管家姐姐人真好!我女兒特別喜歡她!這裏的服務很好環境也很好!下次也要來!really enjoyed the stay and will highly recommend staying here with family! The breakfast is also very yummy!
住宿方回覆: 【步行即達賀龍體育館,地鐵直達五一廣場、橘子洲、長沙南站】親愛的朋友,看到您對我們服務態度的好評,我們心裏暖烘烘的!我們會繼續保持這份熱情,用貼心的服務迎接您的每一次光臨,We truly appreciate your high recommendation! Knowing that you enjoyed our breakfast makes all our efforts worthwhile. If there's anything else we can do to make your next visit even more special, please don't hesitate to let us know.