







4.5/540 評價


河畔區 曼谷|距離四季水岸香榭0.54km
I booked this hotel with the promise of it being something truly unique. It's often listed as among the top 10 budget designer hotels in Bangkok. I've been to Bangkok many times and have stayed in many different places, but it was my girlfriend's first time in the city and so wanted to try something different. I booked this hotel because it seemed to have a bit of character, especially in the unique design of the rooms. However: -while the rooms do indeed have unique design, they are more tacky than anything. The room I stayed in felt like some sort of warped sex dungeon, without proper storage for clothes or even basic amenities one might expect for a room of this price -the service was aloof, not warm or helpful at all (regardless of language barrier). There is reception for limited hours (ostensibly 9am - 9om), but the reception disk was often vacant even during those hours. At one point I had to wait for 20 minutes -they try to nickel and dime guests to death, as confirmed by other reviewers here, for instance charging 400 Baht to clean pillow cases stained by my girlfriend's hair dye (normal bleach would have removed the stain) -NO breakfast is included or even available. There is a cafe but it looks permanently closed. The only option is street food, which might not be suitable for all travellers. -the location is a double-edged sword. It's a VERY local part of Bangkok, which can be good or bad depending on your perspective. I think it's a bit nice to escape the Khao Sah / Sukhumvit tourist bubbles and see a bit of what REAL Bangkok is like, but it might not be suitable for first time visitors to the city (there is no restaurants nearby, for example). On the other hand, the BTS and Chao Phraya Express stops are only 600m away. I gave 2 stars instead of 1 because the accessibility to other parts of the city is actually quite good. In summary, there is an abundance of accommodation choices in Bangkok. At this price point, you can get MUCH better value, even if you might have to join the backpacker hordes in Khao San or Sukhumvit.



4.6/5106 評價
I would be difficult to improve in any way this wonderful hotel . The rooms are fantastic , the staff are very very special , they always remember your name and the bar staff put out some incredible cocktails .The breakfast is one of the best I’ve ever eaten . It’s a very exclusive property ,it’s small enough to be intimate and it feels like a six star holiday home where everything is taken care of . Look forward to returning , it’s a good reason to visit Bangkok.
4.7/5226 評價
優質的服務,難忘的入住體驗和路易斯威登活動及維吉爾阿勃羅FW22秀的體驗。。我們必須表揚經理本及其在FS Spa的完美團隊。祝賀成功開業。5月31日上午10點,我們成爲第一批客戶,電梯門打開時,本熱情地迎接我們。我們的按摩師熱情、迷人、專業,有一雙出色的手,爲我們的油療按摩服務。此外,Spa商店有美麗的產品可供購買。通過WhatsApp提供的禮賓服務方便、高效,正是現代旅行者發現的有用之處。每天的客房管理請求,在客房用餐訂單,餐廳預訂等。沒有什麼太多要求優秀的FS團隊,他們面向服務,訓練有素。我們有一個河景房。這絕對增加了我們在曼谷的經驗,特別是增加了我們期待已久的大流行後旅行興奮。朝菲亞河和BKK城市的景色日夜美麗。我們享受了一天的不同時間的主游泳池,從不擁擠。到達時,泳池邊的服務很周到,在陽光牀邊準備了毛巾,爲所有人準備了冰水,手邊有雜誌和防曬霜,還有什麼可以要求的。水乾淨,泳池佈局很棒,一級下換的房間整潔,令人愉快。酒店各處都有Wi-Fi。最後是美食和氛圍。酒店有豪華舒適的感覺。大堂宏偉而令人印象深刻。裏瓦的早餐有現成的雞蛋,新鮮切好的熱帶水果,薄脆的糕點。爲大家準備每日的泰式冰茶!
4.6/5468 評價
我們定的是帶陽台的房間。坐在陽台上可以看到湄南河。房間有客廳,浴室有淋浴和浴缸。還有一間廚房。空調,電視。 我們選了包含早餐:早餐可以在室內,也可以在室外。 酒店有船到sathorn, 酒店給發船時刻表,比較方便 如果喜歡在眉南河沿岸遊玩的朋友,這家酒店值得推薦呦
3.6/52 評價
在曼谷魚橋入口的Soi Charoenkrung 58進入小巷,然後右轉第一個小巷,這是一個小巷。該酒店在一條單獨的小巷裏。沒有停車場必須經過魚市場,那裏有腥味和水流。如果走路,請小心踩在水裏。但是住宿內部乾淨,安靜,無異味,寬敞的房間,良好的水流,涼爽的空氣,俯瞰湄南河。靠近曼谷街道法院,Ratchakhon University,Asiatique,Saphan TaksinBang Rak,步行即可到達巴士站。附近有七個。如果您不感興趣,在魚市場酒店前面的環境中,則認爲住宿值得放鬆,叫嘟嘟車送貨,比從Saphan Taksin乘坐出租車或步行約10分鐘。
3.9/518 評價
在撰寫本文時,我將在 Miloft Sathorn Hotel 多住 3 晚。很快我的隔離結束了,我可以回家了。當然,隔離從來都不是一件有趣的事,但我在這裡的日子肯定過得不錯。與評論 Miloft Sathorn 的其他人相比,我的 Wifi 沒有任何問題,它非常快速和流暢,我整天都用它來工作和看 Netflix。雖然食物不是很好,通常只是有點熱,有時甚至是冷的,份量很小,菜單變化不大。但我已經預料到,一分錢一分貨,所以沒有什麼可抱怨的。不過,您可以從外面訂購,例如FoodPanda 和 GrabFood。人們在 ASQ 逗留期間抱怨食物,應該多付 5 倍的錢,例如住在 Anantara Riverside。與(友好的)工作人員的溝通是通過線路進行的。如果您需要什麼,他們總是會迅速採取行動,所以我對他們很滿意。房間還可以,有點舊,但是大陽台真的是一大優點。如果沒有陽台,我肯定會發瘋。結論:如果你一定要留在ASQ,又不想付出太多,Miloft Sathorn是一個不錯的選擇。只是不要指望任何奢侈品,不要指望美味的食物。並在您的手機上上傳 FoodPanda 應用程序 ;)
4.5/540 評價
I booked this hotel with the promise of it being something truly unique. It's often listed as among the top 10 budget designer hotels in Bangkok. I've been to Bangkok many times and have stayed in many different places, but it was my girlfriend's first time in the city and so wanted to try something different. I booked this hotel because it seemed to have a bit of character, especially in the unique design of the rooms. However: -while the rooms do indeed have unique design, they are more tacky than anything. The room I stayed in felt like some sort of warped sex dungeon, without proper storage for clothes or even basic amenities one might expect for a room of this price -the service was aloof, not warm or helpful at all (regardless of language barrier). There is reception for limited hours (ostensibly 9am - 9om), but the reception disk was often vacant even during those hours. At one point I had to wait for 20 minutes -they try to nickel and dime guests to death, as confirmed by other reviewers here, for instance charging 400 Baht to clean pillow cases stained by my girlfriend's hair dye (normal bleach would have removed the stain) -NO breakfast is included or even available. There is a cafe but it looks permanently closed. The only option is street food, which might not be suitable for all travellers. -the location is a double-edged sword. It's a VERY local part of Bangkok, which can be good or bad depending on your perspective. I think it's a bit nice to escape the Khao Sah / Sukhumvit tourist bubbles and see a bit of what REAL Bangkok is like, but it might not be suitable for first time visitors to the city (there is no restaurants nearby, for example). On the other hand, the BTS and Chao Phraya Express stops are only 600m away. I gave 2 stars instead of 1 because the accessibility to other parts of the city is actually quite good. In summary, there is an abundance of accommodation choices in Bangkok. At this price point, you can get MUCH better value, even if you might have to join the backpacker hordes in Khao San or Sukhumvit.




曼谷是東南亞最受歡迎的旅遊城市之一,展現出新舊文化交替的魅力。優美迷人的熱帶風光、深植於日常的佛教文化、獨有的民間風俗交織出令人著迷的曼谷風情。準備來趟曼谷旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門曼谷景點與一日遊行程,喜歡就直接在 Trip.com 輕鬆下訂,隨時隨地展開曼谷之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往泰國曼谷機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。從台灣飛曼谷有素萬那普機場和廊曼機場兩個機場,多半停靠在素萬那普機場,旅客可選乘機場捷運或車程較長的公車至市區。機場捷運跟市內捷運系統直接相連,轉乘到市內各區都很方便。而從廊曼機場前往市區則可搭乘 A1機場巴士或火車到曼谷市區的華南蓬火車站。曼谷當地交通工具相當多元化,包含嘟嘟車、公車、船、 BTS 和 MRT 捷運,推薦使用 BTS 一日卡等交通卡遊玩曼谷。




1. 大皇宮

2. 美功鐵道市場

3. 四面佛


還沒安排曼谷自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的曼谷飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂曼谷住宿!


1. 冬蔭功

2. 咖哩炒蟹

3. 芒果糯米飯
