





4.3/580 評價


I love this hotel. i have stayed here now many many times, and i have NEVER had a bad experience, so i thought i would finally write a DESERVED GOOD review. The Hotel is placed right at the heart of Dumaguete, everything you would want is with a few mins of the hotel, the hotel also provides trips to some of the popular tourist attractions. The rooms are always clean and fresh with daily room service, but in my opinion the only thing that lets the rooms down are the showers which sadly could do with more maintenance as often they are faulty in some way and poorly kept looking, but they still provide good supply of hot water. I have stayed in all of the rooms they offer, from their suite to the standard rooms, and all show the same levels of cleanliness and the rooms always feel welcoming. Free breakfast is provided and the restaurant is good and the food well cooked and presented , the hotel provides a full range of pampering service if you require some self indulgence. The staff are ALWAYS friendly polite professional and on hand for any reason and will always make you feel important and a valued guest. I have in all my stays at this Hotel had only ever had one problem which was dealt with professionally, immediately and satisfactorily,. This hotel is ALWAYS my first choice when i visit Dumaguete, and will continue to be so They have plenty of rooms and even as a walk in, i have never been turned away from being fully booked, Its always a pleasure staying here.... See you next time !



5/51 評價
4.6/513 評價
對於五星級飯店來說,它看起來並不像,而且絕對不值這個價錢。 -便利設施很差(例如,他們提供一小塊細肥皂作為沐浴露。為什麼他們不提供液體沐浴露?此外,一些毛巾被過度使用) -他們打掃房間/浴室,並在 3 天后更換毛巾而不是每天。現在已經沒有疫情了,為什麼不每天打掃房間呢?! - 食物不錯,但早餐的選擇不夠多(為什麼不包括煎餅?而且,咖啡味道不太好,濃烈且燒焦的味道) - 員工不錯,但他們需要更多培訓:>餐飲服務緩慢且低效。早餐和午餐期間,我們的食物經過幾個小時的等待才送上來。我們的一些訂單來錯了(不是我們訂購的)。 >組織混亂、缺乏體系。 >他們在前台和沒有競爭對手的咖啡館都缺乏工作人員。 - 如果您不歸還所有鑰匙卡,他們將向您收費。如果這是一家真正的五星級飯店,您就不會向客人收取廉價且一次性的費用。總的來說,我們的住宿還不錯(房間很大,游泳池很漂亮),但缺乏便利設施和員工培訓。缺點多於優點。無論誰擁有這家酒店,似乎都節省了太多成本。永遠不會住在菲律賓的任何一家亨利酒店。
4.1/542 評價
我們原本計劃住在另一家酒店,但已經滿了,所以我們決定嘗試Henia。總的來說,這是一次很好的體驗,我認爲這可能是杜馬古特最好的選擇,因爲某些原因,酒店選擇非常有限。好的: - 房間大小合理。我們預訂時只有雙牀房。雖然基本,但都是最新的,乾淨,房間合理 - 浴室質量不錯,有預期的設施,如洗髮水,牙刷套件等。淋浴很寬敞。- 牆壁空調效果很好 - 他們帶包含的早餐到您的房間。您每天從許多菲律賓選擇中選擇。沒有西式早餐選擇。- 我處理的每個人都很友好和樂於助人 - 電梯,在杜馬古特酒店是罕見的,大小體面,非常流暢 不太好: - 交通噪音很大 - 水壓不大 - 互聯網是不強。幾乎不可能上傳東西 - 門卡很敏感,所以要等很長時間才能開門 總體來說,考慮到其他選擇,我會推薦這家酒店
4.3/522 評價
非常漂亮的游泳池,但是我們走的時候有。酒店很迷人,但音,因爲窗戶外面都不孤立(大型卡車過來的足夠的路)。早餐不提供糖的選擇。不遠於港口和機場,不遠於城市 (10分鐘的Tuk-Tuk),實用品享受Dumaguete和周圍(山、道、熱源)。附近有好餐館,沿海走走。
3.7/51 評價
杜馬格特·多米特(Dumaguete Dormitel)位於離中部地區只有5分鐘的距離,周圍都是餐館、酒吧、市場和超市,這家住成爲你訪問島的理想地點。他們提供兩種住:共享或雙人房,我們選擇雙人房,而且是非常棒的。一個相當寬的房間,由兩個大個別牀組成,有桌桌,有台,有,有鏡子,有,有電視,有冰箱和有空調。室,私人,,洗,洗,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,我們房間裏還有一個私人大,如果你想,就可以你的衣服。房間裏還包括毛、衛生紙和一套帶牙、和肥的歡迎套裝。除了房間,他們擁有共同的空間(每一層樓和接待室)和沙發和桌子,可以和其他旅客休息、工作或分享經驗。雖然有足夠的房間,但路上卻很平靜,沒有音,人們一直尊重,我們從未聽到過一個比另一個更高的聲音。因特網的連接非常好,因此我們在那兒的幾天裏很容易工作,而在菲律賓,這有時相當複雜,他們還擁有水(支付)機器和洗衣機。總有人在接待室幫助你,除了晚上的門外還有一個守衛。房間已經滿足了我們的期望,正如我已經說過的位置是理想的,因此我毫無疑問會推杜馬格特·多米特爾。
4.3/580 評價
I love this hotel. i have stayed here now many many times, and i have NEVER had a bad experience, so i thought i would finally write a DESERVED GOOD review. The Hotel is placed right at the heart of Dumaguete, everything you would want is with a few mins of the hotel, the hotel also provides trips to some of the popular tourist attractions. The rooms are always clean and fresh with daily room service, but in my opinion the only thing that lets the rooms down are the showers which sadly could do with more maintenance as often they are faulty in some way and poorly kept looking, but they still provide good supply of hot water. I have stayed in all of the rooms they offer, from their suite to the standard rooms, and all show the same levels of cleanliness and the rooms always feel welcoming. Free breakfast is provided and the restaurant is good and the food well cooked and presented , the hotel provides a full range of pampering service if you require some self indulgence. The staff are ALWAYS friendly polite professional and on hand for any reason and will always make you feel important and a valued guest. I have in all my stays at this Hotel had only ever had one problem which was dealt with professionally, immediately and satisfactorily,. This hotel is ALWAYS my first choice when i visit Dumaguete, and will continue to be so They have plenty of rooms and even as a walk in, i have never been turned away from being fully booked, Its always a pleasure staying here.... See you next time !


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