Останавливалась в этом отеле на 9 ночей. Осталась очень довольна. Отель чистый, номера небольшие, но уютные. Расположение - идеальное во всех отношениях. В самом отеле тёплая, семейная атмосфера, очень дружелюбный персонал. Спасибо. Уже хочу вернуться!
Shlt otel shlt people that is all about them.bad location all time cars passing by the hotel always noise and bad service..... ... I don't recommend to anyone to stay in that hotel That is all about it That is all about the hotel called place Shlt otel shlt people that is all about them.bad location all time cars passing by the hotel always noise and bad service..... ... I don't recommend to anyone to stay in that hotel That is all about it That is all about the hotel called place
入住於 2024 年 6 月
發布於 2024 年 7 月 13 日
Very bad expirience with hotel. Worst expirience in Turkey actually. Very disappointing. We booked hotel room for couple and arrived 2 o'clock in afternoon. Staff was saying that our room was not ready and we need to wait 40minutes. From bad to worst we was waiting more than 2 hours outside in heat. When I complain about, waiting issue staff was very offensive and rude. He shauting and pointing finger on my. How nice us that? Also a earing in Turkish language (he thinks that I don't understand) Avoid this terrible place, don't book this filthy place please. Save your time money and nerves. Thanks for reading.