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探索我們在Parque Golondrinas附近的熱門飯店






正在尋找Parque Golondrinas附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.1/555 評價
我覺得我們爲這家酒店支付的價格是沒有根據質量的,原因如下: 1.淋浴排水管壞了,有一塊圓形塑料覆蓋,以保護你在金屬片上被切割。2.裝飾不是很好。3.我們不得不要求衛生紙幾次,而不是在清潔期間提供。4.我們與其他一些支付不到我們支付的一半的人交談 - 公平地說,這是我的錯。我在booking.com上預訂,支付了他們要求的。一對夫婦在酒店預訂,能夠協商不到我們支付的一半的價格。5.它位於夜總會街對面,音樂非常響。我們最初以爲這會令睡眠問題,但幸運的是它根本沒有打擾我們。6.早餐時在露台上允許吸菸。積極的一面:1.工作人員很棒。早餐工作人員和清潔人員非常包容和友好。早餐工作人員會爲你切水果,如果你問。Miriam是我們最喜歡的,因爲她英語說得很流利。2.這個地方很乾淨 - 他們整天都在打掃。游泳池定期打掃-但挺冷的。實際上我喜歡這種方式。3.離市中心廣場近。4.AC效果真的很好。5.他們有兩隻酒店貓。:)這對一些人來說可能是負面的。 6.牀很舒服 - 我們有一個特大牀,太棒了。牀上用品經常更換 - 我想每隔一天。牀每天都是化妝的。總的來說,我會再次入住這裏,但期望價格低得多。
4.8/543 評價
最初,我猶豫是否給VLA 5星評分,因爲我不會認爲它是豪華酒店。酒店有點舊,但維護良好,有吸引力。房間基本但乾淨實用。我們有點小螞蟻的問題,但我認爲你會發現在科祖梅爾很難找到沒有這樣的地方。我最初也被預訂過程推遲了。我所有的溝通都是通過What's App進行的,我被要求使用PayPal向個人帳戶支付押金。我從未收到任何通過電子郵件進行的預訂確認。這不是一個典型的預訂過程,但一切都在上面,入住是完美的。最後,我之所以評五星是因爲工作人員的價值和友好和樂於助人。前台的大衛確保我們得到了解決,並擁有我們需要的一切。飲用水?一小時內在我們的房間裏出現了一個五加侖的水壺。加牀?入住就設置了。多毛巾?當然!我會毫不猶豫地再次入住這裏,作爲性價比高,舒適的大度假村的替代品。
科蘇梅爾飯店及度假村 - 溫德姆商標精選飯店 - 全包式
3.9/5103 評價
设施维护良好,工作人员非常友好和友好。 包罗万象的餐饮和餐饮选择多样且美味,客人可以在度假村维护良好、人烟罕至的私人海滩上放松身心。 我在那里住了3晚4天,如果有机会,我还想再去一次,我想强烈推荐给我的熟人。
4.4/5101 評價
3.8/576 評價
I have been coming to this hotel for the last 12 plus years. When Wyndham took over I expected that the rooms and furnishings would be upgraded. The price has consistently gone up so i was hoping for upgrades to the property. This is a dive hotel not a luxury venue. This trip I found the Ultimate Luxury Hotel and decided to move on to the Occidental Royal level for when I come back in October. It is a few dollars more for the Royal but what a place. Here are the good facts on Hotel Cozumel: The employees are excellent Luisa, Kiera and Miguel stand out with the level of service that they provided. The food has been upgraded with some special night to order off of the menu and not always a buffet. It is clean and the air conditioners work well. The room cleaning people are honest and trustworthy. The bad news is: We used to have wash cloths no more I guess providing a .50 cent towel is too much. You can't drink the water at the hotel. At check in you are given two 16 oz bottles of water in your room. Want more? you have to walk down the hall and fill your bottles daily. Many times the hall water was completely empty. Hard to understand why they can't give .50 cents worth of water every day. When I went to look at the Hotel Occidental the in room mini bar is restocked every other day in the least expensive room and restocked daily in the Royal rooms. 4 waters ,8 beers and 8 soft drinks NOT BAD. The starting level at the Occidental is currently less that the Hotel Cozumel on Hotels .com The furniture is tired. The drawers will fall out of the dresser, the marble top has been cracked forever. One day we had no cold water the next day the hot was cold and the cold was hot. on the 3rd day it was back to normal. I complained about the sliding glass door in my room in October and I always stay in the same room. The door still wasn't fixed and required 41 lbs of pull to get it open. My wife could not open or close the door I complained about it this trip too. No luck.
