
4.7/553 評價
We are having a great time at the Aqua hotel it's amazing probably one of the best hotels we've ever had. The entertainment is amazing and we wish it could go on longer. the bar staff are exceptional and work really hard to keep us happy. The animation team are great fun and keep the party going. The band's have been the highest quality, West End look out. Thank you to everyone at the hotel, we look forward to returning as soon as possible.
穆納瑪爾海灘俱樂部度假村 - 全包式
2.1/541 評價
Firstly I only gave 1 star as you can't give 0 stars.secondly ignore any of the good reviews there either people happy with rubbish or paid by hotel there lies. The photos on here are not this hotel On arrival we're told your room is over the road behind that shop and we were just pointed there,you have to walk through an un lit dining room to get to lift which is open for anyone to just walk in off street.the rooms are tiny out dated and not clean at all the beds are uncomfortableand small im 5'8 and my feet hang over side.we only got 1 towel and the shower is timy.we arrived at 5.30 am was rang at 9am by someone saying you need to come to meeting we said no we are tired,he rang back at 10am saying its important we go so when we went down it was a rep basically selling there over priced trips. The food is disgusting flies everywhere breakfast has no bread or toaser no bacon beans or sausage no fruit just some kind of meat salad and hard boiled eggs you can't peel.lunch is no better only difference is added in edible fish as there full of bones and some fruit which was brown.tea is just same food from lunch with added chicken and rice which are all cold and no taste.no ice cream are and kind of edible deserts that arnt from earlier.we payed for ai and and had to eat out everyday its that bad. The pool area is tiny most of the beds are broken and if you can get a bed there's no room for anywhere to put it the ladders into pool are loose and the plasticgrates aroundpool are broken.the bar drinks are terrible there's only vodka which is in pre filled mini bottles and they only put half the bottle in your drink there's whisky and draft efes which has no alcohol in you can drink all day and not feel like there's alcohol in it.theres no other drink options. The manager has no customer service skills and should be removed from the hotel,when we brought up issues with room and food his reply was it's our hotel if you don't like it don't come back. The only good thing about the hotel is location other than that avoid it totally
4.5/557 評價
2.8/550 評價
我們凌晨3點到達,酒店和房間很髒。我們房間裏有一股可怕的氣味,像生污水!冰箱裏覆蓋着黴菌和污垢,空調聞起來很吵。臥室裏到處都是污漬和污垢,插頭孔裏有一堆頭髮,插頭插座掛在牆上,水龍頭、廁所捲筒和水槽上有水、污垢和肥皂渣!食物不能食用,冷,煮得很差。走廊和樓梯上都留下了髒盤子。游泳池是綠色的,粘稠的。在不同的度假提供商網站上,大多數照片都是爲不同的酒店(Mersoy Bella Vista)拍攝的,甚至經理也承認這些照片不是這家酒店的照片。他試圖說他與不同的旅行提供商交談,告訴他們更改照片。但我不確定這是否屬實,因爲所有提供商都使用相同的照片,所以他們在哪裏得到這些照片,如果不是他,這些照片和寫作。夜班工作人員也同意酒店虛假宣傳這家酒店。如果你抱怨,日間工作人員會威脅你,然後當你試圖通過你的假期提供商處理問題時,經理會指出空白的謊言,說我們是造成問題和撒謊的人!在我們抱怨後,我們被告知他會整理並在特定時間回來,毫不奇怪經理不在那裏,什麼也沒有整理!我們最終不得不離開酒店,因爲我們的安全受到威脅,酒店的整體清潔度是健康危害!請不要浪費你的錢,不要相信任何5星評論,我相信這些是虛假的評論,試圖推動差評下降,並提高旅行顧問的評級。這家酒店絕對不是四星級酒店,它幾乎不是一個1,實際上應該關閉!
4.7/59 評價
我去了馬爾馬里斯 出差不多 我發現酒店住了兩天 我從我那間咖啡館裏找到了很美的房間 我可以給你一個小酒店 我可以肯定會建議你 安一下 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
幻影世界大飯店 - 全包式
4/541 評價


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