正在查找Ersatzlaichbiotop Hermsdorf附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


正在尋找Ersatzlaichbiotop Hermsdorf附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.1/590 評價
I chose this hotel as I was touring Berlin with a friend for a few days, but he was arriving a couple of days later than me. This proved to be a great option in terms of budget, distance from the city centre and proximity to public transport. Once you come up the steps from the U-Bahn at Siemenssdamm, it’s immediately to your right. The member of staff in the reception was warm and friendly and spoke very good English as my German is not very good after studying it a little at school 25 years ago. The room was large, very clean, and well-equipped. It was too warm for me, and turning the air con down didn’t help, but the window opens very wide. The bathroom also had a bath which was a bonus. The bed is firm which I really enjoyed, but I appreciate that won’t be to everyone’s liking. I’m sure I requested the room not to be serviced but the maid had been in every day. I didn’t use the TV but the Wi-Fi was a little patchy and slow at times. There is plenty of plug sockets including one near the bed. There was a soft light on the floor lamp and a desk lamp which was great. I had the buffet breakfast one morning, which had a great and varied selection of hot and cold food, this included cereals, bread, cold meats, cheeses, eggs, sausages, fresh juice, tea, and coffee. There is a supermarket across the road open till 10 pm, which was handy to get food for dinner. Yeah, it is quiet, and felt safe. I couldn’t hear any noise from any adjacent rooms. If I’m visiting Berlin in the future on my own, I will probably stay here again.
柏林亨波爾德泰恩公園 MOXY 飯店
4/568 評價
這次入住讓我失望 - 這家酒店似乎從我上次入住2019年以來一直在走下坡路。到達了vening,在辦理入住時似乎與工作人員有一些問題,不知道是什麼。那個人告訴我,今天酒吧,通常在晚上10點關閉24小時。到達我的房間,它比我在2019年的房間寬敞 - 額外的空間很好。小後來我下去從大堂亭買水薯條,然後一個傢伙出現告訴我,德語,不可能。亭子也關閉了。奇怪!他沒有說一個英語單詞,但正如我所理解的那樣,前台在晚上的剩餘時間裏會沒有人手。他說他是保安人員(如果我正確的話)。奇怪!晚上晚些時候,我的房間越來越冷了。晚上/晚上柏林只有4-5度celcius,房間沒有暖氣,散熱器開最大,但是不制熱,所以房間很冷,不舒服,大堂的小夥子不知道我在說什麼。我上牀睡覺,在非常寒冷的房間裏醒來,仍然沒有熱量。感覺也有點不舒服。自從上次入住以來,對這次住宿非常失望。通常我喜歡Moxy品牌,有熱鬧的酒吧等。但是這家酒店只是寒冷和沉悶。退房時,在通往AC Hotel的道路上再走20米,真是一種樂趣,酒吧是開放的,室內散熱器正在工作。在一個積極的方面 - 我喜歡位置。Gesundbrunnen購物中心就在街對面。火車站也是如此 - 與柏林機場直接連接(每小時兩次)。您可以從這個位置輕鬆地繞過柏林。沿路有一個REWE - 開放到午夜。大堂亭關閉時方便。而且我退房的女孩非常好,很友好!就像應該在Moxy:)
3.4/540 評價
快捷酒店 所有房間規格都一樣 早餐一般 正常歐洲酒店那些東西 略簡單 房間什麼都沒有 需要自己準備 最近的地鐵站走路十分鐘 如果去旅遊住這不太方便 離景區坐地鐵時間略長 周圍環境還比較安靜 不是中國人扎堆的地方 酒店對麪有冰激淋店 一個球1.2歐 好吃 外麪還有一個吃牛排的餐館 氣氛挺好 下麪是餐館的照片 沒事溜達溜達 往地鐵站走的路上有超市 總體還可以 因為柏林公共交通特別發達 不着急的話坐地鐵公交哪都能去
3.7/513 評價
4.3/536 評價
3.3/530 評價
