

4.4/574 評價
From our recent visit to the Karuizawa Marriott Hotel, we're excited to share the essence of this secluded gem. With its sprawling suites and gourmet dining options, the hotel is a sanctuary of comfort amidst the snowy splendor of Karuizawa. The experience is further elevated by the warmth of the staff and the blissful moments spent in the onsen. 😍So Good: Impeccable Cleanliness: The hotel's dedication to a pristine environment was evident and appreciated. Heartwarming Service: The staff's attentiveness and warmth made our stay delightful. Restful Onsen: The onsen provided a haven of relaxation, enhancing our retreat. Delectable Breakfast: The diverse breakfast options were a culinary delight each morning. 🙁Not So OK: Secluded Location: Its distance from the city and public transport requires some planning. Seasonal Crowds: Winter brings the beauty of snow but also high demand and prices. 👌Just OK: 👨‍🦲Zen Minimalism: The room's minimalist Zen decor may not resonate with those in search of traditional luxury. Standard Amenities: The facilities met our needs without exceeding expectations. Ski Area Access: While the hotel offers a shuttle to the ski area, there is still a walk involved to reach the ski gates, which might be a consideration for some guests. 💡 Tips and Recommendation: ♨Onsen Choices: Opt for the building with its own onsen for a private dip, or brave the open-air onsen for a magical winter experience. 🚘Transport Planning: While there's a shuttle service, having private transportation is convenient. Marriott Bonvoy Benefits: Leverage Bonvoy membership for enhanced stay experiences; it's worth signing up for. 👏Conclusion: Capturing the magic of the Karuizawa Marriott Hotel in mere words is a challenge; it's an experience that truly needs to be felt personally. It's a destination that may very well become your next must-visit retreat.
4.7/573 評價
很容易找到,因為它靠近輕井澤站和主要街道。酒店的入口很難找到,但我應該從餐廳進入嗎?只有標準雙人間允許攜帶寵物狗入住。相當狹窄。感覺就像一個豪華的商務酒店。床很舒服。有一個大型狗規馬桶座和一個屁股擦拭。浴室在同一個房間,但很大。困擾我的是廁所。打掃的時候要不要把馬桶座拆下來?兩個人的用品裝在可愛的布袋裡,但一個布袋沒有牙刷。酒窖裡有兩瓶礦泉水。可惜沒有鍋。如果即使沒有鍋也有熱水的水服務器,我會很高興。有2台投幣式洗衣機。有一台製冰機,果汁和酒精自動售貨機。餐廳很好吃,但是晚餐和早餐的份量都很大,而且內容也很全,所以如果你住久了或者經常用的話,會膩的... 味道濃郁(配伍性好有酒精),還有帶著小孩的人。我在那裡,但可能孩子們可能吃的東西不多。甜點也是成年人的口味。餐廳靠近入口和靠窗的一側很冷,所以你需要一件外套。所有的員工都很友善。價格足夠的食物,考慮到方便,價格便宜。特別推薦給想盡享輕井澤全貌並享受西班牙美食的人。我想再次使用它。
4.4/545 評價
酒店是一棟歐式小洋樓位於小鎮主街道上,有漂亮花園和停車庫對麪即是觀光協會。房間在日本算很大了帶陽台,樓上可以泡溫泉有室內和露天的。酒店前台英語可以交流人比較熱情。早餐品種較多是自助形式 價格2500日元不便宜,酒店自行車出租較貴建議旁邊100米就有租賃店而且車子特別輕快好騎不貴。
4.3/57 評價
這家時尚的小型飯店擁有由坂茂(1號樓和2號樓的設計者)設計的令人驚嘆的建築,擁有充滿當代藝術的有趣空間。我的家人在 2 號別墅 A 區訂了 3 個房間,裡面有一個私人小廚房和一個小休息區,可以使用一個漂亮的公共房間和圖書館。步行幾分鐘即可到達 House 1,那裡有一家融合了室內和室外的華麗餐廳。餐廳提供美味的早餐和單點午餐/晚餐。有一天晚上我們選擇了 omakase 晚餐,很有創意,非常棒。工作人員都很棒——友好、樂於助人,尤其是知識淵博、出色的總經理荻原先生,他不遺餘力地親自帶我們去了輕井澤最古老的拉麵餐廳和火山公園。我們住得很愉快。飯店最近新增了 House 3,同樣令人驚嘆。該地區有很多事情可做——徒步旅行、瀑布、溫泉等,所以我們已經在計劃下一次旅行了。夏天是逃離東京酷熱的絕佳去處,我聽說在下雪的冬天也很棒。
4.4/553 評價
We stayed at this hotel recently and really appreciated the stay. The stay actually started off bumpy with some misunderstanding of our reservation that had us cramped into a small room with no possibility of adding a roll-away. The young woman who checked us in said there was nothing she could do, so we took her for her word and proceeded to our room. When we got to our room, we realized that we would end up with a disastrous stay contrary to what we were expecting--a wonderful and serene one--as the room was way too small. When the bell person (Rajesh) brought our luggage, we informed him, that the room would not work for our family of four. Though it was not his responsibility per se, Rajesh immediately went to work to seek out any other options we could have to accompany us and, long story short, he helped us stay in a bigger room that was more appropriate--though considered a downgrade. The fact that a bell person would go out of his realm of responsibility to meet our needs was truly appreciated allowing us all to fully enjoy our stay. We ended up having dinner and breakfast at the hotel restaurant and fully appreciated the friendliness and service of the restaurant staff as well as the healthy, delicious, and local foods that were served. There is no doubt we would return to stay there again thanks to Rajesh and his excellent customer service!


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