南投日月潭馥麗溫泉大飯店(FULI HOT SPRING RESORT)位於日月潭中山路。房內均提供免費洗漱用品、無線wifi 等,配設齊全。這裡的溫泉有岩盤浴、複合SPA中心、天然溫泉風呂可供選擇,是家人和朋友放鬆身心的好去處。飯店還提供多國美食料理、養生會館、精品伴手禮展售、多功能會議宴會廳,撞球區、乒乓球區、孩童遊戲區、健身房、健步跑道等各式休閒娛樂設施,給你的溫泉之旅提供更多愉悅。
This is the best hotel at Sun Moon Lake. There are other well established hotels in the area but they are mostly dated. Wyndham has leapfrogged other hotels in the area. The General Manager personally involves in providing excellent customer services with a professional staff team. The design and decoration are second to none in the Sun Moon Lake area. The hotel provided a feeling of elegance with luxury. Modern Sophistication and artistic ambience make this a must stay property.
This is the best hotel at Sun Moon Lake. There are other well established hotels in the area but they are mostly dated. Wyndham has leapfrogged other hotels in the area. The General Manager personally involves in providing excellent customer services with a professional staff team. The design and decoration are second to none in the Sun Moon Lake area. The hotel provided a feeling of elegance with luxury. Modern Sophistication and artistic ambience make this a must stay property.