



4.5/5101 評價


Lovely old hotel. The rooms have old world charm and decor. Nice linens and comfortable beds. Well appointed bathrooms with everything you could imagine you'll need, including Ferragamo toiletries, razors, robes and slippers, etc. I was most impressed with the hotel staff. Everyone was extremely friendly and helpful. I received special care from Jaimie the concierge and Nancy at the front desk. The location is far away from the attractions and there is not much in walking distance, so prepare to taxi it. Taxis are very reasonable so it's not an issue. The hotel restaurant food was good with a decedent selection of items. Be aware that English is not widely spoken by everyone, so you might have to wait for someone to assist if you have questions. On a side note, I found that English is not as widespread in Guadalajara as in most places I've been in Mexico. It's probably because it's not exactly a popular tourist destination so there's little need to have it. On the plus side this means Guadalajara has held onto the culture very well. No pandering to foreigners. Back to the restaurant, my one complaint was a waiter there on 2 nights was sick. I was very uncomfortable having him serve me. I regret not mentioning it to management. He should not have been permitted to work until he was well. I asked him to keep his distance from me and I didn't use the pen he gave me to sign the check. He seem to take it well but it never should have happened. i did find that a lot of people are wearing masks in general there. Not the hotel staff but local people. It was good to see. The hotel grounds are lovely, the pool was in the shade most of the time and I think the lounge chair area needs more attention. The cushions had bird poop all over them and were very dirty. There are a lot of pigeons on the property too. I think it's tough to keep birds away but I did witness them eating from the breakfast buffet table. Maybe a special person should be present to shoo them away? I didn't see the gym but I'm told they do have one . All in all it was a good stay there.



4.4/5108 評價


這個自命不凡的酒店都是展示的,沒有去。只有在交替的現實中,這才可以是4-star酒店!是的,門面給人印象深刻,帶工作電梯的大堂不錯。但是一旦你到了你的雙人間,你就會意識到這是一個黑暗的、發黴的、洞穴狀的空間,沒有新鮮空氣,因爲唯一的窗戶是蓋着的內院。粉刷天花板上有黴菌(見附圖中的黑點,很抱歉決議)。浴室太擁擠了,你不能用馬桶,因爲垃圾桶是粗心的清潔人員放置的(見附圖)。說到清潔人員,我在牀單上發現了一頭長長的黑髮(照片附着),肯定是我的長度和顏色是錯誤的。我遇到的最糟糕的問題是,我感覺自己因缺乏新鮮空氣而窒息,因爲淋浴不會正常排水,而你最終會站在骯髒的水裏。我出去的時候,衛生紙很少(不到一半),所以在接待處去要求更多的時候,已經太晚了,太不方便了。當我在那裏的時候,酒店裏幾乎沒有其他客人,所以相對安靜,但是每一個小噪音都被建築設計放大了(在摩洛哥,同樣的建築也露出了院子內部的外牆,所以空氣和噪音不會被困住。你也可以聽到教堂的鐘聲和交通噪音。空調管用,但中央WiFi控制有限,我在一月份的晚上就凍住了,除了一張聚醚牀鋪外沒有毯子。只過了一晚,我迫不及待地想離開那裏!有一個中央旅舍,確實比這個所謂的4-stars酒店提供更好的便利設施(你可以找我的評論找出哪家)。這家酒店提供的最佳東西是行李寄存:它很安全,他們給你一張票,所以更安全。工作人員足夠好,特別是接待處的 Gloria,他善良而樂於助人。重要注:這裏的這家酒店的評分被衆多的5-star評論所扭曲,因爲西班牙著名的大教堂“聖地亞哥德康波斯特拉”被列入了WRONG的名單!
4.6/5115 評價




在過去的四年裏,我每年至少來過三次。我基本上放棄了對這家酒店改善的任何希望。事實上,每年似乎變得越來越糟,我會解釋:首先是殘疾人的支持。他們有一個地下車庫,有一個非常小的坡道,電梯可以帶你到房間,但是唯一的障礙點是在外面,你必須沿着相當陡峭的坡道爬到酒店,不管它是否開放大風或大雨,身體健全的人可以毫無問題地把車庫停在地下。入口旁邊有兩個停車點,我一再要求酒店經理貼上方便客人的標籤,因爲它允許大門打開,輪椅出來,或者對於那些有流動問題但大多數人的人來說進入有特殊需要的酒店不用走很長的路。我直接和經理說了三次,在酒店大堂和他一起坐下來,他笑着玩,說會調查一下,絕對沒有做任何事。我對他的行爲感到愧和厭惡,對他的客戶缺乏關心,特別是多年來他的員工已經很好地瞭解了一位重複的客戶。停車位很小,你可以在樓下看任何基本上都接觸到線路的卡車或 SUV ,他們沒有辦法打開門,沒有撞到另一輛車,每個人都試圖在線路的一側停車讓其他人有空間...雖然入口處的兩個空間享受他們想要的所有空間的奢華,但身體健全的人總是會強迫殘疾人找到其他選擇。下午9點以後,你基本上無法在地下覆蓋的車庫找到任何空間,如果你能找到空間,就必須在外面停車。在這一天和時代,每個人都在盡一切努力使自己的財產更具包容性,並歡迎所有性別的取向和能力。提高它作爲有不同需求的人的支持者的形象或聲譽。他們很高興拿你的錢,但絕對沒有做任何事來容納你。說到員工......但我首先開始以三種語言提供服務的酒店。當我幾晚前到達的時候,晚上沒有一個人會說英語。我完全支持所有來墨西哥的人都應該學習一點西班牙語......我可以進行一次基本的對話,但我仍然需要幫助語言,當我檢查時,我仍然需要幫助,試圖通過任何想法,這讓我非常沮喪只是因爲沒有去任何地方而走開。似乎每幾個月我來這裏,他們就會有很多新員工,更多的員工已經走了。剩下的少數長期員工之一,米麗安仍然在





3.9/523 評價
Maybe I had to do more research on my side, but the room I was assigned did not look at all like the picture. The staff was kind and helpful. On the other hand, the amenities were in bad shape and dirty. The room had no air ventilation and the wall were really thin. I could hear all the noises from the other rooms and the halls, because I was near the common toilets and showers. Probably this is a better choice for people who want to party all night and just sleep a few hours. I think the location is great, but next time I will spend a little bit more for a proper hotel room with a private bathroom.
3.9/512 評價
Dies ist teilweise eine Absteige für gestrandete US-Amerikaner. Zimmer und Betten sauber. Der Sanitärbereich wurde wahrscheinlich das letzte Mal zur Unabhängig- keitserklärung gewartet: kaum Wasser aus den Wasserhähnen, ofter kein warmes Wasser, Abluftventilator neben Dusche ohne Funktion. Der baulische Zustand besteht aus dem Originalhaus + wiederholte Anstriche.
莫雷洛斯民宿 - 墨西哥區
4.3/516 評價
3.9/519 評價
我想我終於明白這家評價為啥如此兩級分化,如果你是想感受下這邊night club文化,然後蹦迪完正好在樓下睡覺的話,那這家真的是不二選擇,但如果你衹是想來這邊住近大教堂第二天方便觀光的話,來這邊貪方便的話,那你就來錯地方了,基本上2點以前你是睡不着的,除非是很低的樓層,我一晚上基本上12點躺在床上,2點才入睡,實在是太吵了。 順便一提,早餐不錯,還有駐唱,挺好的。
3.7/5103 評價
