





4.2/565 評價





馬略卡波塔爾斯諾斯林德納飯店 - 凱悅尚選飯店
4.4/558 評價
Stayed one night in the very nice classic Lindner hotel located next to a beautiful golf course. Experienced very friend helpful staff service from GM, reception, bellmann. Being a World of Hyatt Globalist I was treated very well with Globalist benefits staying in a nicely renovated African suite with big balcony. Breakfast service was good. Had dinner which was also good but in need of being made into a more interesting culinary gourmet experience. Will for sure consider to return.
4.1/559 評價
2歳、5歳の子供と3人でアパートメントタイプの部屋に6日間滞在。また再訪したいと思う。 good 1.確かに海からホテルへは坂道だが、2歳の子供でも歩ける距離。徒歩5分。 2.776号室に宿泊。部屋はキッチンのあるアパートメントタイプで生活しやすかった。基本的に器具は揃っている。受付に言えば洗剤、スポンジをくれる。ビーチタオルは1枚10ユーロのデポジットを入れれて貸し出す方式。換えたい場合も快く対応してくれる。最終日にデポジットは返却される。調味料はない。 3.夕食は品数が多いビュッフェ。2歳は無料で2人で30ユーロ程度だった。コスパがいいと感じた。 4.コンビニ的スーパーが徒歩3秒の隣にある。 5.通常のスーパーであるALDIが徒歩15分くらいのところにある。坂道があり2歳が歩くのは大変だったが、大人なら問題なし。 6.マリーンランド?小さい水族館までタクシーで10分。人数が多い場合はローカルバスよりお得。小さい水族館だが、イルカや鳥のショーがあり子供たちはだいぶ満喫していた。 7.受付でパルマ水族館のツアーに参加した。これはバスとチケット込み。このバスはお土産屋に行くこともなく、水族館直行。滞在時間も十分だった。 8.子供のダンスプログラム等アクティビティがあり子供が楽しんでいた。 9.近くの海は長いビーチと少しの岩場があるため、ビーチに飽きたら岩場でカニや貝を探したり子供が楽しめた。ホテル前のビーチが長く、4人乗れるレンタルバイクでサイクリングをしたがとても良い。レンタルバイクはビーチの目の前のお店で借りられる。 bad 1.ホテル内は全て現金精算。ホテル内にATMがあるが、少し不便。手数料もかかるし。 2.好みによるが、朝食は22ユーロの価値はないかなと思った。結局子供が食べるのはパン、ヨーグルト、シリアルだったから隣のスーパーで購入して部屋で食べた。 3.空港送迎のバスがホテルによく泊まっていたが、受付に聞いても教えてくれない。ホテルからはタクシーしか呼べない、バスは自分で調べて予約してとのこと。せめて会社名だけでも知りたかったが教えてくれなかった。数百回同じバス会社の名前を見っているだろうに(私でさえ5回くらい同じバスを見た。バスをみたら名前をメモするべき)空港までのローカルバスは安いが、バス停はALDIの方向。大人だけならスーツケースを持って歩けるが、子供がいると大変。タクシーは空港まで片道45ユーロくらい。 4.提携のツアーが最悪。洞窟内で船に乗れるツアーを予約した。9時集合で洞窟内の滞在時間は1時間20分のみ。まずお土産屋→宝石屋を回った後にやっと洞窟に着く。ロスタイムが1時間以上ある。それで3人で69ユーロは高すぎるのでお勧めしない。子供が飽きてぐずる。洞窟は観光客が多く入場も長蛇の列。この1時間20分に全て込みなので、実質40分くらいしか洞窟内にいなかった。洞窟内で乗れる船は所要時間2分だが、待ち時間が30分以上ある為、ツアーバスの集合時間に間に合うように乗るのは物理的に不可能。レンタカーをお勧めする。これだけがこの度唯一の最悪なこと。
3.9/569 評價
酒店位置很不錯,風景優美,設施簡單,經濟型。 🚗 交通:停車方便,適合自駕。
4.1/559 評價
我剛剛與我的姐姐-婆婆在Jet 2 Holidays住了短短的4天,剛回來。從到達到離開,我們真的很喜歡我們的住宿。從接待處到酒吧工作人員,餐廳工作人員,酒吧工作人員,愛爾蘭娛樂女士和清潔工,所有工作人員都非常友好。 。每天辛勤工作,開心和微笑-業主/經理應該為您感到驕傲。我們住了一半的食物,食物是可以接受的,很多食物和一個不錯的選擇。 我們的公寓配備了我們所需的一切,即使我們是半膳,一樓,但仍有通往它的台階,但我們期望台階,因為酒店的所有說明都提到了這一點。 我們將再次回到這家酒店。總體上真的很滿意。感謝所有員工和酒店。
Boutique Hotel H10 Punta Negra
4/511 評價
One of our favourite hotels to visit. A charming, peaceful hotel with beautiful grounds, two pools and access to two private beaches. Lovely sea view room, vast breakfast and a restaurant worthy of Michelin stars. Not to forget the lovely alfresco terrace there too. Soon to be redeveloped by the Mandarin Chain of hotels, it’s obvious why they chose this gorgeous location to invest such a vast sum of money to build their next premium hotel. Thank you to director Marcos, Heiki and all the super friendly staff. You all made our last stay at the Punta Negra as we know it most memorable and very special. Hope to see you there in the future. Ian and Christine x
3.8/575 評價
My partner and I decided to book a baby moon joint birthday all inclusive holiday for 7 nights to this hotel. A holiday where we wanted to just relax and enjoy the last holiday we have as a 2. We checked in with no issues, and early which was a bonus. Upon arriving to our allocated room I found that my partner had paid for the room to be decorated with rose petals fresh from the florist, balloons, a chocolate cake and a hand written note. This was lovely to walk into and a great surprise, my partner was able to sort this through the manager Borga who was ever so helpful. We found there to be a couple minor issues with the room, one being the door handle to balcony being broken and the other was the shower was broken, both were swiftly fixed the same day after reporting. However, I would like to add that the hotel charged my partner €30 for the cake alone in our room, which was delicious and one of the best cakes we’ve ever tasted, but for us to find out it was included in the all inclusive buffet daily was a bit annoying. Unsure if this is just my opinion but I don’t know how the hotel can justify the €30 charge for the cake alone when we have already paid for all inclusive! By all means charge for the cost to decorate with balloons rose petals etc but the charge for the cake seemed unfair, especially at €30! The beds were the worst I’ve ever slept on, was like sleeping on concrete, we attempted to sleep on the sofa bed to see if any better but that was even worse! The shower never stayed the same temperature, it goes from the perfect temperature to scolding hot or ice cold within seconds and without even touching anything! The air con was also not working, which is a BIG reason we had such a poor stay, upon asking the receptionist why, he advised the hotel just haven’t turned it on yet! The hotel advertised air con so the air con should be on! Who wants to be in a room without aircon in 25°c+ heat!! We tried to manage without it but we couldn’t bare it therefore returned to reception and were given the option to rent a fan at the price of €16 and €10 deposit! The fan was broken and useless as just circulated the hot air. I will add that breakfast was lovely, but very busy, the queues each morning for pancakes and omelettes were crazy, and it completely made the buffet area inaccessible due to the queues, it was very unorganised and people seemed to always push themselves in front, was every man for themselves! The adult pool area was nice, constant activities going on and very comfortable sunbeds (until they changed them on the last day), the music was always good and sun was on the pool area all day! The pools however were the coldest I’ve ever been in, every person we saw go in squealed as they went in, and lots of kids cried as they entered. The lunch and tea was nice, nice dishes with chicken, beef, turkey or pork always an option. Just a bit repetitive so we ended up having food elsewhere towards the end of the holiday. Overall I feel like


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