查看我們在芭達雅的頂級評價 5星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


EDGE中央海景假日·Infinity Pool·現代簡約風格·180°全景海景(芭提雅海灘店)
4.5/5883 評價
酒店的位置十分方便,就在市中心,樓下就有星巴克,對於咖啡愛好者來説,隨時都能享受到美味的咖啡。而且,步行去周邊幾個商場也特別方便. 樓頂的泳池絕對是一大亮點。景色超級無敵,站在泳池邊,俯瞰着城市的繁華景象,讓人陶醉其中。泳池每天都會有人幫忙清潔,水質清澈乾淨,讓人可以放心地暢遊其中,享受愜意的時光。 此外,酒店的健身房器材也比較齊全。無論是有氧器材還是力量訓練設備,都能滿足不同客人的健身需求。服務方面更是沒得説。工作人員熱情周到,每天都會幫忙清潔房間,他們還會及時滿足客人的各種需求,無論是提供額外的用品還是解答問題,都能做到迅速而高效。
4.2/5191 評價
เคยโทรมาจอง2ครั้ง พนง.พูดจาไม่ดีค่ะ บ้างก็ตะโกนใส่เพื่อนร่วมงานขณะถือสาย เปลี่ยนใจไม่พักเลย2ครั้งที่เจอแบบนั้น ทำให้กลัวปัญหาอื่นๆเพิ่ม คราวนี้เลยจองผ่านแอฟ ไม่ต้องพูดกับทางฟร้อนน่าจะดีกว่า สภาพรร.ไปขณะก่อสร้างหน้าฟร้อนก็มีเสียงดังบ้าง สระน้ำสวยใช้ได้ เป็นตัวที่ดึงดูดให้มาพัก ทั้งติดชายทะเล ฝรั่งเกือบ100%อาหารเช้าใช้ได้ ห้องและสิ่งแวดล้อมค่อนข้างเก่า มาเพราะให้เด็กๆเล่นน้ำ ไม่พบเจอปัญหาใดๆดีค่ะโดยรวม
4.1/511 評價
ホストさんも丁寧で、スムーズにかつ快適に宿泊できました。 立地、金額、共に納得かと思います。 清掃に関しましては、多少の見落とし箇所はあるものの許容の範囲かと思います。中心地からも近しいのでタイへ頻繁に行く私でも周辺環境、またはソンテウ、徒歩移動、バイクタクシー等で不便なく数分で移動できる位置です。またお世話になれたらと思います。有難うございました!!
3.3/552 評價
酒店大堂舒適優雅,你慶幸自己是個精明的消費者 能夠找到這樣一間有氣派還這麼便宜的酒店,作為訂房人 你藏不住的嘴角上揚看向朋友, 本打算深藏功名與利祿,直到前台小姐姐告訴你,你訂的房間是在另外一座 。 無錯就是國產零零漆的「麗間大賓館」的劇情 ,當然並沒有電影中的那麼差 就是普通裝修,沒有梳洗套裝 房間設施相對老舊,但對得起這個價錢…. 好在跟我去的不是女朋友,你能想像到那個場面有多滑稽嗎
4.5/5210 評價
WORST HOTEL ROYAL CLIFF GRAND HOTEL WE WERE ABUSED & HAD TO HEAR RACIST COMMENTS FROM AN OLD WHITE MAN RIGHT IN LOBBY AT RECEPTION & STAFF TOTALLY IGNORED IT & TOOK NO ACTION . On 21 of February, between 2:05-2:30 we were waiting for our cab in reception area an old white man came towards us shouting ,” get these mother******g Indians out of my sight ” we were so startled & shocked that we could not react & he said same abusive & racist line again , mind you all the staff silently standing & watching , then that man came towards my husband with a fist as if we was about to punch my husband. No action from staff even then . we looked at them helpless totally , then my husband shouted back at that man defending himself that man then went outside the hotel & staff stood silent even then . We were in deep shock & felt insulted that that we faced abuses & racism from a totally unknown man & when we asked for details of that particular man from hotel they refused to give it , they just refused to take any action & even didn't give any details of that man so that we can file a complain . we left disheartened from the hotel & without a single apology for the insults & trauma. What disgusted us the most was that nobody defended us & staff didn't even say a sorry . we booked Royal cliff grand hotel due to the beach view it's balcony was offering , but on Day 1 itself we saw lizard in our room as well as in our balcony . when we called the staff panicking that there is a lizard in the room the reception seemed as if nothing had happened & said they will send somebody to shoo away the lizard . 20 mins passed & we had to call twice to get some assistance finally someone arrived by that time we shooed away the lizard ourselves . that guy came with just a broom to catch the lizard & in balcony also he didn't catch any lizard . we were not offered any replacement of room & it seemed like an everyday thing to them . noticed lots of mosquitos in the property in the lobby , hallways , we got so many mosquito bites , told this to reception again & they just smiled & ignored didn't even offer us a mosquito repellent. on Day 2 we started getting yellow smelly dirty water in our washroom, which smelled of poop this was just disgusting to say the least , even after complaining to housekeeping it continued till evening, imagine our plight we paid for a premium hotel for thIs ?
3.7/522 評價
We stayed about 6 nights in the pool premium villa. Sadly, the property is rather run down but we do get a huge room, which is nice and a patio which is quite big. It was also quite quiet in the area. But the location is certainly very far from the city. Apart from the hotel, you do have to get a cab to go somewhere else to eat. This seems a very local area. We were planning to play golf at Laem ChaBang, so it didn't really matter. But for a location so far out, we agreed that next time, it's best we simply stay at Laem ChaBang premium villa. Housekeeping was quite bad. We left food outside at the patio, and it was not even collected after we left for golf. The mattresses are really old. I can feel the springs as a skinny person. Honestly, I slept pretty badly. But if you are looking to be away from the noise and action of Pattaya, this could be a choice. It wasn't too expensive to begin with. While WIFI is provided, the signal is very poor, I had to carry my iPad to the Patio to find signal, so you cannot watch your movies in bed!



平均價格 (平日)NT$8,205
平均價格 (週末)NT$8,873

挑選芭達雅的 5 星級飯店訣竅





芭達雅位於熱帶地區,四季如夏,因此全年皆可穿著夏裝前往。其中 11 月中旬至隔年 2 月期間,不論白天或晚上皆涼爽宜人,是最佳的旅遊旺季。3 月至 5 月是光照強烈的時節,需做好萬全的防曬措施;6 月至 10 月則為雨季,雖較熱季氣溫相對適宜一點,但時常有陣雨,因此在此季節前往旅行,最好提前查詢天氣預報並準備雨具。


1. 真理寺

2. 四方水上市場

3. 格蘭島


芭達雅 J 靈感飯店

芭達雅 J 靈感飯店坐落中央購物中心附近,地理位置優越,購物非常方便。此外飯店的價格便宜,床鋪多為單人床,即使好友一起住一間,也能有個人的空間,整體 CP 值很高。

芭提雅中心基地飯店 The Base 公寓

芭提雅中心基地飯店 The Base 公寓位於芭達雅火車站附近,非常繁華。如果是家族旅遊的旅客,推薦可以選擇「家庭房」,一次最多能入住 5 人,且房內還有配備簡易廚房及洗衣機,設施相當完善!


環球飯店-酒吧和餐廳坐落海濱路附近,距離芭達雅夜市只需步行 7 分鐘,芭達雅海灘更是只需 3 分鐘即可抵達,地理位置相當優越。此外飯店的價格便宜,也有提供單人房,對於獨旅的人來說非常友善。


1. 炸魚餅

2. 海鮮炒飯

看完以上介紹是不是很想前往芭達雅遊玩呢?事不宜遲,趕快規劃行程,馬上到 Trip.com 預訂優惠的芭達雅飯店吧!
