

4.4/581 評價
4.5/565 評價
我們喜歡這家酒店的位置和房間大小。禮賓部超級友善、樂於助人(要到三點後才能辦理入住,而我們的航班是早上 9 點到達的),所以她讓我們寄存行李,並在房間準備好時通知我們。景色非常好——就在河邊,可以進入市中心(沿著河邊步行 15 分鐘)。社區擁有您所需的一切 - 街對面有商店和餐廳。浴室很大,小廚房很完美,床也很好(說實話,床單真的很熱……某種塑膠床墊套)。但我們很喜歡它並且會再次留在這裡。
4/523 評價
4.3/567 評價
4.2/570 評價
I stayed at this hotel from the 12th to the 14th of February. I left all my travel money and my wedding ring in the safe for security, when I left for the airport and check out, I forgot my belongings inside the room safe where I had put my personal password, the big problem starts there. When contacting the hotel, the enormous difficulty began to respond and check the room, after more than 12 hours of the incident, they simply told me that there was nothing inside the safe and that in fact I was stolen inside the hotel safe, without any justification for how this happened and no goodwill movement to resolve the theft, acting normally at a loss of over $5,000 with no remorse or willingness to help the customer. very upset about being robbed inside a hotel that apparently seemed reliable, but it turned out to be completely obscure and without any security management, as belongings disappear from a safe that had a personal password and nobody takes care of it. other than that, the hotel had enormous difficulty in providing feedback, it did not respond to emails, calls, contacts via the booking app, showing itself to be completely conniving with the crime that occurred inside its facilities and not willing to do anything to solve it the same. Stay away from this hotel if you want to have your belongings safe, if you have no option, don't trust your room alone to anyone. Looks can be deceiving, don't go through the same problem as me. I'm putting photos of the room with my bags and then at the airport and my live ticket too, to prove my stay at the hotel and in what I said where I was rudely stolen inside the safe where I put my personal password, after forgetting my objects and get in touch two hours later someone had gone there and stolen all my money and wedding ring.
3.6/546 評價
我們在這家飯店住了3晚,是透過booking預訂的。良好的品質/價格比。房間雖小但很乾淨,床非常舒適。不含早餐,但每人 10 歐元即可享用早餐:咖啡、果汁、優格、麥片、各種麵包、冷盤和起司、小奶油蛋捲、巧克力餡餅和糖炸麵團。自助式早餐。飯店下方付費停車(全天 12 歐元,而不是 15 歐元)
