

4.7/51465 評價
房間很小,訂兩個連結房,門打開人都過不去,關一半才能走過去。三點半到酒店房間還沒準備好等了半個多小時,洗浴用品品質好。走廊上有飲水機。自助早餐很豐盛,蜂蜜上面擺一個蜂巢太可愛了。年夜飯也在這裏吃自助餐,很豐盛。kids club非常棒,免費,還蠻大的,需要穿襪子進去,管理很好,裏面的幾個像老師一樣的員工對孩子們都很友善,帶孩子去很放心,特別點贊這個kids club,這是其他酒店沒有的,比如差不多相同價位香格里拉的室內遊樂場是需要另外付費的,哪怕是酒店客人,另外一個免費的衹是一個看電視的小空間而已。
檳城孤松飯店 - 臻品之選度假村
4.5/5331 評價
預訂的海景房,留言需要雙床房之後就給預留了。房間內的佈局和設施與酒店官方照片一致,陽台上有嵌入式的浴缸,不論泡澡或泡腳都很愜意,我們甚至在一天之內圍觀了2場露天婚禮~ 打開陽台門窗就可以伴着海浪聲入睡,關上門的話也可以獲得很高的靜音度。 可以從酒店庭院直接走到海灘上,雖然這片海灘無法直接看到海上日出或日落(兩邊都有山),但海景確實很棒!此外,酒店的泳池、餐廳都很不錯,兩天的早餐供應還有約40%的菜品替換,工作人員的服務態度很好。酒店周邊也有24h的FamilyMart、7-11、麥、KFC和長園(大排檔),很便利。 總體來説,性價比遠超隔壁的金沙香格里拉! We booked a room with sea views, and successfully got a twin room as we requested. The official photos provided by the hotel were consistent with reality. A bathtub is available at the balcony, and it’s really cozy to have a bath outside. We even watched 2 weddings on the balcony at the same day! You could fall asleep accompanied with the waves, or acquire a perfect silence while closing the door. Walking through the yard, the beach is right in front. Even though sunset or sunrise on the sea could not be caught due to the mountains on each side, the ocean was romantic and wonderful. In addition, the pool and restaurant in the hotel were very nice. The staff showed good service attitudes, and they offered breakfasts with about 40% dishes updated in 2 days. There’re FamilyMart, 7-11, McDonald’s, and KFC nearby, and the Long Beach Food Court provides various foods as well. In a word, we would love to recommend you to choose Lone Pine for an excellent experience and a cost-effective trip!
4.5/5226 評價
4.5/5235 評價
Hard Rock Hotel算是巴丁都宜海灘相對新的酒店,游泳池有三條滑水梯和人造沙池小朋友玩三天都不厭,泳池可走出去沙灘玩香蕉船等水上活動,但沙較硬走起來不舒服。雙床間的床只有0.9米寬,一家四口住必須加床,幸好它提供的嬰兒床夠長,6歲孩子都能睡。週五六晚大堂吧會有live rock music到9點半,朝泳池的房間都可以在房間欣賞到,習慣早睡的人要考慮是否適合自己。



最高價格TWD 214,362
最低價格TWD 377
平均價格 (平日)TWD 4,346
平均價格 (週末)TWD 4,793