Clean rooms , friendly hard working staff, good variety for breakfast and the staff keep everything stocked and clean. Fabulous free 24hr coffee machine in the lobby , it even makes hot chocolate! Right by the moose and visitor centre. Tim Hortons and McDonald's is very close.
我們向西旅行,遲到了,所以選擇了Moose Jaw over Comfort Inn in Swift。在檢查時,我們希望在附近找到一家蘇格蘭餐館,但選擇了希臘(更多關於其他地方)。工作人員非常樂於助人,房間乾淨衛生,10分之11,淋浴時溫度計,靠近食物選擇,然後還有早餐!2種華夫餅,迷你香腸,炒雞蛋,吐司,鬆餅,百吉餅,3種麥片等等。比我們需要的更多,但看着工作的人和家庭真的很享受。住在這裏!房間裏的大屏幕LG電視是一個運動獎金!我們修改了旅行回家的計劃,再次入住這裏 - - 同樣的體驗,但更好的是,從後面的黃金路線視圖。
入住效率高,協議到位。房間令人愉快,很大,寬敞,有小廚房。房間非常現代,乾淨,浴室也很乾淨。牀鋪用優質的牀單和牀墊製作的非常舒適。一個非常舒適的住宿環境。早餐是我們體驗過的最佳 Grab and Go 型。美味的早餐包裝,配上炒雞蛋型填充物、個人穀類食品和牛奶、果汁、水果和咖啡。顯然有人在早餐時花了一些心思和努力去代替因現行的優惠協議而無法提供的豐盛早餐。這不是你便宜又俗氣的無味鬆餅,水和一塊水果,這麼多其他人分發。感謝付出的巨大努力!
Stayed for a weekend in a nearly 100 year old hotel on the Canadian prairies. The building had been completely restored and had the feel of an elegant European Hotel. The staff were friendly, efficient and always exceeded our expectations. The room was very comfortable and furnished in the style of a posh 1920s hotel room. The restaurant was very comfortable, however, some may consider the menu somewhat limited. In our experience the menu may have been limited but every dish was done extremely well and the staff were friendly and knowledgeable. There is absolutely no doubt that this is our favourite place in Moose Jaw.