正在查找Grace Bangkok Church附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Grace Bangkok Church附近的熱門飯店






4.5/5105 評價


暹羅 曼谷|距離Grace Bangkok Church0.44km
Stayed here for 4 nights during Songkran week. The hotel is basically beside the National Stadium train station, so it's very much accessible. It's walking distance to malls like MBK, Siam Paragon, Siam Square, Siam Discovery. Room is clean. Shared shower/toilet is well maintained despite some people being too messy when taking a shower and getting the floor wet. The hotel has an open setup, so the corridors are exposed to open air, so you get some airflow (despite the Bangkok heat), although that also exposes the rooms to a lot of the noise pollution since the front is a main road and a train station. They have a theater room if you want to watch a movie, and they also have co-working spaces that you can use if you need to work. Breakfast is simple, offered by the TokioJo Restaurant. You only have 3 options to choose from, so I basically got to taste all 3 during my stay. But you can also order for lunch/snacks/dinner and even some drinks if you want to chill. Staff are great, they allowed me to check in when I arrived at 11am BKK time, and they also answered all my inquiries. TokioJo staff was also very accommodating when I had my meals there. For housekeeping, I didn't have my room cleaned during my stay, but I could say they cleaned the shared toilet/shower well on a daily basis. I think if there's a criticism that I could share, I wish the hotel had a lift. My room was at the 4th floor (topmost), and after a whole day of walking, the last thing I would like to do is put more strain on my knees and climb the stairs up to the room. I have a bad knee and after walking the whole day to join the water festival activities, my legs were really painful. Let me tell you, it became a struggle to come up to my room, to the point that I would not want to go down after I have already reached my room. So take note of this point if you plan to book this hotel. To be honest, I probably would think twice booking the hotel if I knew beforehand that they didn't have a lift, only because I had a knee problem. If you're coming from Don Meuang Airport, take the Red line to Bang Sue Grand, switch to Blue line to Silom station, switch to Sala Daeng station in the Sky Train (green line) and go to the National Stadium.



正在尋找Grace Bangkok Church附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
S3 暹羅曼谷飯店
4.1/5539 評價
需要給500泰銖做按金 退房會交還 職員都識少少普通話,基本上都溝通到 酒店位置喺條巷比較入 環境較安靜 但勝在地理位置幾好 近Siam商圈 行路5-10分鐘都過到去 附近亦都有BTS國家運動場站 每天都有四支水提供 房間有淋浴和浸浴的地方 但房間水壓不足夠 洗頭髮有點廢時間 一次性拖鞋 牙膏牙刷 要去8樓前台領取 有些少麻煩 房間在2樓 到凌晨的時候會聽到噪音 所以隔音唔係話好好 退房時間可以延遲到一點 行李亦可寄存都比較好嘅 但整體都滿意的
4.5/5362 評價
在網頁上看是五星級的飯店,可是我們連住了八天,中間來打掃的人員不夠仔細,備品沒有換,會把髒的毛巾丟在櫃子上,也會把我們的浴袍拿走,之後沒有換新的浴袍給我們… …等等,諸如此類,在第七天的早上,我寫了一封信給他們的前台,希望他們今天晚上可以改進。可是當我們回來,發現的確有特別的打掃乾淨跟整理整齊,但仍然在洗臉盆看到一條毛巾。我們跟飯店經理反應,飯店經理親自來道歉,並且給我們二份免費的早餐,二分下午茶的點心,還有免費的機場專車,所以雖然清潔人員不是很滿意,但是飯店還是有提供一些補償。
4.3/5513 評價
4.5/5105 評價
Stayed here for 4 nights during Songkran week. The hotel is basically beside the National Stadium train station, so it's very much accessible. It's walking distance to malls like MBK, Siam Paragon, Siam Square, Siam Discovery. Room is clean. Shared shower/toilet is well maintained despite some people being too messy when taking a shower and getting the floor wet. The hotel has an open setup, so the corridors are exposed to open air, so you get some airflow (despite the Bangkok heat), although that also exposes the rooms to a lot of the noise pollution since the front is a main road and a train station. They have a theater room if you want to watch a movie, and they also have co-working spaces that you can use if you need to work. Breakfast is simple, offered by the TokioJo Restaurant. You only have 3 options to choose from, so I basically got to taste all 3 during my stay. But you can also order for lunch/snacks/dinner and even some drinks if you want to chill. Staff are great, they allowed me to check in when I arrived at 11am BKK time, and they also answered all my inquiries. TokioJo staff was also very accommodating when I had my meals there. For housekeeping, I didn't have my room cleaned during my stay, but I could say they cleaned the shared toilet/shower well on a daily basis. I think if there's a criticism that I could share, I wish the hotel had a lift. My room was at the 4th floor (topmost), and after a whole day of walking, the last thing I would like to do is put more strain on my knees and climb the stairs up to the room. I have a bad knee and after walking the whole day to join the water festival activities, my legs were really painful. Let me tell you, it became a struggle to come up to my room, to the point that I would not want to go down after I have already reached my room. So take note of this point if you plan to book this hotel. To be honest, I probably would think twice booking the hotel if I knew beforehand that they didn't have a lift, only because I had a knee problem. If you're coming from Don Meuang Airport, take the Red line to Bang Sue Grand, switch to Blue line to Silom station, switch to Sala Daeng station in the Sky Train (green line) and go to the National Stadium.
4.3/599 評價
好: -地方真的很乾淨整潔 -工作人員樂於助人,友好 -房間每天都打掃乾淨和吸塵,包括打掃廁所。所有物品都放在房間裏,很容易找到。- 房間大小適合我在旅行時得到的單人特大牀房。- 響應我的要求很快,工作人員總是彬彬有禮。- 保安也非常樂於助人。- 雖然我沒有查看所提供的設施,所以我不會評論它。大堂真的很好,很舒服 - 如果我們需要在tuktuk或Cab服務或機場接送方面的幫助,工作人員可以幫助我們降低價格(比我從Klook看到的價格便宜)。可以改進的東西 - 沒有熱水或熱水洗澡水 - 房間內使用非一次性拖鞋(可由Krit Thai IMO輕鬆解決) - 沒有浴簾,以避免淋浴時水濺出浴缸。(可輕鬆解決Krit Thai IMO)
4.4/5713 評價
多年後再次踏進這酒店,再次由落車那一刻開始有笑容滿面的服務生幫你提行李並指示你到接待處check in,接待員細心講解要留意的事項後見我有長者同行便給我們提早入住,很快行李都一併到了房間。每次外出經過接待處或見到每個員工都會主動面帶微笑向我們問好並提醒長者不要急要小心呀! 這次入住了3晚都好滿意,房間環境舒服,自助早餐都味,地理位置好近購物商場,會再次入住。




曼谷是東南亞最受歡迎的旅遊城市之一,展現出新舊文化交替的魅力。優美迷人的熱帶風光、深植於日常的佛教文化、獨有的民間風俗交織出令人著迷的曼谷風情。準備來趟曼谷旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門曼谷景點與一日遊行程,喜歡就直接在 Trip.com 輕鬆下訂,隨時隨地展開曼谷之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往泰國曼谷機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。從台灣飛曼谷有素萬那普機場和廊曼機場兩個機場,多半停靠在素萬那普機場,旅客可選乘機場捷運或車程較長的公車至市區。機場捷運跟市內捷運系統直接相連,轉乘到市內各區都很方便。而從廊曼機場前往市區則可搭乘 A1機場巴士或火車到曼谷市區的華南蓬火車站。曼谷當地交通工具相當多元化,包含嘟嘟車、公車、船、 BTS 和 MRT 捷運,推薦使用 BTS 一日卡等交通卡遊玩曼谷。




1. 大皇宮

2. 美功鐵道市場

3. 四面佛


還沒安排曼谷自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的曼谷飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂曼谷住宿!


1. 冬蔭功

2. 咖哩炒蟹

3. 芒果糯米飯
