No Wi-Fi. Nearby there is a villa where young people sing karaoke and play the guitar every day, sometimes until 1-2 am, this makes it difficult to sleep. I hope the situation will change.
Beautiful view from the second floor (take a room on the second) of the volcano. For a short stay this is a good place.
Villa Bukit Indah 4Br Brastagi / Berastagi提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 Villa Bukit Indah 4Br Brastagi / Berastagi是您遍覽Sempajaya美景與感受城市之聲的理想選擇。飯店離棉蘭市站約64km。 最近的火車站是棉蘭市站,約距離64km。 附近地區擁有許多景點,包括Monument Historique Berastagi,Open Stage Berastagi.和St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Berastagi。經過漫長的一天的觀光後,這家飯店是您放鬆身心的好地方。
No Wi-Fi. Nearby there is a villa where young people sing karaoke and play the guitar every day, sometimes until 1-2 am, this makes it difficult to sleep. I hope the situation will change.
Beautiful view from the second floor (take a room on the second) of the volcano. For a short stay this is a good place.
4 評價