

4.7/565 評價
We stayed at the Hakone Hotel as part of a tour group. We had a spacious twin room with a view over the garden and part of Lake Ashi. The room spotlessly clean and was very comfortable. We had a comfortable chair and a comfortable 2 seater couch as well as comfortable beds. In the morning we had a beautiful clear view of Mt Fuji from the grounds of the hotel. We had a delicious included dinner at the hotel as well as a good buffet breakfast. There was a capsule coffee/tea maker in the room that I tried with Earl Grey Tea which was a bit strong for my taste.
4.8/572 評價
This hotel is a historic property set in an iconic setting. We stayed in the Forest Section which features large, comfortable rooms that were a little dark, the bathroom lighting could be improved. Here is my issue. We arrived around 1:15 and we’re told that we could check in at 3:00. We had lunch in their cafe ( 50$) and asked again about an hour later if we could have early access. The very polite desk clerk replied “ Yes, for $70 dollars “. Astounded , I countered that we were departing early 2 days later, and he reduced the amount to $35. Now here is where communication becomes an issue: I continued the “are you kidding me?” and he kept bowing. I thought the issue was settled. That night and the next we ate at their lovely restaurants, French and the Cascade. Food and service was superb. With wine we spent about $900. Check out was early, and my husband didn’t really examine the bill. When we were back in our free early access room in Tokyo I noticed the $35 charge. I contacted the hotel’s customer service and they confirmed the charge. So, what about customer hospitality? I have NEVER been charged an early access fee for an hour. They have been times when we patiently waited for a room to be readied, and never demanded a rebate. It is all part of the guest/host agreement, I think this is probably a corporate decision by the Fujiya Group. Rethink your mission, guys, make guests feel wanted!
箱根湯本溫泉 南風莊飯店
4.2/520 評價
在南風庄住了4晚,客觀的評價這家溫泉酒店: 1、預訂,別館房型讓人很暈,別館就一個房型和洋式帶廁所和淋浴38平左右。 2、交通,酒店沒有專車接送,到湯本下來坐100日元的巴士10分鐘到底站下,巴士站離湯本站100m很容易找。 3、別館房間,景色很好,因為是老房子有一點味道,住久了也沒感覺,不存在淋浴化妝室廁所太小的問題,我一米八女友一米七兩人夠用。不要住一樓,一樓離停車場有點近。 4、住宿,晚上可以聽到小河流水聲,我還很享受,畢竟城裡住久了,窗戶是和式後面還有窗帘,榻榻米也可以鋪牀,我四晚都睡榻榻米很舒服。 5、溫泉,人少,我5月11去的,兩個溫泉男女時間段輪換,溫泉♨️池不大,泡了四晚每次去就兩個人,人少真的很舒服,一個人躺一個池吹吹晚風,女友說女那裡人有點多,有阿姨們三兩成羣去泡。 6、伙食(附圖),早飯自助晚飯套餐,味道都十分不錯,早餐自助十幾個菜每道菜味道都很好日式西式都有,晚餐份量比較大,口味也可以,每晚可選都不一樣,如果要求是米其林標準,那麼這裏達不到。 7、總體,住下來感覺不錯,性價比也很高,如果過來泡溫泉不要求奢華,標準在1500上下的話,我強烈推薦嘗試南風庄。
4.4/549 評價
4.6/545 評價
Hotel Hakone Suimeisou is a perfect blend of old tradition and modern Japan. This hotel provides an excellent experience of Japanese hospitality. It is in the most convenient location and serves as a take-off point to the rest of the Hakone region. The Hakone Yumoto Station is only a few minutes walk and there are so many places to eat and shop within the area. The hotel is designed as a traditional Ryokan inn and provides traditional Japanese hospitality with rooms that are clean and well-designed. Make sure to experience the full service by availing of the breakfast and dinner service in your rooms. There are bountiful seafood dishes that are provided for each meal. Take advantage as well of the onsen (natural hot spring) facilities. There are touches of modern amenities in the hotel to make you feel comfortable. I commend the staff for their excellent service and will definitely come back in the future.
4.3/516 評價
失望的。第二次訪問箱根風雅。不一樣了。我什至應該從哪裡開始。登記入住過程是一場災難。沒有人注意到我們已經到達,也沒有人協助我們從車上搬運行李。與我們第一次訪問箱根風雅有很大的不同。酒店工作人員更關注國內游客而不是外國遊客。儘管在 2 對夫婦(國內游客)之前到達,但他們被允許坐在吧台,並且比為我們服務的前台工作人員提供更專業的服務,他們在辦理入住手續時似乎不太清楚。此外,他們將我們安排在第二層,工作人員沒有加倍努力將我們所有的行李搬上來,我們不得不自己搬一些。工作人員沒有建議幫助我們在退房時把它拿下來,我們也不得不自己做。沒有介紹房間,因為我提到我們以前去過一次,但房型與我們最初入住的不同。他提著我們的一件行李,送我們到房間,然後離開了。與我們的第一次訪問相比,熱情好客非常差 唯一可取之處是餐廳的晚餐/早餐工作人員,因為那裡的服務讓人感覺真誠。晚餐課程的融合食物缺乏我們正在尋找的正宗日本體驗。如果您希望向您的客人收取每晚近 99,000 日元的費用,請準備好提高您的服務和標準,因為我們第一次訪問箱根風雅時,他們已經完全達不到標準。我們絕對不會再回來了,因為整個體驗感覺我們被酒店工作人員“幽靈”了。如果我必須對第一次訪問和第二次訪問進行評分,那是 9/10 到 1/10(服務人員努力晚餐/早餐)。此外,如果您要實行雙重標準(日本客戶與外國遊客),請幫我們一個忙,不要向國際遊客宣傳您的日式旅館/酒店。你完全讓我們失望了,箱根風雅。我們在貴酒店住了 1 晚,浪費了 99,000 日元。其他日式旅館向我們收取較低的費用,而且服務無可挑剔。你需要認真地反思



最高價格TWD 91,111
最低價格TWD 1,185
平均價格 (平日)TWD 15,948
平均價格 (週末)TWD 17,968