正在查找Moody Hall附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Moody Hall附近的熱門飯店




2.3/522 評價


奧斯汀|距離Moody Hall1.02km
This hotel looks so promising from the road. We booked based on the great price. But the old adage you get what you pay for definitely holds true here. We were rooting for this hotel. We really wanted to enjoy it, especially after getting the sob story about how I-35 construction and then the pandemic almost destroyed their business. But that said, there is only so much you can overlook. When we got into our room, the window unit had cardboard on the side of it, and it wasn't even attached. There were lots of little things that needed repair but again we tried to overlook it because part of the sob story was that during the pandemic they had to do short-term rentals which means less than desirable clientele came in and created a lot of the damage. We noticed the other window of our hotel wouldn't even shut completely, and I am attaching a picture I've said window. Again, we just tried to go along and get along, and we put a towel in front of it because we were not at ground level. But the straw that broke the camel's back and led to this review was the fact that we walked past the workout facility and there were all kinds of personal effects on the ground including underwear and women's hygiene products. We reported this to the front desk as we were leaving for the day. When we came back to the hotel 8 hours later the items were still there only there were new and different ones. Considering the less than desirable people we saw hanging around, it seems safe to say that potentially a lady of the night was entertaining in there. And hotel staff obviously knew about it and / or cared so little that they didn't even clean it up when we told them about it. I'm also including pictures of the workout room. The only reason I gave the hotel two stars and not one was the cheap price. But when you factor in the fact that even my husband said he didn't feel completely safe there and Men usually discount a lot of the fears that us ladies will have, when you consider safety I should have given it a one.



正在尋找Moody Hall附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
南奧斯汀Residence Inn 飯店
4.1/527 評價
4.1/5101 評價
3.8/523 評價
Homewood Suites by Hilton Austin - South/Airport
4.3/546 評價
3.9/5101 評價
我們昨晚在德克薩斯州。好地方! !員工很好!餐廳在處所也。對於我來說,很難找到從東方來的東西,但最終找到了它。我早上有兩個煎餅。我花了很長時間才可以做這麼快的食物?總的來說是一個不錯的地方和一個不錯的房間!離機場也衹有十分鐘! !
2.3/522 評價
This hotel looks so promising from the road. We booked based on the great price. But the old adage you get what you pay for definitely holds true here. We were rooting for this hotel. We really wanted to enjoy it, especially after getting the sob story about how I-35 construction and then the pandemic almost destroyed their business. But that said, there is only so much you can overlook. When we got into our room, the window unit had cardboard on the side of it, and it wasn't even attached. There were lots of little things that needed repair but again we tried to overlook it because part of the sob story was that during the pandemic they had to do short-term rentals which means less than desirable clientele came in and created a lot of the damage. We noticed the other window of our hotel wouldn't even shut completely, and I am attaching a picture I've said window. Again, we just tried to go along and get along, and we put a towel in front of it because we were not at ground level. But the straw that broke the camel's back and led to this review was the fact that we walked past the workout facility and there were all kinds of personal effects on the ground including underwear and women's hygiene products. We reported this to the front desk as we were leaving for the day. When we came back to the hotel 8 hours later the items were still there only there were new and different ones. Considering the less than desirable people we saw hanging around, it seems safe to say that potentially a lady of the night was entertaining in there. And hotel staff obviously knew about it and / or cared so little that they didn't even clean it up when we told them about it. I'm also including pictures of the workout room. The only reason I gave the hotel two stars and not one was the cheap price. But when you factor in the fact that even my husband said he didn't feel completely safe there and Men usually discount a lot of the fears that us ladies will have, when you consider safety I should have given it a one.


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奧斯汀是美國德薩斯州的首府、特拉維斯縣縣治,也是德州大學的所在,以及眾多高科技企業所在的高科技城,又因瀕臨德州丘陵地形之起點,故有「矽丘」(Silicon Hills)之稱,以與美國西部傳統電子重鎮矽谷相呼應。





1. 邦原山丘:邦原山丘是一個位於市區西部三十五街附近的小山丘,遊客可以在山丘上俯瞰奧斯汀湖的全景,非常的壯觀,沿湖一側建有高檔住宅區,那裡有著成蔭的綠樹,是一個散步郊遊的好地方,環境也是非常的好。

2. 德克薩斯州議會大廈:德克薩斯州議會大廈是用德州特有的粉紅色花崗岩建成,至今已有一百多年歷史,1986年被選為美國國內最富曆史的地標之一。大廳可以上到四層,大廈牆上掛滿了曆屆的州長畫像。正門前有許多的青銅雕像,圍繞著議會大廈有大片的草坪。

3. 麥金萊瀑布州立公園:位於德州丘陵地帶的東部邊緣,洋蔥小溪(Onion Creek)從公園流過。過去在18世紀時是麥金萊的牧場,後由其子孫捐獻給德州州政府建成州立公園。由於公園就在奧斯汀內,對市民的戶外休閒活動帶來很大方便。公園大閘每晚十點關門,除搭帳棚露營者外所有人必須在十點前離開。

4. 巴頓春池( Barton Springs Pool):巴頓春池是奧斯汀一處天然游泳池,這裏水質清澈,風景優美,是人氣熱門游泳場所。坐落於 Zilker 公園內,巴頓春池是一座修建於泉水之上的遊泳池,全年水溫維持在20至30攝氏度。遊客可以享受日票與季票折扣價,且可在晨間和夜間免費遊泳。

5. 奧斯汀冰淇淋博物館:在這裏,您可以品嘗到環球冰淇淋口味、質地和配料的無限冰淇淋!無論您喜歡奶油味、松脆味、無奶味還是果味,冰淇淋博物館都會為您的味蕾提供最冰爽的美食,讓您既能品嘗到熟悉的口味,又能品嘗到非傳統的美味。











如果您搭乘火車,奧斯汀火車站(Austin, TX)是奧斯汀主要的火車站,距離奧斯汀市中心約5公里,列車北至芝加哥,西至洛杉磯,為旅客提供便捷的出行選擇。從火車站出發,旅客可選擇搭乘巴士、計程車或租車前往奧斯汀市中心。






