












Clifton Moor

3.7/527 評價


克利夫頓 約克|距離Clifton Moor2.01km
Firstly this is all my opinion. So the place says it is 4 stars as rated by Enjoy England I have looked them up repeatedly and cannot see such an awarding body, so to me that seems like a lie. Again that won't be the only (in my opinion) lie that they say to get people to stay but we'll get to that. It says that it is close to the city centre do you consider 20 minutes on foot close? Again it doesn't tell you it's next to a hospital or show you the front of the building in it's pictures that's because it's a house and a pokey one at that. Next let's move on to the rules they don't tell you about before arrival, you are not allowed alcohol in the room you are not allowed takeaway in the room and you are strongly encouraged not to make any noise after 10pm what is more fun when you're on holiday than copius rules? On top of that the rooms are incredibly small it feels like you're in someone's back bedroom, which wouldn't be a problem if that was clearly shown that was what it was but it wasn't clear. Also whilst in there you feel incredibly on view and like you have to be on your best behavior again as though you are staying with a parent not want you want on holiday. Relaxation isn't on the cards. Finally, the staircase is a deathtrap (in my opinion) incredibly steep and not wheelchair friendly, also the front of the property is very icy and that is also hazardous. Oh and the online check in procedure where you have to give you passport details is also irritating. If I had known any of this before going I never ever would have, in my opinion they keep most of these things like the rules out of sight until you get there again becuase they know it will put people off. Do yourself a favor and stay away


B&M Home Store with Garden Centre

3.7/527 評價


克利夫頓 約克|距離B&M Home Store with Garden Centre2.47km
Firstly this is all my opinion. So the place says it is 4 stars as rated by Enjoy England I have looked them up repeatedly and cannot see such an awarding body, so to me that seems like a lie. Again that won't be the only (in my opinion) lie that they say to get people to stay but we'll get to that. It says that it is close to the city centre do you consider 20 minutes on foot close? Again it doesn't tell you it's next to a hospital or show you the front of the building in it's pictures that's because it's a house and a pokey one at that. Next let's move on to the rules they don't tell you about before arrival, you are not allowed alcohol in the room you are not allowed takeaway in the room and you are strongly encouraged not to make any noise after 10pm what is more fun when you're on holiday than copius rules? On top of that the rooms are incredibly small it feels like you're in someone's back bedroom, which wouldn't be a problem if that was clearly shown that was what it was but it wasn't clear. Also whilst in there you feel incredibly on view and like you have to be on your best behavior again as though you are staying with a parent not want you want on holiday. Relaxation isn't on the cards. Finally, the staircase is a deathtrap (in my opinion) incredibly steep and not wheelchair friendly, also the front of the property is very icy and that is also hazardous. Oh and the online check in procedure where you have to give you passport details is also irritating. If I had known any of this before going I never ever would have, in my opinion they keep most of these things like the rules out of sight until you get there again becuase they know it will put people off. Do yourself a favor and stay away


F&F Clothing



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最高價格VND 8,147,616
最低價格VND 1,320,075
平均價格 (平日)VND 4,489,977
平均價格 (週末)VND 5,530,856