Kullaroo House附近的飯店

格拉德斯通Kullaroo House附近住宿


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+

高CP值Kullaroo House飯店

格拉德斯通礁汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
格拉德斯通礁汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店格拉德斯通礁汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House0.06km
入住格拉德斯通礁汽車旅館,您即坐擁探索格拉德斯通所有精彩的地利之便。這間飯店所有客房均禁煙。 您能在這間飯店的部分房間找到河景及陽台。預訂景觀房型,享受獨特入住體驗。 入住期間,您將享受私人浴室的便利與隱私。您可以在飯店的游泳池游泳,或悠閒曬個日光浴。另外請別錯過景觀泳池。 健身房可供旅客前往活動筋骨。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 在酒吧小酌一杯,為當天劃下完美句號。在這間汽車旅館,您還能使用自動販賣機。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在免費停車場。

Well priced with comfortable room, only problem reception not opened until 2.00 for checkin but ok. Nice room with all needed, walk through connected to bars and Restaurant. Pleasant to see sign at Restaurant that they discounted seniors as well. Food ok pretty busy but ok.
52 則評論
居特斯中央公寓 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
居特斯中央公寓 Kullaroo House附近的飯店居特斯中央公寓 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House0.1km
居特斯中央公寓為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 到格拉德斯通觀光的人一定會發現居特斯中央公寓是一個很棒的住宿選擇。 附近地區擁有許多景點,包括Water Park,William Golding Memorial Lookout和Gladstone Anglican。 當客人有多餘的休閒時間,可使用現場的各種設施。 停車場現場提供給自己開車的人,

RRoad27898135725 2021.09.22
我們按時到達了,不像前台人員.經過幾次電話,我們有人--“在別的地方很忙”。然後又來了通常的垃圾--提供錯誤房間。最後我們得到了我們訂購的東西。他們爲什麼要這樣做。這使整個訪問以錯誤的方式開始。他們有兩個停車場--完全地分開。我們沒有被告知要開始,所以很難找到我們的指定地點。當我們被告知“雜工”可以停在任何地方-“經理”說我們“必須”停在指定地點,他說。Wifi不起作用--“經理”說他不知道爲什麼--有人把它弄亂了。當我們要求兩套鑰匙時,他拒絕了。最後--經過許多討論後,他告訴我們另一套鑰匙丟失了。因爲我們有三個--兩套很重要。你不能離開大樓/房間沒有鑰匙--門自動鎖。所以如果一個人出去--甚至去汽車--剩下的那些人真的不能離開房間,然後回到裏面。一旦我們得到了這些小的不幸,修復的東西開始變得更好。單元寬敞舒適。輕鬆搭配4. 景色相當好 - 電視/ Foxtel - 廚房 - 佈局相當好(浴室(2)和臥室(2)。位置很好在鎮上。陽台不錯。Wifi最終去的時候很好。附近的泰國和印度頂級酒店(還有Maccas)和新聞社都很容易步行。遊艇俱樂部非常值得一遊--美味的食物和飲料。步行相對容易--但如果需要的話,停車也很好。去碼頭、信息中心和咖啡館步行相當容易。開車去附近的地方很容易,例如坦納姆沙。是的,我們會回來,但希望在辦理入住手續時事情會更順利。
16 則評論
格拉德斯通中央廣場公寓 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
格拉德斯通中央廣場公寓 Kullaroo House附近的飯店格拉德斯通中央廣場公寓 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House0.12km
入住格拉德斯通中央廣場公寓,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。這間飯店所有客房均禁煙。 每個房間均有設備齊全的廚房,另加上冰箱及洗衣機等一系列器具。前往室外的游泳池鍛鍊身體,也能單純放鬆身心。 如果您要自我充電或簡單放鬆一下,可以前往飯店的spa或按摩室。 前往 健身房繼續您的健身習慣。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。在這間酒店式公寓,您還能使用燒烤、兒童遊樂場及自動販賣機等設施。 這間設施齊全的飯店還提供 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用免費停車場。

訪客 2023.09.10
經過幾個星期的折磨,從南Qld回來和前進,幫助照顧一個非常生病的近親在格拉德斯通 , 我們到達那裏的中央公寓在週四下午晚些時候。工作人員不可能更好,更熱情的是接待人員,在我們家庭的情況下,他們非常感激。房間很大,設備齊全,大東面陽台特別特別。冰箱很大,其他廚房用具也很好。當芝麻街,藍伊和其他兒童節目開播時,你與小油炸機爭奪休息室電視的控制時,我妻子會喜歡主臥室的電視。當經理女士(對不起沒有抓住你的名字)和前台的雷恩爲我打印了悼詞時,我額外感謝。特別是當我的電子郵件從未幾次進入酒店時,我缺乏 IT 技能。非常感謝女士們,先生們在緊張和敏感的時刻對我和家人。
38 則評論
含早餐的飯店配有雙床房的飯店配有 1 張雙人床的飯店具備泳池的飯店可免費取消的飯店
港帆汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
港帆汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店港帆汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House0.13km
在結束忙碌的旅行或商務活動之後,這間港帆汽車旅館是您放鬆身心的絕佳地方。這間飯店所有客房均禁煙。 每個房間均有設備齊全的廚房,另加上冰箱。閒暇時間,您可以前往室外的游泳池內游泳。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 您可以待在舒適的客房,享用飯店附設餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。整間飯店提供 Wi-Fi,讓您能隨時上網。 在這間飯店,您還能使用燒烤及花園。 這間設施齊全的飯店亦提供 行李寄存及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用飯店停車場。

AAndrewS9416 2023.10.13
The Harbour Sails friendly staff checked me in to a large, modern, comfortable and spotless room on the ground floor. The hotel is well situated, easy to access and beautifully maintained. There is a pool, free wifi and all the mod cons one would expect to find.
102 則評論
海波因特國際飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
海波因特國際飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店海波因特國際飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House0.19km
入住海波因特國際飯店,您即擁有探索格拉德斯通的地利之便。這間飯店所有客房均禁煙。 這裡有部分房間坐擁絕美的海景。如果您要近距離欣賞風景,可以考慮景觀房型。 這間飯店的所有客房均設有私人浴室。 您能擁有自己的廚房,另加上冰箱及洗衣機等的方便器具。您可以在飯店的游泳池游泳,或悠閒曬個日光浴。另外請別錯過海水泳池。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。在這間酒店式公寓,您還能找到燒烤等設施。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 行李寄存及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用免費停車場。

訪客用戶 2023.01.31
我完全建議住在這裏,然後住在Gladstone的其他地方。從入住開始,您受到Nita的歡迎,Nita的BTW簡直太棒了。快速輕鬆的入住。隨時隨地掌握國際信息。她在Gladstone的時候幾乎是你最好的google。我的房間(最近reno)非常壯觀。海景是死的。看着小到巨大的船隻航行。晚上碼頭都亮了,真的很漂亮😍迷你吧庫存充足,價格合理。乾淨,清新,牀很舒服!!啊哈現在樓下的餐廳,迪米特里的...我連詞都說不上來描述他們的烹飪菜單。我個人會推薦Mezes爲首發👌 摩頓灣bug爲主🤩 巴克拉瓦爲甜品❤ 神聖精品餐飲盡其所能!讚美廚師和女士FOH❤
26 則評論
格拉德斯通格蘭盛橡飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
格拉德斯通格蘭盛橡飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店格拉德斯通格蘭盛橡飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House0.21km
入住格拉德斯通格蘭盛橡飯店,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。這間飯店所有客房均禁煙。 入住期間,您將享受私人浴室的便利與隱私。 每個房間均有設備齊全的廚房,另加上冰箱及洗衣機等一系列器具。閒暇時間,您可以前往室外的游泳池內游泳。 前往 健身房繼續您的健身習慣。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。在這間酒店式公寓,您還能使用自動販賣機。 這間飯店的櫃台 24 小時均有人員服務,並能說 2 種語言,包含中文。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供免費 行李寄存。開車前往的旅客可以使用免費停車場。

We stayed just one night but wished it had been more. Everything was perfect from the smiling staff at check in to the great room with comfortable bed, very well appointed and having a lovely view
123 則評論
格拉德斯通市中心公寓式飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
格拉德斯通市中心公寓式飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店格拉德斯通市中心公寓式飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House0.28km
入住格拉德斯通市中心公寓式飯店,您即坐擁探索格拉德斯通所有精彩的地利之便。所有客房均禁煙。 每個房間均有設備齊全的廚房,另加上冰箱及洗衣機等一系列器具。客房及公共區域的免費 Wi-Fi 能讓您保持連網。 在這間酒店式公寓,您還能找到自動販賣機等設施。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 行李寄存及 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在免費停車場。

訪客用戶 2025.01.10
櫃台人員很友善,好停車。房間空間頗寬敞,地點還不錯,離商店及餐廳不遠。離Woolworths 商圈有段小距離,但要步行也是可以接受的範圍。
36 則評論
格萊德斯通 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
格萊德斯通 Kullaroo House附近的飯店格萊德斯通 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House0.32km
入住格萊德斯通,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。所有客房均禁煙。 您能在這間飯店的部分房間找到海景。預訂景觀房型,享受獨特入住體驗。您可以在飯店的游泳池游泳,或悠閒曬個日光浴。另外請別錯過景觀泳池。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。客房及公共區域的免費 Wi-Fi 能讓您保持連網。開車前往的旅客可以使用飯店停車場。

SSandra J 2024.07.19
The staff at this property are amazing. We had to leave another property due to cleanliness and hygiene reasons and as soon as we spoke to reception they could not do enough for us arranging a room immediately even though it was before 9.30am. The room was exceptionally clean, had a fantastic view of the harbour, and a well stocked reasonably priced mini bar. Book a harbour view room for your stay - early risers will not be disappointed with the sunrises from your room. Bed was comfortable but too soft for our liking, and verandah was quite small so couldn't sit outside which are our only complaints. Lovely restaurant on site, walking distance to pubs, shops, restaurants (the Thai restaurant outside the hotel would have to be one of the best we have had) and banks.
99 則評論
格拉德斯通市中心公寓飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
格拉德斯通市中心公寓飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店格拉德斯通市中心公寓飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House0.71km
入住格拉德斯通市中心公寓飯店,您即擁有探索格拉德斯通的地利之便。這間飯店所有客房均禁煙。 這裡的部分房間附設花園/庭院,並能讓您坐擁絕美城市景觀。如果您要近距離欣賞風景,可以考慮景觀房型。 您能擁有自己的廚房,另加上冰箱及洗衣機等的方便器具。閒暇時間,您可以前往室外的游泳池內游泳。在這間酒店式公寓,您還能使用燒烤及自動販賣機。 這間設施齊全的飯店亦提供 行李寄存及 乾洗。開車前往的旅客可以使用飯店停車場。

It started off well (sarcasm). Arrived in the evening and they didn’t have my confirmed fully paid booking and told me I had the wrong place. After a conversation and then looking at their system, they found my booking email but there was no room still. Could put me up for the night, but the rest of the week would be sorted in the morning. And, it was sorted. Failed to contact me to advise though. I needed to go to reception. The staff were pleasant and I understand these things happen. My issues were with the room and housekeeping. The room stank. It wasn’t quite a mustiness or a rotten smell, kind of something in between. There was a thick layer of dust on all the wall hanging. The bathroom extraction fan was totally clogged with dust so that it didn’t actually extract anything. There was always little fruit flies buzzing about and the cockroach climbing over the TV wasn’t pleasant. The usual extra hard bed you find in hotels 😦. No instructions for the oven or dishwasher. Took a little to figure them out. In fact, no room compendium so no information about anything. Frying pan handle was snapped off and just sitting next to the pan. The furniture seemed a bit old and sitting on the sofa made my allergies flare up. As for housekeeping, in addition to never dusting anything, all they did each day was empty the trash, triangle the toilet paper and only half the time, make the bed. I had to ask for fresh towels. The towels I left on the floor for housekeeping to remove each day, stayed there the whole week. They just never took them. I don’t expect housekeeping do to the odd dishes that I had. I find most serviced apartments do, but not here, so I did them myself, but housekeeping never replaced the dishwasher detergent so dishes were done with just water 😕. I put a pizza box next to the bin for housekeeping to remove, but they didn’t. It stayed there all week, and in fact it toppled over and prevented the cupboard for the bin from closing, like full blown half ajar, not just a little crack. I left it like that the whole week wondering if housekeeping would try to see why it wasn’t closing and remove the pizza box, but didn’t happen. I won’t stay at this place again
20 則評論
俱樂部飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
俱樂部飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店俱樂部飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店
距離Kullaroo House1.18km
俱樂部酒店位於格拉德斯通的黃金地段,入住期間探索此處最方便不過。房間內不可吸煙。 所有客房均設有私人浴室。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。住宿設有停車場,適合自駕遊旅客入住。

Great location across the road from railway station and walking distance to Woolworths’s, restaurants and shops. Staff are friendly and meals are good inside the hotel. The rooms are good but do need updating there was issues with hot water to some rooms while we were there, fly screens all need replacing on the windows. It’s great they supply breakfast cereals in room and have washing machine & dryer for guests to use. It can get a little loud some nights rooms are right near entrance. It’s think the grounds need a little more love there was lots of rubbish around in the gardens. Over all it’s cheap budget accommodation nothing fancy.
51 則評論
查看所有Kullaroo House飯店


The rooms were absolutley beautiful. Very stylish, modern and very large. The super sized King bed was so comfortable and we had a fantastic nights sleep. The Sky Deck Bar was great. Relaxing atmosphere and a great place to enjoy your complimentary drink. The reception staff were very friendly and the complimentary secured parking was a welcomed bonus. Overall this has been the nicest hotel room we have ever stayed in. Highly recommend!
Peppers Gladstone Kullaroo House附近的飯店

Peppers Gladstone

Barney Point
訪客A slightly détour on our way south often takes us to Mantra Gladstone. People there are so friendly! We were welcomed by a lovely lady who, upon our inquiry, showed us the way to the beautiful Gladstone foreshore Gardens near the Visitor centre. After checking in, we were off for a long walk. Back at the hotel, we enjoyed our free drinks then a beautiful buffet dinner at the Sportclub. Staying at the Mantra gives you automatic membership to the club, and here too, staff is superb. We hope to stay longer next time, so enjoyable and comfortable was our stay.
曼特拉格拉德斯通飯店 Kullaroo House附近的飯店


Barney Point
JJaney KI stay here often because of work commitments, and I must say that every stay couldn't be better! The rooms are always really clean and provide everything you could need. The staff are truly the best too.. and the breakfasts.. OMGod.. WOW! Excellently cooked and presented every time. I just LOVE everything about this motel really..!
CQ格拉德斯通汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店


From a photographer pensioner's perspective, not being able to afford high-price accommodation, the Aaron Motel in Gladstone, Queensland, made our overnight stay quite affordable. The relative ease with which one, or as many as you wish, can access the Gladstone CBD and waterfront is well worth the inconvenience of the Motel's semi-urban location. The benefit there being this location, unalike the nearby CBD, does not have the volume of noise and traffic as it's visible neighbour. Earlier bedtimes, all the rage with some oldies. If wearing rose tinted glasses, upon removal, notice you may have a, well behaved, tradie's 4wd parked next to your vehicle. Tact is all that's needed to overcome any phobia of tradies. Seriously, try striking up a conversation, maybe about their job, to' break the ice'. So much is learnt through talking. The photographer would do very well by visiting, within reasonable walking distance, the Eastern Shores Precinct after dark. Its coloured water fountain feature is a boon. The rest of the walk around the park's perimeter has many interesting angles and intensities of light. Maybe stop and watch the latest cricket match on a large screen on the grassy reserve. If, unavoidably, you fall asleep on the lawn till dawn, carry on with an early daylight re-shoot. A casual stroll to waterfront proper will realise the same satisfying results as the previous night's shoot. This time it's gulls perched on a mast top, glints of sunrise masking storm clouds, images of a yellow hulled ketch reflected in the smooth, aqua marine, surface of its host body of water. Make sure that you're shooting-away during the morning MLH, ( Magic light Hour), be there well before 8:00 a.m., after which you can expect your stately carriage to turn into a photoshop project. Don't jig around for too long, there's the CBD and all it's got to offer including the coffee. And, of course, the short walk to your unit at the Aaron for a well earned, mid-morning nanny/ poppy nap. Enjoy.
亞倫汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店


West Gladstone
This was an excellent motel for us. A nice, simple place too stay, an easily-accessible Tesla charger and close to a good choice of eateries. But what made it special was Carol's friendly, accommodating attitude. We had a problem a few days after we stayed there on our way home - Carol just said ”Sure, I can help” and the problem was solved. Thanks, we'll stay again.
海港小屋汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店


訪客I have been here before, it has the best sunset but over time the park view has been built out. Great location, the new renovations are excellent, no tacky carpets and all crisp tiles… bathroom great, beds great… pillows perfect … all the things a bloke wants!!! I won’t mention the rate given… I will just say they deserve more for the room but market rate for Queensland is peanuts for this quality! Lots of other units are empty! Great motel, fresh and clean!!
公園汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店


錫斯塔別墅汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店


訪客很棒的乾淨房間,價格優惠,寵物友好。我甚至喜歡這裏的樹木和花園看起來非常熱帶。經理很友好,而且非常樂於助人,因爲有天晚上我拖着我的Avan Aliner,因爲不想只安排一晚,這位女士甚至通過問其他住戶他們是否可以搬到那裏,確保我可以把車停在房間外面汽車到另一個地方,以便我的車和麪包車能夠適應,他很高興這樣做。這也很安靜,牀也很舒服,因此睡了一晚。我絕對推薦,並會回去。
南格拉德史通飯店式公寓 Kullaroo House附近的飯店


South Gladstone
訪客Stayed with my family for a primary school 125 year celebration for 2 nights. Room was very clean and the bed was very comfortable. When we arrived the reception was dark and the person behind the desk appeared to be sitting in the dark for some reason.but he processes our booking quickly and efficiently and we were off to our rooms. The lawn was overgrown across the entire grounds which made the place look untidy, but everything was well cleaned inside. The aircon in my room “112” was not very effective, but I was able to move my bed underneath it which made it acceptable. It was quite warm both days so without moving the bed the room would have been very hot. The strength of the shower head was awesome and the temperature made showering a pleasure. It is sad to see that the restaurant is gone as it used to be one of the best in Gladstone.
格拉德斯通棕櫚汽車旅館 Kullaroo House附近的飯店


West Gladstone


Kullaroo House附近有哪幾間超熱門飯店?

亞倫汽車旅館海港小屋汽車旅館 是幾間最熱門的飯店。

Kullaroo House附近有哪幾間飯店提供早餐?

如果您想在格拉德斯通Kullaroo House附近找一間提供早餐的飯店,可以考慮入住 亞倫汽車旅館海港小屋汽車旅館 。記得提前預訂這幾間熱門飯店!

Kullaroo House附近飯店的每晚均價約是多少?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,格拉德斯通Kullaroo House附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 NT$2,246。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Kullaroo House附近有哪幾間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi?

無論是商務出差還是旅遊散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 亞倫汽車旅館海港小屋汽車旅館 都是有提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門飯店。

Kullaroo House附近有哪幾間飯店附設健身房?

由於現代人對運動的需求變高,現在許多飯店都有附設健身房。 海港小屋汽車旅館 是一間設有健身房的熱門飯店。

Kullaroo House附近有哪幾間無障礙飯店?

亞倫汽車旅館 是一間有提供無障礙設施的熱門飯店。

Kullaroo House附近有哪幾間飯店有禁煙客房?

若怕房間有菸味,建議預訂禁煙房。 亞倫汽車旅館海港小屋汽車旅館 皆為提供禁菸房的熱門飯店。

Kullaroo House附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設停車場?

如果計劃開車前往格拉德斯通Kullaroo House,建議入住 亞倫汽車旅館海港小屋汽車旅館 ,這些熱門飯店都設有停車場。

Kullaroo House附近推薦哪幾間飯店?

如果還沒想好選擇哪家飯店,不如考慮入住 亞倫汽車旅館海港小屋汽車旅館 ,這幾間飯店評論很好,記得提前預訂!

Kullaroo House附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設泳池?

想去格拉德斯通Kullaroo House又喜歡游泳的旅客,建議入住 亞倫汽車旅館海港小屋汽車旅館 ,這幾間皆為設有泳池的熱門飯店。

Kullaroo House附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設餐廳?

如果想飯店就近用餐,可以考慮入住 亞倫汽車旅館海港小屋汽車旅館 。這幾間飯店有提供美食餐廳。