The hotel is very nice, with all the equipments need, however, I had several experiences finding the lights cannot be turned on, and also the oven does not work. The safe cannot work, and the mirror was at the ground. The washing machine kept on running water without stopping? It seems no one checked the property properly before the customers check in.
Also their online sales control the sales of rooms without over 28 days, so, doing online booking cannot over 28 days. After 28 days, if you want to stay longer, then the sales price almost like stock price, flucturating seriously, then it becomes today is a price, tomorrow the price is doubled. In most other hotels chains, it will have a committed price for certain time, so customers can know it will be valid for how long. However, this hotel sales will tell a different price every day. It makes less confidence to let customers feel loyalty. The other strange thing is their direct price is always cheaper than the agent price, so it makes people better book at agent rather than book directly, it seems very unusual as well. It looks like both the customers service for room management and the sales service for sales management shall be further looked and improved. It is not buying stuff from weekend market, and the price can dramatically change like this. Also, a commitment to customer shall be followed, especially if this is already in writing. It is not right to tell customer one price in writing, and the next day changes again. It sounds like we bargain in the weekend market for buying vegetables or meats?
No customers will like to see A Price become B Price and become C Price. Also, there is no difference between daily rate and weekly rate and monthly rate, seems hotel does not encourage direct sales with customers, also do not encourage long term stay as well. Can only say It is a very unique experience.
231 評價