





4.3/543 評價


河畔區 曼谷|距離大皇宮0.51km
Amazing views and great location! Plus we loved the onsite restaurant and separate rooftop bar. Friendly staff, modern (recently updated) rooms, reliable wifi. So close to a ferry stop, Wat Pho and Wat Arun. Worth looking on Google Maps street view before arriving - yes this amazing property is at the end of an alleyway with an entry off a pedestrian passage under buildings. Two big steps up to the front door (think converted loading dock) and then no elevator. So as long as you don't mind steps this is a great property! We arrived around 8am, dropped our bags (they put our briefcase in a locked office, all was safe and accounted for when we returned about 4pm). As of Feb 2023 the hop-on/hop-off boat stop is under renovation, but a super cheap ferry is just a short block away to take you across the river to Wat Arun and the hop-on/hop-off boat stop there. You are just a block away from Wat Pho and easy walking distance to many other attractions. Front desk staff is effective and friendly. We don't speak Thai and language was no problem. They took good care of us and gave good advice. When our grab app wasn't talking to our phone data, they were happy to arrange for a taxi. Note the rooms are quite modern - platform bed, glass shower stall (and privacy curtain) with no wall to the bedroom, etc. We chose not-super flexible prepaid rate that included breakfast. This is one of the best hotel breakfasts we have ever had. Beautiful view, many courses, western and Thai choices. Every table gets housemaid cocoa puffs (yes, you read that right), yogurt, mini fruit smoothie, fruit selection and charcuterie. And then you order your main courses! Oh and I think there was also a bread basket. They accomodate gluten free no problem. The fruit was amazing, some items we didn't even know what they were but it was all very tasty. For room selection, note that the non-river view rooms have great rooftop views of Wat Pho. There are no guest rooms on the ground floor or US 2nd floor/European 1st floor on the non-river side of the structure, so no rooms are looking only at neighboring buildings



4.3/543 評價
Amazing views and great location! Plus we loved the onsite restaurant and separate rooftop bar. Friendly staff, modern (recently updated) rooms, reliable wifi. So close to a ferry stop, Wat Pho and Wat Arun. Worth looking on Google Maps street view before arriving - yes this amazing property is at the end of an alleyway with an entry off a pedestrian passage under buildings. Two big steps up to the front door (think converted loading dock) and then no elevator. So as long as you don't mind steps this is a great property! We arrived around 8am, dropped our bags (they put our briefcase in a locked office, all was safe and accounted for when we returned about 4pm). As of Feb 2023 the hop-on/hop-off boat stop is under renovation, but a super cheap ferry is just a short block away to take you across the river to Wat Arun and the hop-on/hop-off boat stop there. You are just a block away from Wat Pho and easy walking distance to many other attractions. Front desk staff is effective and friendly. We don't speak Thai and language was no problem. They took good care of us and gave good advice. When our grab app wasn't talking to our phone data, they were happy to arrange for a taxi. Note the rooms are quite modern - platform bed, glass shower stall (and privacy curtain) with no wall to the bedroom, etc. We chose not-super flexible prepaid rate that included breakfast. This is one of the best hotel breakfasts we have ever had. Beautiful view, many courses, western and Thai choices. Every table gets housemaid cocoa puffs (yes, you read that right), yogurt, mini fruit smoothie, fruit selection and charcuterie. And then you order your main courses! Oh and I think there was also a bread basket. They accomodate gluten free no problem. The fruit was amazing, some items we didn't even know what they were but it was all very tasty. For room selection, note that the non-river view rooms have great rooftop views of Wat Pho. There are no guest rooms on the ground floor or US 2nd floor/European 1st floor on the non-river side of the structure, so no rooms are looking only at neighboring buildings
4.3/55 評價
4.5/519 評價
如果你喜歡阿倫寺的華麗景色,並觀看沿河的生活,那麼就不要比阿倫河畔更遠。從阿倫寺直接對面的景色令人驚歎,特別是在晚上燈光亮的時候。我們的房間,3樓的河景套房,大小舒適,有一張特大牀,沙發,現代化的浴室和小陽台。含早餐非常好,有幾種選擇。工作人員很愉快,樂於助人。該地區也是步行到其他受歡迎的(老曼谷)景點(大皇宮,Wat Phra Kaew,Wat Pho)的短途旅行。有一件事要記住...沒有電梯,所以如果你在更高的樓層(我的建議)你會有樓梯來應付,雖然工作人員會幫助把你的行李送到房間。
4.7/53 評價
熱情友好的服務、豪華的客房和便利設施距離碼頭、主要的 Wats(Pho 和 Arun)以及其他主要景點都在步行距離之內。這是一個兩居室的家庭住宿,我們的房間充滿了溫暖和迷人的裝飾,每一個細節都得到了照顧。有一張可以寫字的桌子,一張豪華的特大號床,床單和毛巾很好,還有零食/飲料可供選擇。早餐在樓下可愛的咖啡館供應,食物太多了,我們可以不吃午飯了!咖啡也很棒。最後,他們提供了一張有用的附近吃飯地點的地圖,其中還描述了這座建築的獨特歷史。我強烈推薦這個地方,因為它與曼谷的喧囂、喧囂和炎熱形成了鮮明的對比。他們讓您感到輕鬆自在。
4.7/591 評價
Very nice and comfortable boutique hotel. The hotel is located in a nice part of Bangkok, close to some points of interest,such as Chinatown, Wat Po, Museum Siam, Grand Palace, and many temples. Everything was really nice. Not only the location, but the people were friendly and engaging.  The hotel is close to the Chaopraya River. so you get an incredible view at night. The decoration is minimal and pleasant to the eyes. The staff are really lovely and helpful, and the hotel is neat and clean. I will definitely come back again.
4.8/524 評價
住了3晚,衹有三個房間的精品酒店,在舊房基礎上改建,重新裝修,懷舊風格,樓上2間、樓下1間,清潔做的非常好,五星酒店的標準,不臨街,晚上非常安靜。 提供西式早餐,也可以選中式粥,提前選定每天早餐和時間。 酒店員工熱情,解答各種問題,預訂最後一天去機場車 酒店位置不錯,曼谷核心景點都在1公裏範圍內,大皇宮、卧佛寺、考山路、泰拳館、暹羅博物館、國家博物館、湄南河,酒店不臨街,需要轉進小巷子20米,叫grab去路口好,5月的曼谷非常熱,如果不趕時間,中午可以回酒店休息,慢慢逛。周邊也有不少本地人的餐廳和街邊店,價格便宜、味道好。




曼谷是東南亞最受歡迎的旅遊城市之一,展現出新舊文化交替的魅力。優美迷人的熱帶風光、深植於日常的佛教文化、獨有的民間風俗交織出令人著迷的曼谷風情。準備來趟曼谷旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門曼谷景點與一日遊行程,喜歡就直接在 Trip.com 輕鬆下訂,隨時隨地展開曼谷之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往泰國曼谷機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。從台灣飛曼谷有素萬那普機場和廊曼機場兩個機場,多半停靠在素萬那普機場,旅客可選乘機場捷運或車程較長的公車至市區。機場捷運跟市內捷運系統直接相連,轉乘到市內各區都很方便。而從廊曼機場前往市區則可搭乘 A1機場巴士或火車到曼谷市區的華南蓬火車站。曼谷當地交通工具相當多元化,包含嘟嘟車、公車、船、 BTS 和 MRT 捷運,推薦使用 BTS 一日卡等交通卡遊玩曼谷。




1. 大皇宮

2. 美功鐵道市場

3. 四面佛


還沒安排曼谷自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的曼谷飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂曼谷住宿!


1. 冬蔭功

2. 咖哩炒蟹

3. 芒果糯米飯
