正在查找Revolver Seminyak附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Revolver Seminyak附近的熱門飯店


4.4/5122 評價


水明漾 峇里島
It was my 3rd stayed at U Paasha Seminyak. I haven't moved on to any other place. But honestly, my last visit had many unpleasant moments. First, found out they had renovation at the entrance stairs, making every guest have to access the basement to arrive at their room. Of course, the view is not as good compared to passing through the main lobby area. Second, there was a miscommunication, so my booking was made for July, even though I made the reservation for June. Luckily the guy at the front desk (Michael) helped me to solve the problem. Fyi, I made the reservation through a phone call. Later on, the same guy who made me pay for somewhat his mistakes in giving me wrong information about the minibar stuff I could have. He said at the first day, I could eat and drink anything inside the minibar. But later, when I coincidentally chatted with another receptionist, she mentioned that I only deserved the beer, not all stuff. Next time, I suggest to the management of U Paasha, don't deploy inexperienced personnel before they understand hotel information. The last thing I wanted to say was I was also disappointed with their laundry package. Fyi, it's pretty interesting to have a laundry package promotion, but please also inform clearly before to all guests that you have a time limit for the collection. I didn't know this rule until I dropped my laundry; they said I had to pay double the price if I wanted my laundry on the same day. I need it done on the same day because I have to leave the hotel the next day early morning. These multiple unpleasant moments pissed me off. I still love this hotel because it leaves so many memories in me, but please improve the feedback for your good. Besides what I said above, you must improve the electrical power outlet location, which is still under the table. Also, please increase the stability quality of the wifi connection. The bed I used was also uncomfortable due to its age; not flat as it should be, but a bit concave-down. Thanks, U Paasha, you made unforgettable moments this time for me.



4.4/523 評價


水明漾 峇里島
I stayed at RC villas in Dec 2023. It was the worst villa experience in my entire Bali trip. The lobby is small and unimpressive. The service by front desk person Gede is extremely unprofessional. He insisted that I had two extra coffees for breakfast. I told him that although I asked for it, it was not delivered. He was rude and lacked customer service training. Only after I called Ayu who prepared breakfast in my villa, he agreed reluctantly that it was his mistake. He did not even apologize for this. What kind of horrendous experience is this? Upon check in , I have to choose breakfast for the next day and select eggs/ noodles and either juice or coffee. The juices are served with sugar ; so if you want yours without sugar, you need to tell them in advance. RC villas is at best a two or three star hotel with sub optimal breakfast experience. The pool is dirty. Even though we asked for floating breakfast, we did not eat it in the pool because it is not maintained and not clean. The bed was ok but the place is a big run down, walls dirty, a stinky smell from the entire toilet area , toilet flush is very slow and takes a long time to flush, and there are geckos everywhere. The service by the male attendant at night was very good. He helped arrange grab and was very courteous. Service by Ayu who prepared our breakfast was very good. But in the morning, it was horrendous and rude service by Gede. He needs serious customer service training and training in hospitality standards , greeting the customer , speaking to customers etc. This was the worst villa experience in my 5 day Bali trip. I stayed at madani antique villas ( good) Samaya Ubud ( superb), Andara villas ( average) , munduk moding plantation ( outstanding and excellent), RC villas ( disgusting and horrendous) and oberoi beach resort Seminyak ( very good) . Please do yourself and favor and don’t stay here - just book another villa - or if you can afford to splurge a bit , you cannot go wrong with the phenomenal Oberoi Beach resort next door.





正在尋找Revolver Seminyak附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.5/55 評價
上下兩層,一層是通透的大廳(除了電視還有音響)、開放式廚房、餐廳,最重要的是還有一個私人的泳池,雖然不大,都有1.5米深,幾個人可以暢遊一番了,而且泳池旁邊還有兩張躺椅。二層是兩間房間,可以各自上鎖,既聯通又獨立。 就是房間的設備有點老舊了,特別是衛生間。 過癮的地方,是有服務員上門現做早餐。前一天可以先order要什麼早餐,幾點鐘要吃,第二天服務生就上門現場做。雖然都是set menu,但是能足不出戶,就在自己的房間裏吃到早餐,也是一個不錯的體驗。
4.4/5122 評價
It was my 3rd stayed at U Paasha Seminyak. I haven't moved on to any other place. But honestly, my last visit had many unpleasant moments. First, found out they had renovation at the entrance stairs, making every guest have to access the basement to arrive at their room. Of course, the view is not as good compared to passing through the main lobby area. Second, there was a miscommunication, so my booking was made for July, even though I made the reservation for June. Luckily the guy at the front desk (Michael) helped me to solve the problem. Fyi, I made the reservation through a phone call. Later on, the same guy who made me pay for somewhat his mistakes in giving me wrong information about the minibar stuff I could have. He said at the first day, I could eat and drink anything inside the minibar. But later, when I coincidentally chatted with another receptionist, she mentioned that I only deserved the beer, not all stuff. Next time, I suggest to the management of U Paasha, don't deploy inexperienced personnel before they understand hotel information. The last thing I wanted to say was I was also disappointed with their laundry package. Fyi, it's pretty interesting to have a laundry package promotion, but please also inform clearly before to all guests that you have a time limit for the collection. I didn't know this rule until I dropped my laundry; they said I had to pay double the price if I wanted my laundry on the same day. I need it done on the same day because I have to leave the hotel the next day early morning. These multiple unpleasant moments pissed me off. I still love this hotel because it leaves so many memories in me, but please improve the feedback for your good. Besides what I said above, you must improve the electrical power outlet location, which is still under the table. Also, please increase the stability quality of the wifi connection. The bed I used was also uncomfortable due to its age; not flat as it should be, but a bit concave-down. Thanks, U Paasha, you made unforgettable moments this time for me.
4.1/549 評價
4.6/55 評價
4.4/523 評價
I stayed at RC villas in Dec 2023. It was the worst villa experience in my entire Bali trip. The lobby is small and unimpressive. The service by front desk person Gede is extremely unprofessional. He insisted that I had two extra coffees for breakfast. I told him that although I asked for it, it was not delivered. He was rude and lacked customer service training. Only after I called Ayu who prepared breakfast in my villa, he agreed reluctantly that it was his mistake. He did not even apologize for this. What kind of horrendous experience is this? Upon check in , I have to choose breakfast for the next day and select eggs/ noodles and either juice or coffee. The juices are served with sugar ; so if you want yours without sugar, you need to tell them in advance. RC villas is at best a two or three star hotel with sub optimal breakfast experience. The pool is dirty. Even though we asked for floating breakfast, we did not eat it in the pool because it is not maintained and not clean. The bed was ok but the place is a big run down, walls dirty, a stinky smell from the entire toilet area , toilet flush is very slow and takes a long time to flush, and there are geckos everywhere. The service by the male attendant at night was very good. He helped arrange grab and was very courteous. Service by Ayu who prepared our breakfast was very good. But in the morning, it was horrendous and rude service by Gede. He needs serious customer service training and training in hospitality standards , greeting the customer , speaking to customers etc. This was the worst villa experience in my 5 day Bali trip. I stayed at madani antique villas ( good) Samaya Ubud ( superb), Andara villas ( average) , munduk moding plantation ( outstanding and excellent), RC villas ( disgusting and horrendous) and oberoi beach resort Seminyak ( very good) . Please do yourself and favor and don’t stay here - just book another villa - or if you can afford to splurge a bit , you cannot go wrong with the phenomenal Oberoi Beach resort next door.
3.9/515 評價
和朋友一起住了三天。我們是六號,朋友是三號。但是明顯六號比三號房間廁所客廳大很多。大家可以參考一下。每天要點餐,推薦炒麵炒飯。門口一條馬路酒吧 spa 服裝 左邊商場也有。但是鬧中取靜酒店很安靜。我們還在酒店借了摩托車RMB30幾一天,總之非常推薦。就是有點蚊子房間空調打很低它們就不飛了。房間裏蚊香和片都有,以後有機會還會選這裏。


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峇里島是印尼最受歡迎的島,不同於大多數的東南亞島嶼,峇里島不僅僅擁有沙灘、碧海、熱帶陽光,還有田園農舍、森林草原、急流深谷等美麗風光。峇里島又是一座藝術之島,風格獨特的傳統繪畫和雕刻為西方當代藝術家提供了無數靈感,也吸引了眾多收藏家前來挖寶。峇里島還是一座享樂之島,像是讓人身心放鬆的SPA等。準備來趟峇里島旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門峇里島景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開峇里島之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往印尼峇里島機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。峇里島當地主要交通為計程車、觀光巴士或包車,相當便利且便宜。




1. 海神廟

2. 金巴蘭海灘

3. 大鞦韆


還沒安排峇里島自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的峇里島飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂峇里島住宿!
