
為您推薦Christchurch Central的飯店





4.3/582 評價


Christchurch Central|距離基督城大教堂0.11km
I stayed at this hotel again principally because it is an Accor property in the CBD (as I am an ALL Platinum) - but that is really about it. The hotel is passable for what one expects of a Novotel, but it is getting quite dated and the carpet stains in the room are too pointed a reminder of the hotel's age. The bed is soft and the generous number of pillows and cushions make for a very comfy night in. While it is in the CBD, it is a fair walk from most places of note in the city. Since my previous visit, the reception staff have improved in service and manner. I was disappointed that as I left a shirt in my room's cupboard, I had to call a few times to follow up on its search as the promised return call did not come until I called again (the shirt was never found). What is most disappointing is the restaurant. While the quality of the food is acceptable, it is quite overpriced for Christchurch and the restaurant's setting. Despite only having a handful of tables for dinner, I had to approach the wait staff when I wanted a table, to order, get a drink, or receive the check. Similarly, the bar staff are not as proactive as one may expect to come to tables and take drink orders, even when one is the only patron at the bar. My biggest complaint is the breakfast. On one of the mornings I even had to set my own table. Empty juice dispensers are not refilled for quite some time; the only eggs served are scrambled, the only non-meat ”hot” offering are potatoes and beans. Perhaps there is is a concern that some patrons are allergic to tomatoes, green leaves, salad, vegetables, and mushrooms? After two nights I moved to another hotel in Christchurch and am much happier.
4.4/545 評價


Christchurch Central|距離基督城大教堂0.17km


您好,宜必思基督城經理,希望這個消息能很好地找到您。我寫信是爲了表達我對7月23日入住期間您酒店的美妙環境和位置的讚賞。中央商務區的位置,再加上距離酒店僅幾米遠的購物和餐飲選擇,讓我的體驗非常愉快。我必須讚揚您的前台團隊在我入住期間的熱情友好的服務。他們細心和包容,讓我感到歡迎和重視作爲客人。然而,我很遺憾與客房服務團隊分享我的經驗,讓我感到失望。我和我的朋友提出了一個具體和個人的要求,無論是直接與客房服務人員,還是通過前台,在我們逗留期間讓我們的房間打掃乾淨。不幸的是,回到我們的房間,我們震驚地發現門上掛着“請勿打擾”標籤,表明房間沒有被照顧過。我知道任何機構都可能發生錯誤,而且我相信這是過程疏忽而不是故意忽視。儘管如此,我覺得有必要提請您注意這件事。這些小刺激物可以對客人的體驗產生持久的影響,我真誠地希望您的管理層會建設性地接受這些反饋,以防止將來發生此類事件。我真的很喜歡我在您酒店的整體住宿,但我相信解決這些問題將將您的服務提升到更高水平的卓越。再次,感謝您酒店提供的宜人的氛圍和位置;這無疑是一筆巨大的財富。感謝您對此事的關注,並期待將來有可能再次入住。溫馨的問候,[Aylur K Srikrishnan] [617室]


瀏覽用戶對Christchurch Central飯店的評價

4.6/588 評價
4.4/561 評價
4.3/582 評價
I stayed at this hotel again principally because it is an Accor property in the CBD (as I am an ALL Platinum) - but that is really about it. The hotel is passable for what one expects of a Novotel, but it is getting quite dated and the carpet stains in the room are too pointed a reminder of the hotel's age. The bed is soft and the generous number of pillows and cushions make for a very comfy night in. While it is in the CBD, it is a fair walk from most places of note in the city. Since my previous visit, the reception staff have improved in service and manner. I was disappointed that as I left a shirt in my room's cupboard, I had to call a few times to follow up on its search as the promised return call did not come until I called again (the shirt was never found). What is most disappointing is the restaurant. While the quality of the food is acceptable, it is quite overpriced for Christchurch and the restaurant's setting. Despite only having a handful of tables for dinner, I had to approach the wait staff when I wanted a table, to order, get a drink, or receive the check. Similarly, the bar staff are not as proactive as one may expect to come to tables and take drink orders, even when one is the only patron at the bar. My biggest complaint is the breakfast. On one of the mornings I even had to set my own table. Empty juice dispensers are not refilled for quite some time; the only eggs served are scrambled, the only non-meat ”hot” offering are potatoes and beans. Perhaps there is is a concern that some patrons are allergic to tomatoes, green leaves, salad, vegetables, and mushrooms? After two nights I moved to another hotel in Christchurch and am much happier.
4.4/566 評價
房間有點味道。勸您不要含早餐,這個是我點的地中海早餐,哈哈一半麥片一半果醬,,早餐真的咽不下去啊我要了一根香蕉2個刀。當然,他們沒收,因為這碗粥(早餐的全部)我沒有吃。 花園酒店有其名無其實,沒有看見花和草 入住客人大部分是印度人,入住率挺好的哈哈٩(๑^o^๑)۶
4.2/5101 評價
4.4/578 評價
Das Motel ist zentral gelegen, preislich nicht sonderlich teuer - entspricht aber auch der Qualität. Die Zeiten der Rezeption sind äußerst ungünstig und werden nicht eingehalten. Da wir erst am Nachmittag vom CHC Abfolgen, wollten wir das Gepäck im Hotel lassen. Am Vorabend haben wir uns erkundigt, wann und ob wir das Gepäck abgeben können. Der frühstmögliche Zeitpunkt (aus Sicht des Motels) ist die Öffnung der Rezeption warten um 9:30 Uhr. Am Check-out-Tag haben wir um kurz vor halb 10 bereits vor der Rezeption gewartet und haben festgestellt, dass die Rezeption noch verschlossen war und die Angestellten auch nicht ins Gebäude kamen.. somit haben wir vor verschlossenen Türen bis 09:45 Uhr warten müssen. Als wir (UND die Angestellten!) dann endlich reingelassen wurden, konnten wir under Gepäck erst in einer halben Stunde abgeben.. dadurch verplempern wir die uns bleibende Zeit in CHC.. hierhin würden wir nicht mehr kommen!
