



4.2/5107 評價


I went to Arlington, VA recently to participate in Wreaths Across America. I had reserved a room at the Sonesta Select Arlington Rosslyn. I got there on Friday afternoon, checked in and went to the cemetery to spend the rest of the day. When I got back that evening, my sister joined me. We ordered in and had a quiet night in the room. We were up early and checked out by 6:30am so we could get over to the cemetery. We had a great day and a wonderful experience with the Sonesta Select. Imagine my surprise when I looked at my credit card statement on December 31st and there was a new charge for the Sonesta Select in the amount of $250. I immediately went to the Sonesta Select website and inquired what the additional charge was for. I sent a screen shot of my statement showing both charges. (The original room charge on the 18th and the one on the 31st.) I knew with it being New Years Eve, I would not hear back for several days. Imagine my surprise when I received an email yesterday saying the $250 charge was for the room cleaning because we had “trashed the room”!! Now Tim always makes fun of me when we travel because I always make the bed before we leave. I fold the used towels/washcloths and place them on the edge of the tub. True to form, I did just that. I made both beds, tidied the bathroom, emptied the trash cans into the bag that the food we ordered had come in for dinner the night before and even placed the remote back on the TV. I inspected the room before we left to make sure we hadn’t forgotten anything, turned off the lights and shut the door, making sure it locked behind me. I have now sent 3 emails back requesting pictures of the “trashed room” because you know in this day and age, someone took pictures. No response. I have not called them because I don’t trust myself to not get angry or rude with them. I also want a papertrail. I am not sure how to handle this because this is a case of “he said/ she said”. It’s not that $250 is going to break me but I feel totally violated and it’s very shady business. I had planned to use them again next year and was even planning a family vacation there for several days, reserving several rooms…. NOT NOW!! It would crack me up if it weren’t so ridiculous. We are 2 older ladies (55 & 56), hardly party animals. I was so exhausted from all the walking I had done that day and my sister was tired from working all day and then traveling to the hotel, we were both in bed by 8:30pm. So why am I telling you this, because BEWARE!! Obviously your credit card can be charged for anything after you check out. It’s sad that no one will show me any “proof” that I damaged the room and can charge you for anything they dream up. I feel like the next time I stay in a hotel, I am going to have to ask for someone working the desk to come to my room and do an inspection before I leave and give me something in writing that says the room is acceptable.



4.2/5130 評價
我最近在五角大樓喜來登酒店主辦了一次會議和董事會會議。我在9月份住了兩次,進行了一次現場訪問,並受到了 Gelila 的特別友好的歡迎,他多次幫助我,讓我感到受歡迎和關心。她真的讓我的經歷難忘。與傑達和梅根合作預訂活動真的很容易,友好和高效。當我回來主辦活動時,我真的受到了員工的歡迎。肯德拉總是確保我擁有我需要的東西,以確保我的活動順利進行,並跟蹤我們團隊的許多不同需求。她非常敏感和樂於助人。內加西、羅薩里奧、海倫和埃米爾照顧我們,我們的飲食是如此地真誠和體貼的人,他們都讓我們感覺像家人。內加西特別注意到我們需要什麼,並大步改變計劃以適應我們的特殊活動。他是一個很棒的人。其他前台助手,如泰勒,也確實增強了經驗。每個人都表現得像個人,我真的很感激。每次我下來看到 Gelila 在桌子上時,我都非常感激,因爲我覺得我可以指望她的慷慨和友好的溫暖!感謝大家在我們活動期間的關心和體貼!下次一定會在這裏預訂。
4.3/5105 評價
我們到達時有點驚訝,但工作人員立即照顧我們;工作人員很感激我們沒有感到不安。(請記住,對待員工的方式你想對待,WWJD?)酒店位於一個步行社區,在四個街區內有許多餐館,銀行和商店;地鐵在一個街區內。工作人員很友好,給我們提供了晚餐的有用建議。我們的房間有一個休息區,我們喜歡。我們唯一不喜歡房間的是滾動的門 - 它在軌道上滾動時非常吵。可能需要油。我們的房間面向另一棟建築(富國井),但我們來看櫻花,所以我們沒有在房間裏花太多時間。補充早餐儲備充足。這裏有通常的香腸或火腿,雞蛋(炒和煮),雜色棕色,配料製作早餐玉米餅,水果和酸奶,吐司和百吉餅。(你相信他們爲Le Creuset砂鍋菜提供食物嗎!)停車是地下的,需要緊轉彎。在我們入住之前,我閱讀了評論,並提前計劃,將我們的 SUV 轉過來,這樣我們就可以很容易地抽出來,然後回到我們進入車庫的方式,以防車庫滿了。(這沒有必要下車。我丈夫,更好的司機,說我太擔心了。)我們會再次入住。
4.1/5102 評價
Residence Inn Arlington Rosslyn
4.4/586 評價
3月初,我女兒在那裏參加外交使團的會議/培訓,在羅斯林公寓酒店住了兩週。工作人員非常棒,讓我們每天都有賓至如歸的感覺...,看看我們是否需要什麼,我們很舒服。FD的露絲總是對我們以及大多數其他FD人員微笑問候。Meaza 很好地管理了我們的房間。喬治先生在維護中也是酒店周圍一個令人愉快的人物,因爲他每天都在完成任務。該地區非常適合在幾個街區內與一些優秀的“其他國家”餐館散步。當然,這兩週享受了一些美味的食物。DC的紀念碑距離酒店僅需5-10分鐘的車程,直接穿過河。唯一的缺點是套房的臥室很小.....足夠大,大牀看起來更像滿牀。但是沒問題....會再住這裏
3.9/5100 評價
早餐不錯,如圖,我連續三天沒早餐。有廚房。酒店有停車位,離Court House(藍線,銀線)地鐵站很近。地鐵站上麪有公交,38b,61a等。到阿靈頓公墓站還可以步行過河直接達到林肯紀念堂。中心建議至少兩整天,一天是國會山,國會圖書館,步行下來參觀喜歡的博物館。第二天從阿靈頓公墓步行過河到林肯紀念堂,紀念碑,白宮,繼續博物館。總之,就是全靠走。
3.7/5113 評價
還不錯 步行三分鐘就是超大的超市 安靜。舒服。早餐一般


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