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正在尋找Mae Haad Beach附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.6/56 評價
4.3/540 評價
從碼頭租了一輛卡車/出租車帶我們去酒店,但他開車像個完整的精神病患者,然後在度假村把我們送走了。沒什麼大不了的,但我們直到他走了,不得不四處走動,拖着我們巨大的行李四處尋找正確的度假村。如果可能的話,建議組織酒店班車。前台工作人員對我們總是友好,還有高爾夫球車司機開車送我們和行李到我們的單位,並帶我們參觀房間和如何使用一切。房間很好,乾淨和安靜,除了維護人員坐在我們的前甲板區域,一天早上7:45聊天:)游泳池很大,涼爽乾淨。唯一的建議是更多地關注附近度假村的隨機人員和旅舍甚至不在那裏時,就拿起周圍的躺椅。餐廳工作人員很細心友好,食物很好。一些客人對待工作人員的方式令人震驚。他們不可能要求更高,粗魯,可憐的員工不應該得到。最好的觀景餐廳/酒吧我們只在離開前一天發現,但景色最令人驚歎。是在路盡頭訪問的420Bar/360觀景點,在主幹道附近。離任何繁忙地區都有點遠,所以你僅限於現場餐廳或步行不遠的少數。我們喜歡Big O最好的。還有一個家庭經營的mart,似乎有最好的價格東西,我們使用最多。這是櫃檯頂部由噸不同的貨幣組成的。他缺少CAD,所以我們給了他5美元的鈔票和1美元的Loonie。希望他把它們添加到他的收藏中。
4.2/520 評價
要開始白,我必須指出什麼是好的白,阿馬拉。位置優越,早餐非常好,餐廳的食物也很好。現在當我們預訂時,只有一個房間可用,那就是“海景房”,而且真的很貴。我們花了2700€16天。開始,這是有限的海景,一個大屋頂擋住了大部分的景色,但這不是主要問題。對我們來說,問題始於我們到達的第一個晚上。房間位於餐廳的上空,週四,我們到達的那天,他們參加了一個大型的俄羅斯聚會,70名醉酒的俄羅斯人和一些人在麥克風中大喊大叫,這使得無法入睡。更糟糕的是,另一家餐廳,Cocco Locco就在我們的臥室旁邊,他們有dj玩一些晚上,另一個他們只是播放大聲的音樂,直到凌晨02點。當我們預訂這個房間時,它沒有說明從餐館附近到深夜可能會有很多幹擾。我指出了我們的問題,要求退款,並願意損失一些錢,以便繼續前進,找到一個我們可以睡得更好的地方。但是業主只給我們600歐元的回報,這是一種侮辱。他們給我們提供了一張30歐元的餐廳券作爲藉口,但這對睡眠不足沒有任何幫助。我相信“經理”會在這裏賴特,他們盡一切努力幫助我們,並讓我們換房間,這不是真的。我問是否可能,他們應該看看是否有誰對交換房間感興趣。所以從那裏沒有主動權。總的來說,真的很傷心,原來這是因爲工作人員真的很好,期望“經理”,我相信如果你在度假村再訂一個房間,你會有更好的體驗。如果你來這裏睡早,不要訂“海景”房間。我會回去,不會。我會推薦給別人,當然。食物,位置和大部分工作人員都很棒。
4/526 評價
This hotel has none of the facilities advertised. The beach bar has fallen down and is just a pile of rubble. The restaurant is closed and shuttered up with furniture piled in the corner and has been used for birds to nest in so has bird droppings everywhere. The pool bar is empty, filthy and is falling down. The pool loungers and umbrellas are broken, faded and dirty. There is debris and rubbish all over the site and apart from someone doing the garden and lawn no effort is being made to clean up the place. The toilet facilities were broken, filthy, inhabited by birds and the stench was unbelievable. (I needed to use the toilet before check in as our room was not ready). That said an effort has been made to make the rooms nice and the beds were comfortable and clean. The televisions in the room looked new but had not been connected to an aerial so didn’t pick up anything. The staff who are there were very pleasant and the reception staff did make an effort and served a basic breakfast which was included in the price. But there was no choice - apart from how you wanted your egg cooked you just got what you were given. I felt very sorry for the reception staff as they were very pleasant and hard working but they had to keep explaining to new guests that the facilities they were expecting, had booked and paid for were non existent. There was also no effort to enforce any regulations with the guests. With the new laws making ******** legal people were just making their own fun with beer bottles and ******** joints being enjoyed around the pool together with loud music. The pool was also dangerous as the steps had rusted so we’re rickety and the pool lights were hanging but the wires at the bottom of the pool. There were a few restaurants within walking distance but they were mediocre to poor. We found a lot of apathy in the area - the staff in most establishments seem to have lost any enthusiasm for any kind of customer service. Very sad and this has the potential to be a wonderful hotel again with a little bit of effort. But my advice would be to book elsewhere u til the place looks like it’s photos once again.
4.2/52 評價
在這裏呆了一個星期。經營這個地方的女士們太棒了。他們可以幫你做任何事情,旅遊,洗衣。我以優惠的價格從他們那裏租了一輛不錯的摩托車。房間寬敞,浴室不錯,冷的a/c 他們有一個很好的冰箱,可以放水和食品。所有的便利設施和步行5分鐘到海灘。您就在大型Maehaad度假村的後面,但您支付的價格只是一小部分。距離島上最好的潛水/浮潛海灘很近的房間,真是超值。
4.2/543 評價
Super Resort direkt am Strand mit einer vorgelagerten Insel (ich empfehle nur Wasserschuhe oder so etwas dabei zu haben, da der Übergang sehr steinig/korallig ist), rießen großer Pool mit Wasserkissen/Luftmatratzen, leckeres und abwechslungsreiches Frühstück (es gab jeden Tag etwas anderes und war toll angerichtet) Wenn man vom Hotelstrand und den 3 umliegenden Restaurants mal weg will, sollte man unbedingt einen Roller mieten. Hierbei ist zu beachten dass ein Stück weg zum Hotel recht holprig zu fahren ist (Feldweg mit vielen Schlaglöchern), haben es aber trotzdem hinbekommen :)
