

3.5/551 評價
我的歐洲之旅的計劃是預訂景點附近的房間,這樣我們就可以步行,沒有車。這家酒店之所以有效,是因為它位於市中心,靠近許多旅遊和活動開始的旅遊辦公室。 辦理入住手續需要您前往拐角處的Hotel de 4酒店的辦公桌 - 這家酒店不設前台。一旦註冊,你就可以漫步並使用你的密碼通過外面的安全門 - 你的第一把鑰匙通過內部安全門 - 然後你騎小電梯或爬上螺旋樓梯(牆壁看起來像材料從前一世紀開始)另一把鑰匙打開你的房門。 房間是斯巴達。如此微小,只有一個人可以放在蜜蜂的腳和牆壁之間。您的家具只有床,壁掛式電視,便攜式風扇(沒有空調)和可操作的洗手間。美國酒店常規提供的設施都不是。 底樓有一間小餐廳,您可以額外付費享用早餐 - 我們選擇漫步到當地的一家小商店,在戶外享用我們的羊角麵包, 我的妻子告訴我,這是千禧一代和年輕的歐洲人喜歡的那種房間 - 一個安全,方便的地方睡覺,而不是做其他事情。所以住宿是值得的,我們對波爾多的享受因其優越的地理位置而得到提升。
4/563 評價
4.5/5113 評價
Heel rustige locatie, goede bedden en altijd parkeerplaats. De ontvangst, altijd behulpzaam en vriendelijk Ben er nu 3 maal overnacht, zeer tevreden
4.2/577 評價
this hotel is cheating customers. if you opt for a comfort double room, they show you pictures with two VERY SPACY rooms (you will unlikely get, they have only those two). then you push the reservation button and in the e-mail confirmation you will see a much smaller room (you will get; they have around 30 of those). make a SCREENSHOT before you order and stand your ground if you feel cheeted, the difference is around 15-20m2. it’s an ongoing scheme to pull you over the table! the hotel is rated 4* but it’s maybe worth 2*. the interior is really outdated. the pricing is too expensive for what you get. they offer on some booking platforms parking at a decent price (20€). but they don’t have. legally, you can’t hardly stop in front of the hotel. it’s up to you to find a P. those are very rare and very expensive. street parking costs 35€ for 4,25hrs (between 09h-19h). no joke !!! underground parking is 35€, if it’s not full. and look at the latest (fake / payed for ?) comments from US and canadian travellers. from beginning 2020 up to nov. 8th 2021 there were NO TRANSATLANTIC travellers (covid !!!). who produced those comments, all rated with a fantasy 10.0 ??? bottom line: AVOID! … to me: never ever !!!
4.2/564 評價
In its category, this is an outstanding hotel. What makes the difference is the brilliant staff who do whatever they can to ensure that the guests have a great stay. My congratulations to the manager for having put together such a great team. Oh, and by the way, marvelous location, right in the heart of Biarritz. M. Mitchell
3.8/555 評價
We stayed at this hotel last year and enjoyed it so much that we didn't even consider staying anywhere else this year, when we booked it again to have a reunion with our friends from overseas. We had a great time; the swimming pool was fantastic; the hotel restaurant where we had our reunion dinner was absolutely amazing! The staff is very accommodating and charming. If we will ever come to Dordogne again, we will be staying at Chateau de Reynats!



平均價格 (平日)US$159
平均價格 (週末)US$163