Valencia Da Nang Beach Hotel
坐落在福美,峴港皇冠假日飯店(Crowne Plaza Danang)在峴港佔盡地理之宜。包括Cicilia Spa、美溪海灘和Victoria De Spa都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。飯店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括Pham Van Dong Beach、Ms.Kim Foot Massage和Cool Spa - Da Nang,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。
所有極具特色的客房都配備有房內保險箱、空調和液晶電視機,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供浴缸、吹風機和免費洗漱用品(6樣以內)的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去飯店的咖啡廳喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。飯店周邊的美食也等待著您的探索,Lam Vien Restaurant(東南亞菜)會供應一流的推薦美味越式春捲,黃魚新鮮海鮮店2店(海鮮)的皮皮蝦也頗受歡迎,Danabeach Restaurant(東南亞菜)也是家值得去的地方。
坐落於邁可海灘的布拉格飯店,會讓您在峴港擁有別樣的體驗,開展一段難忘的旅行。旅客們會發現Ms.Kim Foot Massage、美溪寺和Nha Tho Giao Xu An Hai距離飯店都不遠。飯店佔盡地理之宜,峴港大聖堂、峴港韓江富貴號遊船和峴港韓江龍船號遊船離此都很近。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。瓶裝水可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供拖鞋和吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。酒吧旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。Am Thuc Tran(Ẩm Thực Trần - Đà Nẵng)(東南亞菜)供應一流的推薦美味-香烤小牛肉,Blue Dolphin(Nhà hàng Cá heo xanh)(海鮮)提供的清蒸大蝦備受好評,Hai san Cua Bien(Hải Sản Cua Biển)(海鮮)的烤大蝦也是來這裡遊玩不容錯過的美味。顧客可以在飯店盡情的享受各種體育設施,如在健身室鍛鍊。工作人員可根據旅客需要安排接機服務。
SSunny Png2024.06.13
Overall the hotel location is excellent with many amenities and F&B around .Hotel counter services are nice and friendly . Housekeeping needs much improvement and air conditioning not so cold could be due to afternoon sun facing room and hot weather in DaNang.
坐落在峴港市區,眨眼客峴港中心飯店在峴港佔盡地理之宜。飯店地處便捷區域,距離峴港國際機場僅3km,距離峴港火車站僅2km。包括Danang Backpackers Tourist、峴港大聖堂和Han River Bridge都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。飯店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括Nha Tho Giao Xu An Hai、美福寺和Ms.Kim Foot Massage,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。飯店為您在客房內配備了空調、液晶電視機和衣櫃/衣櫥,所有入住的顧客均可便捷的使用。服務人員會提前為您準備好瓶裝水,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供拖鞋和吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。您可以在酒吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,附近Sofia Restaurant Danang(東南亞菜)的越南春捲、My Quang 24/7(MỲ QUẢNG 24/7)(小吃)的牛肉米粉和Hai san Cua Bien(Hải Sản Cua Biển)(海鮮)的烤大蝦或許能勾起您的食慾。對於顧客來說,可以在健身室享受鍛鍊的樂趣。飯店設有會議廳和商務中心,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。24小時開放的櫃檯服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。
I was introduced to WINK Hotel by my friend. After finishing the fun schedule in Da Nang, I feel very happy and satisfied. The interior space of everything of WINK is modern and new. I am very impressed with the guy BINH WINK, he is very enthusiastic, attentive, very good energy, I love that. This makes me even more excited and leaves more memories for me. Thank you very much. Love WINK
歡迎蒞臨voco Ma Belle Danang, an IHG hotel,這座位於美溪海灘的標誌性豪華飯店。一踏進飯店,您即刻感受到賓至如歸的溫馨氛圍。我們飯店地理位置優越,靠近城市最熱門的景點,距離峴港國際機場僅15分鐘車程。峴港的必遊之地都近在咫尺,包括大理石山、山茶半島和金橋。進入飯店,您將置身於寬敞的空間中,可以在voco Ma Belle Danang, an IHG hotel的三家餐廳和酒吧中輕鬆放鬆、社交和休憩。在城市內僅有的天台酒吧之一,您可以欣賞到日落美景。此外,您還可以在街頭大廳休息室或全天供應美食的餐廳品嚐各式美味。敞開窗戶,讓清新海風飄進房間,享受高速Wi-Fi和全景海景或城市風光。在一天的探索或純粹的休憩後,您將沐浴在通風淋浴中,舒適的床鋪、潔白的床單以及完美的羽絨被和枕頭將為您帶來寧靜的夜晚。在voco Ma Belle Danang, an IHG hotel,您可以享受voco生活,盡情欣賞無邊際天台泳池中的城市和海灘美景。不論您想在水療中放鬆、在健身中心鍛鍊,還是在海中暢遊,我們都提供了多種選擇,以滿足每位賓客的需求。我們深知,飯店不僅僅是住宿之處,而是一種獨特的體驗。我們的員工會本能地滿足您的個人需求,傳遞出溫暖的好客之情。voco Ma Belle Danang, an IHG hotel熱烈歡迎您,為您呈現一個輕鬆而奢華的五星級風格住宿。TEST
This is our first trip been to Viet Nam, Da Nang. The weather looks better than the day we arrive, therefore we had time to enjoy the pool in 26th floor, it really a great view with mountains and beach view. Our room is also sea view but we suprised with the view in the infinity pool. Breakfast was perfect but when we eat there are alot of guests around :>> Anyway, everything was great and you might think about this place when you have chance to go to Danang. Me and my husband were super happy
峴港太陽半島度假村洲際飯店擁有多間精美餐飲場所如La Maison 1888餐廳,提供配有私人海灘、大型戶外游泳池和水療館的豪華度假場所。該度假飯店享有海洋的壯麗景色。從飯店需要45分鐘便可抵達峴港機場,距離可汗博物館約有25公里,距離順化皇城、會安古城等熱門的聯合國教科文組織世界遺產場址約有45公里。峴港太陽半島度假村洲際飯店所有的住宿都擁有豪華的裝飾,並提供私人陽台。該度假飯店的海濱別墅坐落在山腳下壯觀的巨石旁,設有私人泳池、一個陽台和豪華的浴室設施。部分客房設有一個溫泉浴缸和享有壯麗海景的私人用餐涼亭。在峴港太陽半島度假村洲際飯店您可以在海拔100公尺的Citron餐廳的私人包廂享用新鮮的越南美食。若要享用輕鬆的海濱用餐體驗,您可以光顧Barefoot Café咖啡店,品嚐美味的烤肉和新鮮海鮮以及雞尾酒和葡萄酒。Buffalo酒吧供應葡萄酒香檳和優質的手工卷制的雪茄。在峴港太陽半島度假村洲際飯店您還可以光顧世界著名的蒙哥馬利海灣球場高爾夫俱樂部,或在峴港高爾夫俱樂部挑戰自己。該度假飯店的許多休閒活動包括騎腳踏車、釣魚和遠足。另外,顧客還可以要求在水療中心享受舒適的按摩服務和身體護理服務。飯店內部還設有一個現代化的健身中心。
訪訪客I have stayed at this hotel 4 times this year and have yet to see any staff smile. The rooms are ok but don't expect to get a food platter in the pool as per the advertised picture. The pool is on the roof and small. The bar is closed. Nice location near the beach, bars and restaurants. Reception staff are unfriendly and unhelpful. Breakfast ranges from good to bad. Especially if you like cold french fries?
訪訪客Booked a room here on October 10th 2022. Short review: 1) Bugs in the bed. 2) No soundproofing whatsoever. You can hear all your neighbors on the floor. 3) Very noisy AC. 4) Poor service. Longer review: It was about 5 p.m. already and I needed a place to stay a night, so searched nearby hotels in Booking. Because I wanted to check what the hotel was like before booking (most of the pictures were computer-generated or touched up), I went there and asked about the rooms. The receptionist first showed a room on the 11th floor (#1104?), but that one had a big moldy spots on the walls, so I declined. Then she showed the room #1004, which looked ok, plus had partial sea view. When I was going to book the room through Booking, the receptionist asked me to just pay the same price to the hotel without using Booking. It didn't matter to me, so I paid by card. Not 10 minutes in the bed, I noticed that something is bitting me. When I checked, I had bites all over my body. Like 6-7 on my right foot only. 🤪😰 Then I went to the reception, showed the receptionist the bite marks, and told her I was checking out. She replied ok, but they were not going to return the money. Even though I've been in the room for max. 20 minutes. I asked her to call the manager. After 10 or so minutes another lady came and said they'd return only 50%: because they showed me the room and I should've checked the room conditions better before booking. What?! How am I supposed to check the bugs in the bed?! 😳 I'm not in the habit of carrying a magnifying glass and checking the beds. I was pissed off for such an answer. After a long talk, a call with another manager, and another 15-20 minute wait, they decided to return the full payment. My experience in there was awful. I would never recommend this hotel to anyone. Actually I was puzzled how this hotel has a 8+ rating? My guess is that many people just don't bother to leave a review. So I decided to leave mine, so next time someone is looking for a hotel, they will know what awaits them there. Hope your travel will have only wonderful experiences and memories. 🙂