就是私人海灘,沒什麼人而且視野特別開闊,景色非常美,天氣好的話可以看到很美的夕陽景觀,但是日出的話因為方向相反看不到😂 酒店出門左拐就是一家性價比很高的傳統泰式餐館,還是房東推薦的,味道很好價錢也不貴,店裡還有貓可以擼哦!房東人特別特別好,入住的時候會很熱情的介紹吃住以及周邊的情況,房間也很好,院子裏有私人泳池,雖然離蘇梅島商圈很遠但是很安靜,需要的周邊基本都有,很適合度假。
4.7/5139 評價
My daughter wanted to go somewhere really special to celebrate her 30th birthday and was interested in going to Thailand. Then she saw some photos of this hotel and it’s amazing views. After reading the reviews the decision was made. We were so excited and so hoped it would live up to everything we dreamed of. We had chosen a private pool villa and it was THE most amazing room with a private pool and outside jacuzzi in a beautiful garden. We felt like we were living in a dream. The big round inside jacuzzi bath in our bathroom was huge. On her birthday I had decorated our room and the staff matched the colours with petals on the bed and two cakes. One was made from towels the other was a delicious white chocolate one! The room was behind the main beach pool so we would get a buggy up to the lounge but we always chose to walk down the big hanging bridges back to the room. The views were stunning and the bridges and stairs looked so pretty lit up at night. We both visited the spa for treatments on her birthday which were very nice. We wanted to go to an ethical elephant sanctuary whilst in Thailand and the concierge booked us to go to Samui Elephant Kingdom. This was just a short drive from the hotel and was one of the high lights of our trip. It was a wonderful experience and we would definitely recommend it. The club lounge was where we had our daily afternoon tea and evening drinks and canapés. The club staff were great they got to know us and knew my daughter liked the duck spring rolls. To her surprise they brought out two on a plate with candles in on her birthday whilst singing “happy birthday“. It’s the little things that make it perfect. I would like to thank you all for everything. I can only remember a few names, Lisa, Knowfang, Meen, Markey but you were all great. A special thank you goes to Dow. You were amazing, kind, professional, friendly and very helpful especially when the air con needed attention. I can’t thank you enough. I had wished we got to see you before we left to say it personally but it was your day off. All the staff from management to ground staff were professional, friendly, polite and always had a smile on their faces. The service was excellent. The hotel app was great. If you wanted anything you just sent a message and the response was immediate. We wanted different pillows they were there in 5 minutes. We asked for sun loungers for our garden again there in a few minutes. We had a problem with the air con and immediately the engineers came. I have never stayed anywhere with such great service. This hotel not only lived up to expectations it surpassed them. It really was like living in a dream. Thank you to all the staff for making this the perfect holiday. We will most definitely be back.
4.6/53 評價
L'accueil a été très chaleureux. Le personnel est très serviable et gentil. Le service à la réception et au restaurant sont très bien, sans doute aussi grace au directeur. J'ai beaucoup apprécie la grande piscine, à part la mer, pour nager des longueurs. Magnifique!
