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正在尋找Mosque Hobart附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.3/541 評價
價格貴 但是房間很差強人意 沒有找到吹風機 但是服務態度很好位置也不錯 就是價格高了 相同價位的並且更便宜的酒店在墨爾本定的都比這裏性價比高
3.9/564 評價
4.5/5125 評價
很棒的2臥室單元,我們作爲我們5晚的基礎,探索Tassie的底部一半。生活區並不大,廚房很小,但它都非常實用,工作得很好。樓上的臥室和浴室設施配有舒適的牀和浴室,很棒 - 夢幻般的淋浴壓力。洗衣設施很好,有5台洗衣機和烘乾機,您也可以隨時從這裏獲取額外的咖啡,糖,毛巾。沒有使用游泳池,但看起來很棒。停車很容易,公園直出單位門。總的來說,很棒的住宿地點,但如果想走進城市,則相當丘陵。
3.2/545 評價
I stayed at a Imperial backpackers two years ago and was very keen to persuade my four friends to stay with me this time. Frustratingly, a bunch of little irritating things add up to a negative review, when actually Imperial backpackers should be a great place to stay. The kitchen is great, with lots of equipment and fridges and space for your food. The hot water in the bathrooms takes a while but it’s really hot when it does come through. Beds are comfy and the room had an efficient heater. And there’s a guy called John who is so helpful – he was a guest last time. I was there, but now he works for the organisation. All in all, it should be a five star place. However, in the past couple of years, I don’t think they’ve done much maintenance In our room, the locker doors were either locked shut or couldn’t be shut (and there was no place to put the padlock that the website suggested we bring!). Our flyscreens were also badly torn, while in our friends’ room across the hall, there were gaps at bottom and top of the windows, which let in both freezing blasts of winter air, and the hideous smell of cigarette smoke from directly beneath the windows. Stuffing several towels in the gap eventually did the trick, but it shouldn’t be necessary. And there’s a bunch of inaccurate/ misleading/ dangerous signage. Firstly, there are 2 huge fire doors as you climb the stairs from the night entrance. They both have large signs saying they must be kept shut at all times (they are, after all, fire doors). But they are both left open all the time, and I was told have been for a while. On the main entrance door, opposite reception, the biggest sign says office house are 9-5.30pm (same as last time) but right below it is another sign saying office hours are 9.30-230pm This shorter opening time impacted our stay in several ways,l. With that office only open from 930 to 230pm, eerything else is “ after hours”. So, if you want to use the laundry - you pay a deposit and a per hour fee - you have to do so between 930 and 2:30 pm. If you want to leave your bags during the day, after checking out at 10 am, you can only do so till 2:30 pm. (Last time we left our bags until 5pm , when we got the Skybus to the airport(. We phoned the Imperial number, at 3pm on day 2 , to ask for a second key to our room, and we’re told that there would be an “after hours fee” of $20, even though it was still 3 pm. None of this happened on our first visit, and the website doesn’t mention that all the services mentioned are only available 5 hours/ day. So, like I said, I should be giving a great rating, but I’d go for 2 1/2 stars.
4/545 評價
閱讀關於一個很棒的地方和美味的早餐的評論。難道我走錯路了?這肯定不是同一個地方。一座傳統住宅受到完全不尊重的對待。我在這裡看到了狡猾的家居裝修之旅的利基市場,因為我從未見過這樣的事情!我附上了照片來展示我們住的房間的狀況。也許是一個5歲的孩子做的抹灰工作?觸電危險無所不在,而且與外界的差距也很多。 「咖啡館」太髒了,我希望在參觀後用軟管沖洗消毒劑。是的,凱文很友好,但是他在發球嗎?污垢無所不在,肆無忌憚地展示給所有人看,那麼幕後潛藏著什麼呢?我對周圍的環境感到非常排斥,以至於當我早餐出來時,我已經準備好跑步了。凱文試圖創造一個談話誘餌,但破損的茶壺和油膩的食物已經讓我反胃了。奔跑阿甘,奔跑!!
4/541 評價
這家酒店房間比較一般,設施很簡單,性價低。但是酒店一樓的自助餐還不錯,大人35刀,小孩15刀,一家三口85刀,有很棒的大蝦和各種好吃的食物,有些食物的口味超過同城wrest point酒店的自助餐,但是人家五歲以下小童免費。酒店在很高的山坡上,眺望霍巴特的夜景和日出是不錯的,在窗戶拍了幾張照片,還可以。
