



4.3/553 評價


坦林 中雅加達|距離印度尼西亞商場0.1km
Stayed 2N in a 1BR (Rm # 2201) - the worse accommodation I've encountered in Jakarta where reputable hotel chains I've stayed before are always clean and pleasant. The stay looked unpromising upon getting the key cards in a very well used and yellowish looking jacket (ok, forgivable if is a sustainability effort in a post covid world and in a property where hygiene and decent upkeeping is obviously of lower priority perhaps?) Things started going downhill after I stepped out of the lift to be welcomed by the mouldy patch and peeling paint on the common corridor walls and ceilings. More to dislikes upon stepping into the room: - First impression is that it hasn't been in used for a while with blast from 80s decor - Strand of hairs on the sink top, bed, desks... everywhere in plain sight - Very used and dumpy looking sofa that doesn't felt too clean - Bedsheet isn't too clean with prominent old stain when you flip over the quilt - Old and dirty looking dryer with few packets of partially used washing powder - Yellowish looking switches with dirt and grime collecting around the corners - Standing shower isn't working as is leaking at the back with weak pressure - Balls of dust and peeling paint could be seen everywhere in the room - Wall and ceiling paints were peeling off here and there - Rain water could seep through the living room window causing the floor around the window to be wet - Final straw was the dirty and smelly fridge causing the lapis legit I bought from nearby Mandarin Oriental to reek of a terrible and unwholesome freezer stench Horrible, not recommended and a total rip off at S$250++ per night!
4.7/5124 評價


坦林 中雅加達|距離印度尼西亞商場0.47km
但凡是一家叫“文華東方”的酒店,你就能通過一把獨有於該酒店的摺扇感受其體現出雅緻非凡的東方神韻,感受其獨具特色的東方魅力,探索現代奢華風格(個人感覺可以歸納到文奢一類了),享用其備受讚譽的餐飲美食、健康和傳奇服務,體驗酒店品牌與當地文化融合貫通的精華,尊享個性化的難忘獨特體驗。 雅加達文華東方酒店於1976年1月開工建設,1978年9月開業,並於2009年煥新裝修開業,全面體驗之後的感覺就是酒店並沒有因為時間的飛逝而顯得老舊落後,反而是維護的非常好,並讓你感受到歲月帶來的沉澱和年代留下的質感,這種特性是新裝修中式酒店所無法達到的效果(每一家文華東方都值得,並在體驗過程中讓你讚歎享受並留戀,衹可親身體驗不可言傳哈哈哈哈)。 雅加達文華東方的亮點在於大隱於市,雖然地處印尼首都最繁華核心街區,但是阻隔了城市的喧囂和聒噪,依舊能夠看到車水馬龍的繁華景象(非常適合周末放空自己)。再一個就是細緻入微的服務和完善的配套設施,以及每個酒店員工盡其所能的服務意識,讓你能夠完全放鬆下來體驗生活。·入住體驗比較順暢,由於節假日,房態基本處於飽和緊張的情況,等房過程中引導到酒廊給了果盤甜點蛋糕以及歡迎禮雞尾酒,有點類似長島冰茶的口感但又沒有薄荷的清香,比較平緩的口感。 ·客房布局人性化,整個動線規劃的非常明朗,處於回字形結構,用實木質可隱藏式推拉門來貫通整個空間,房門非常厚實,推開門並沒有一覽無餘的景觀,利用實木格柵做了若隱若現的處理,給你一種朦朧神秘的感覺。 ·硬件設施是中式融合印尼民族特色的實木傢具,小電器基本是印尼國民品牌,五金衛浴肯定是國際一線,厚實質感無可挑剔,浴缸布局簡直是完美來形容,讓人恨不得一天都泡在浴缸裏。備品來說床單布草以及洗護品質不輸國際大牌,品控這一塊把握的死死的,超乎我的預想的是沐浴露和牙刷,沐浴露屬於木質和草本的綜合淡香,簡直把清新和沉穩結合到了一起,就像雖處於鬧市但又能停下腳步閑逸的享受生活。牙刷為什麼讓我如此深刻呢?毛質非常柔軟,但又非常密緻,牙刷本身是純竹片打磨的,天然材質和紋理以及握在手裡的舒適觸感,讓你都恨不得多刷兩分鐘! ·景觀來說基本就是高樓大廈的繁華景象,雖處鬧市但也得閑。 ·旅途精彩時刻當然是有這麼好的體驗經歷啊,這應該是每一個酒店密所痴迷於文華東方的本質所在吧,每一家文華東方都是獨特的,房卡和扇子是必須要有的紀念,以及和不同崗位的工作人員聊天中了解了很多酒店的特色和知識點。周邊就是雅加達最豪華的兩個商場了,想吃哈買啥能沒有呢,選這裏就直接閉着眼睛挑行了,經典的話就是紀念碑啊博物館啊清真寺啊教堂啊,3公裏內的範圍都涵蓋了。交通方便到不要再方便了。不過安保和門衛是真的非常嚴格,車輛需要打開檢查並詢問來訪目的,要登記的,進入大堂也需要國機檢查,你還有什麼後顧之憂呢? 雅加達文華東方的扇子扇麪是中國紅,熱烈鮮艷,扇柄黑色莊重,圖案與印尼蠟染BATIK相似,體現印尼人民的熱情和中國東方文化的莊重典雅。





4/57 評價


坦林 中雅加達|距離印度尼西亞商場0.32km
This is going to be a long review - stay with me if you’re planning a stay here. Didn’t manage to see many reviews on Tripadvisor on this hotel and booked it based on google reviews. Stayed here for a few nights and soon came to realise that, when a hotel room is cheaper situated in a good locations, there’s gotta be something wrong somewhere. Many wrongs in fact. Starting with the pros first, hotel is located opposite Thamrin Centre and about 10 mins walk to Grand Indonesia Mall. Jakarta’s traffic is notorious so getting to walk everywhere is a big plus. There’s food carts along the road as well. + + + points for that. Hotel is also pleasing to the eyes and can pass off as aesthetically pleasant. It kind of stops there. Feels like this hotel has everything but NOTHING at the same time. Checked in the room and the floor was dirty and dusty and sticky at some parts and there were so many strands of hair EVERYWHERE on the floor and on the bedsheet. Housekeeping team (relatively young men) was outside so i pointed it out to them and in came the broom to sweep it up. Slept and got rashes at night so i asked them to change sheets for me the next day. Compliments to an older gentleman from Housekeeping for changing it promptly Room was minimally stocked which was a surprise considering how pretty it can be. Booked Deluxe King Room and the King bed was 2 bed pushed together.🥴 Toilet was cramped but pretty okay. You get the normal basic set of toiletries which was dusty, and ONLY 2 bath towels (which doesnt soak up water - yea i dont know whats the point) and one safe box and 2 bedroom slippers. That’ it. There wasn’t even any basic tissue box or a hanging Do Not Disturb sign. (No electric ones fyi) When asked, FO say they were working on it. You only get two pillows and extra pillows are chargeable at 25k rupiah each. Wifi was stable but it requires you to constantly sign in after you “sleep” your phone so get ready to memorise the password.🥴 Breakfast was okay with bored looking staff only coming over when you call them. No smiles or whatsoever. Maybe they’re new, not sure. Only staff worth mentioning was another gentleman who went up to us to ask if everything was ok.. They had an in-house SPA and Gym (under maintenance when we were there). Do not, even think of going to the SPA. Book somewhere else. It was weirdly located near the smoking area so it smells very smoky in the SPA and staff was very nonchalant. Booked one of their 2 hours treatment in the morning for an evening slot and when i came, another different staff told me that i can only have one hour massage because she’s alone, but the SPA was empty?! I dont get it. Then what’s the point of booking? I could have booked another SPA if they have told me otherwise. I was pissed but i just agreed to the one hour massage because i wanted a massage but the staff didnt really care. Suspected she was just lazy to do the 2 hours massage and scrub. She was in the room with me and on the p



4.8/5126 評價
貌似10幾年前在中國的廣東惠州入住過凱賓斯基,時間過的好快,轉眼十幾年後的雅加達之行偶然入住凱賓斯基,完全顛覆我對凱賓斯基的深深認知,哇每個凱賓斯基員工精氣神有然煥發,激情澎湃!給人一種自然欣然接受回到家的感覺,至此也是真正感受到家的温暖!用心去做好每個細節,可想而知他們是多認真每一天進步一點點的理念,有這樣的員工管理層很是用心去追求服務行業永無止盡的服務,想你之所想,做你服務就是上帝等等等!自然而然必然有第二天幫我各種的ADi 凱賓斯基你們會越做越好,很是期待下次在未知的國家城市再次入住!
4.3/553 評價
Stayed 2N in a 1BR (Rm # 2201) - the worse accommodation I've encountered in Jakarta where reputable hotel chains I've stayed before are always clean and pleasant. The stay looked unpromising upon getting the key cards in a very well used and yellowish looking jacket (ok, forgivable if is a sustainability effort in a post covid world and in a property where hygiene and decent upkeeping is obviously of lower priority perhaps?) Things started going downhill after I stepped out of the lift to be welcomed by the mouldy patch and peeling paint on the common corridor walls and ceilings. More to dislikes upon stepping into the room: - First impression is that it hasn't been in used for a while with blast from 80s decor - Strand of hairs on the sink top, bed, desks... everywhere in plain sight - Very used and dumpy looking sofa that doesn't felt too clean - Bedsheet isn't too clean with prominent old stain when you flip over the quilt - Old and dirty looking dryer with few packets of partially used washing powder - Yellowish looking switches with dirt and grime collecting around the corners - Standing shower isn't working as is leaking at the back with weak pressure - Balls of dust and peeling paint could be seen everywhere in the room - Wall and ceiling paints were peeling off here and there - Rain water could seep through the living room window causing the floor around the window to be wet - Final straw was the dirty and smelly fridge causing the lapis legit I bought from nearby Mandarin Oriental to reek of a terrible and unwholesome freezer stench Horrible, not recommended and a total rip off at S$250++ per night!
3.9/537 評價
Grand Thamrin Hotel (room 907) +Very good location, next to the big Grand Indonesia mall with everything. +Refrigerator, Kettle, Safety box, 2 water bottles. -Mosque nearby, wakes you up at 04:30 in the morning by the speakers when they praying. -Only 1 toilet roll in the bathroom. -No hair dryer in the room. -No iron, not even from the reception to borrow from. All business-men who needs to iron their shirt can skip this hotel. -Noisy air-condition. -40rp for the breakfast, worst breakfast I ever seen, not much to choose from, see my pictures. -Bad schampoo and soap. -Bad sound isolation, hear people and noise from the hall and outside. -My friends got a room that smelled smoke, luckily our room wasn't smelly. +/- 100rp in deposit in cash during check-in. 30min drive from the airport to the hotel, cost around 180rp with Grab. I wouln't stay here again.
3.9/515 評價
3.6/512 評價
My first time at this hotel was in 2019 and was quite impressed. I came back a second time after covid in Dec2022 and was quite disappointed. Location wise, it is still a good choice because you can walk to Plaza Indonesia and Grand Indonesia, probably the grandest shopping malls in Jakarta. Concern is mainly on the maintenance of the rooms. Can sense that there was no maintenance after covid. There are little spiders and ants crawling in the walls when you lean on it from your bed. The beds dont have a headboard so you actually lean on the wall. A bit uncomfortable when you see insects. Also the bedsheets are stained, ideally should be replaced. There are like ink stains. Would be good to do some upgrades. Helpdesk is quite ok, quite helpful when you ask questions. Anyway if your objective is a hotel near the mall, you still can achieve it.
4.7/520 評價
Slow wifi and some broken pods/shower facilities. Overall good stay, get what you pay for. Had power cut out in pod one night woke up in a sweat and in the dark. Phone didn't charge. No outlets only USB! Clean sheets and interior, friendly staff as well.


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