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探索我們在Country Road International Suit附近的熱門飯店


4.5/5102 評價


查汶海灘 蘇美島|距離Country Road International Suit0.65km
網紅酒店,離機場非常近,房間不大,私人泳池和海景都很推薦。入住時給我的是圖4的房間,還好口語湊合,立刻要求換房,並強調我定的是海景房不是房頂景。工作人員也早有準備,帶我去了另外一間,依舊不是很滿意,拉扯一番,同意第二天給換,我指着門後的房間地圖説,明天換可以,但我衹要中間這幾間正對泳池的房間。最終第二天成功換房。 查汶的這幾家酒店都是被馬路分為兩部分,推薦住大海這邊。沙灘很細,海上娛樂項目都是免費的。沙灘這側的酒店有1個大泳池和一個迷你泳池。為了美觀泳池不讓使用自己的泳圈,小朋友也不行,衹能使用酒店的黃色泳圈。泳池挺深的,最深的地方有1.7米。 早餐是自助加點餐形式,不算豐盛,長者、孩子愛吃的麪條衹有周日有,菜單見圖5,點餐的形式就是因為菜品會比較漂亮,拍照好看。確實在餐廳看到好幾個博主一直在各種角度拍拍拍。 服務真的很難評,早餐餐廳有個中年服務員態度非常差,前台的工作人員經常愛答不理。但又有幾位工作人員非常優秀,Yan能很快記住我們的房間和我喜歡的咖啡口味,Nat很努力的用中文和我媽媽交流,前台的Top拍照技術一流…… 地理位置見仁見智,酒店門口有小超市,離查汶最熱鬧的地方要走10分鐘左右的樣子,如果喜歡熱鬧的小夥伴,可能麗晶酒店更合適一些。 感覺網上的評論有一部分是請人寫的,沒有説得那麼優秀。整體感覺下來:房間很推薦,服務良莠不齊,早餐有點兒一般,公區很漂亮,泳池有點兒少,沙灘細軟,海面平靜,SPA有點兒貴。



3.9/544 評價


查汶海灘 蘇美島|距離Country Road International Suit0.04km


現在泰國已經對中國不友好了!都是坑 沒有支付寶支付,沒有銀聯 這個服務3分我不是給酒店的,泰國對中國人的服務差是給這個酒店對麪旅行社坑錢!見圖1 酒店對麪有過旅遊代理,裏面是一個老外Boss帶着泰國妞,這個年輕泰國女的真的很過分,定好去機場,結果因為我老公吃壞肚子上個廁所,晚出來10分鐘,司機走掉了居然沒等我們!我們之前等別人呢?酒店前台說司機會回來。 我電話她,她居然說再重新付1700泰銖就因為我遲到!我們下午四點飛機,一大清早起來收拾吃早餐,包車去的萬倫機場,居然不等我們! 我讓她退錢!她也不肯! 後來我沒辦法衹能定蘇梅島到曼谷直飛還是滿員,後來衹能泰囧了包車5000去的萬倫,後來浪費了差不多3000人民幣才到!我氣急了! 一定會發視頻到Ti K T OK 讓大家好好看看泰國旅遊那麼噁心🤢專坑中國人,其實其他泰國辛苦工作人員蠻善良的,我來了7次泰國,這次最失望! 說說;沒有中文服務!泰國人英語都很不好!我英語六級都要想想他們的語調很奇怪,但他們能聽懂,不要快衹要單詞。 酒店環境很好,市中心最好了,旁邊是Akrbar酒吧有點吵,但是酒店300米走走就好了!前麪轉彎就是200泰銖借車,舊的150泰🐷,很良心,酒店收費300 這次我真的浪費了將近4000人民幣的機票錢。氣死我了!衹是因為司機沒等我
3.9/561 評價


查汶海灘 蘇美島|距離Country Road International Suit0.05km


Came to our room to find things sifted through and items missing from our suitcases. Told night time staff, he said to return in the morning, in the morning she told us she will check and let us know, about 4:30h later we went and asked what happened and if they checked footage, she claimed she didn't have time to call us and she showed us a few seconds of a person leaving and said see they didn't take anything. We asked to see the full footage. On footage, the housekeeper was in our room for 30 minutes, yet nothing was replenished except towels changed, room was not cleaned as seen in pictures. Manager said it takes them 15 -20 minutes to clean a room and change everything, she was there for over 30 and didn't do any housekeeping, no cleaning, no new sheets. She also hid a large bag by the door, partially seeb, previous housekeepers left everything by the stairs and had cleaning products , this one didn't. Only 1 tiny bottle. When we asked them about the duration of her stay in the room given the fact nothing was actually done, They had no explanation for that. Both our suitcases and nicely folded H & M bag were sifted through. We came for our honeymoon, and it is our 9th hotel in Thailand. Its an absolutely shocking and frustrating experience. We asked to cancel the rest of the stay as we wanted to leave. Manager Grace Lwin first said they will refund, than returned and said that they can't refund , that I have to contact Expedia. Expedia was waiting on approval of the booking management. Due to the lack of care we decided to involve tourist police. What an awful experience to have. No one should be looking through your things at a hotel room, it's a violation of privacy and trust. Hotel safety is a priority and this hotel doesn't have it. Update: Booking manager Grace Lwin told us she wants to come to the room to look through our things because she said she wants ”to check if you lie”. What?? We showed her. If you check our room, you should check your employees house too but of course they only checked us! We started recording everything on our camera as we couldn't believe what was happening. We found a different hotel and checked out early. On top of everything, Its the only hotel out of now 10 hotels we have been to in Thailand where the lock to the room doors doesn't work, you can't lock from inside, and the room itself is in bad shape.
4.2/546 評價


查汶海灘 蘇美島|距離Country Road International Suit0.11km
Liked · I have some very mixed emotions about this hotel. Staff were absolutely amazing. The girls were great (however we are slightly biased, as we did not meet one Thai person that was not pleasant to us, where ever we went). The Airport is not far from Chaweng town, and you could negotiate with a taxi driver or tuktuk driver outside the airport-arrivals, and you should only pay up to 400B for up to 4 people. We pre-booked our collection but that was unnecessary. And it cost us slightly more. If we are there for partying and shopping, this would be a prime location, unfortunately we weren’t. The room was a great size. Kettle, tea and coffee. Included. We thought it was good value for money when we booked. Breakfast was included, which is great. [Basic buffet breakfast, you wouldn’t gorge in it (although some people did!), and it gets a coffee and toast or croissant into you before starting your day!] We underestimated the location, and being in the heart of the party scene was not for us! If you were in your 20’s and 30’s (without kids) and planning on staying up all night and sleeping all day, it’d be amazing. Disliked · Room was big and spacious…HOWEVER, although it was kept clean (cleaning lady was a lovely woman), the toilet, sink and taps are all stained, permanently stained, so they all look dirty. If I was in my partying-20’s I probably wouldn’t have even noticed, but it was disgusting. Brushing your teeth and looking at a stained sink and taps, showering looking at a stained glass partition, no thanks. When arriving, I took off my sliders and put on a pair of white socks while in the room. The socks came off and went straight into the bin. I wouldn’t put them back into my case because they were filthy. The breakfast as mentioned was sufficient, except the girls who worked the buffet, didn’t have great English, and the language shouldn’t be a barrier here! I only had coffee and toast, but because it was my first time there, I couldn’t find a knife, so I had to ask. The girl had no idea what I wanted, so she got someone else, and then a third girl was introduced to the conversation. Eventually I picked up a fork, and done a knife and fork gesture, and all three understood at the same time. None of it was their fault or even that frustrating for me, but this is an area that the language barrier should not be an issue. 20 metres outside the door you hit shops and you are on the Main Street in 2 minutes from the hotel. We’re in our 40’s now, a bit less hectic suits us better, so this location didn’t suit us. SMOKING - when booking this hotel, there was no mention that it does not permit smoking on their balconies*. I 100% agree with non-smoking rooms. We were on the first floor, unable to smoke, even on our balcony, BUT, underneath us (in the swim-up pool room’s), they were smoking cigs and ****, all good, except the smoke and smell was rising into our room. I came out of the bathroom and our room smelt of ****. IT MAKES NO



正在尋找Country Road International Suit附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.2/526 評價
3.9/517 評價
3.9/544 評價
現在泰國已經對中國不友好了!都是坑 沒有支付寶支付,沒有銀聯 這個服務3分我不是給酒店的,泰國對中國人的服務差是給這個酒店對麪旅行社坑錢!見圖1 酒店對麪有過旅遊代理,裏面是一個老外Boss帶着泰國妞,這個年輕泰國女的真的很過分,定好去機場,結果因為我老公吃壞肚子上個廁所,晚出來10分鐘,司機走掉了居然沒等我們!我們之前等別人呢?酒店前台說司機會回來。 我電話她,她居然說再重新付1700泰銖就因為我遲到!我們下午四點飛機,一大清早起來收拾吃早餐,包車去的萬倫機場,居然不等我們! 我讓她退錢!她也不肯! 後來我沒辦法衹能定蘇梅島到曼谷直飛還是滿員,後來衹能泰囧了包車5000去的萬倫,後來浪費了差不多3000人民幣才到!我氣急了! 一定會發視頻到Ti K T OK 讓大家好好看看泰國旅遊那麼噁心🤢專坑中國人,其實其他泰國辛苦工作人員蠻善良的,我來了7次泰國,這次最失望! 說說;沒有中文服務!泰國人英語都很不好!我英語六級都要想想他們的語調很奇怪,但他們能聽懂,不要快衹要單詞。 酒店環境很好,市中心最好了,旁邊是Akrbar酒吧有點吵,但是酒店300米走走就好了!前麪轉彎就是200泰銖借車,舊的150泰🐷,很良心,酒店收費300 這次我真的浪費了將近4000人民幣的機票錢。氣死我了!衹是因為司機沒等我
3.9/561 評價
Came to our room to find things sifted through and items missing from our suitcases. Told night time staff, he said to return in the morning, in the morning she told us she will check and let us know, about 4:30h later we went and asked what happened and if they checked footage, she claimed she didn't have time to call us and she showed us a few seconds of a person leaving and said see they didn't take anything. We asked to see the full footage. On footage, the housekeeper was in our room for 30 minutes, yet nothing was replenished except towels changed, room was not cleaned as seen in pictures. Manager said it takes them 15 -20 minutes to clean a room and change everything, she was there for over 30 and didn't do any housekeeping, no cleaning, no new sheets. She also hid a large bag by the door, partially seeb, previous housekeepers left everything by the stairs and had cleaning products , this one didn't. Only 1 tiny bottle. When we asked them about the duration of her stay in the room given the fact nothing was actually done, They had no explanation for that. Both our suitcases and nicely folded H & M bag were sifted through. We came for our honeymoon, and it is our 9th hotel in Thailand. Its an absolutely shocking and frustrating experience. We asked to cancel the rest of the stay as we wanted to leave. Manager Grace Lwin first said they will refund, than returned and said that they can't refund , that I have to contact Expedia. Expedia was waiting on approval of the booking management. Due to the lack of care we decided to involve tourist police. What an awful experience to have. No one should be looking through your things at a hotel room, it's a violation of privacy and trust. Hotel safety is a priority and this hotel doesn't have it. Update: Booking manager Grace Lwin told us she wants to come to the room to look through our things because she said she wants ”to check if you lie”. What?? We showed her. If you check our room, you should check your employees house too but of course they only checked us! We started recording everything on our camera as we couldn't believe what was happening. We found a different hotel and checked out early. On top of everything, Its the only hotel out of now 10 hotels we have been to in Thailand where the lock to the room doors doesn't work, you can't lock from inside, and the room itself is in bad shape.
3.9/526 評價
千萬別在這裏訂房,他們會騙你的。首先,我們預定了我們的客房--一張雙人牀,2間客房,每間2張單人牀,供6人使用,在我們到達之前,已及時確認。我們提前到達,允許進入一個房間,雙牀房,這很好,被告知下午2點入住時間回來進入其他房間。我們下午3點到達,被告知1。我們只能得到一個房間,有兩張單人牀,一個有雙人牀--不是我們要求的,或確認的,2個房間都沒有打掃完,所以我們至少要到下午5點才能入住。他們很粗魯, 變得暴躁起來,並因他們的錯誤而對我們大喊大叫.他們還告訴我們,他們沒有可供2x2單人牀的房間,而且不願爲此做任何事(即使你沿着長條走,看到很多空臥室)。我們終於在凌晨12點入住了所有3間客房,之後我們受到了浴室散發的噁心氣味的歡迎。除此之外,其中一間客房的空調壞了。我們到前台投訴,那位女士再次對我們大喊大叫,走進房間說一點異味都沒有,給我們換了新房間,挺好的退房時,我們到前台取回了500泰銖的鑰匙保證金,他們告訴我們,我們沒有交回一條沙灘毛巾,儘管我們已經交回了所有用過的毛巾。然後,他們給我們看了他們的預訂單,給我們看房間號旁邊的簽名,這個簽名碰巧是僞造的,因爲我們沒有簽名,我們從那個房間中也沒有人甚至拿出一條毛巾。他們拒絕給我們押金,再次用一種不光彩、粗魯和屈尊的態度。wifi很差,其他客人的噪音也令人擔心,特別是凌晨2點。不要浪費時間和金錢,員工是兇惡的,需要學習如何尊重和尊重他們的客戶。
4.2/546 評價
Liked · I have some very mixed emotions about this hotel. Staff were absolutely amazing. The girls were great (however we are slightly biased, as we did not meet one Thai person that was not pleasant to us, where ever we went). The Airport is not far from Chaweng town, and you could negotiate with a taxi driver or tuktuk driver outside the airport-arrivals, and you should only pay up to 400B for up to 4 people. We pre-booked our collection but that was unnecessary. And it cost us slightly more. If we are there for partying and shopping, this would be a prime location, unfortunately we weren’t. The room was a great size. Kettle, tea and coffee. Included. We thought it was good value for money when we booked. Breakfast was included, which is great. [Basic buffet breakfast, you wouldn’t gorge in it (although some people did!), and it gets a coffee and toast or croissant into you before starting your day!] We underestimated the location, and being in the heart of the party scene was not for us! If you were in your 20’s and 30’s (without kids) and planning on staying up all night and sleeping all day, it’d be amazing. Disliked · Room was big and spacious…HOWEVER, although it was kept clean (cleaning lady was a lovely woman), the toilet, sink and taps are all stained, permanently stained, so they all look dirty. If I was in my partying-20’s I probably wouldn’t have even noticed, but it was disgusting. Brushing your teeth and looking at a stained sink and taps, showering looking at a stained glass partition, no thanks. When arriving, I took off my sliders and put on a pair of white socks while in the room. The socks came off and went straight into the bin. I wouldn’t put them back into my case because they were filthy. The breakfast as mentioned was sufficient, except the girls who worked the buffet, didn’t have great English, and the language shouldn’t be a barrier here! I only had coffee and toast, but because it was my first time there, I couldn’t find a knife, so I had to ask. The girl had no idea what I wanted, so she got someone else, and then a third girl was introduced to the conversation. Eventually I picked up a fork, and done a knife and fork gesture, and all three understood at the same time. None of it was their fault or even that frustrating for me, but this is an area that the language barrier should not be an issue. 20 metres outside the door you hit shops and you are on the Main Street in 2 minutes from the hotel. We’re in our 40’s now, a bit less hectic suits us better, so this location didn’t suit us. SMOKING - when booking this hotel, there was no mention that it does not permit smoking on their balconies*. I 100% agree with non-smoking rooms. We were on the first floor, unable to smoke, even on our balcony, BUT, underneath us (in the swim-up pool room’s), they were smoking cigs and ****, all good, except the smoke and smell was rising into our room. I came out of the bathroom and our room smelt of ****. IT MAKES NO


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