
2.3/5107 評價
如果你想便宜和非常基本,這就是你的地方!廣告說他們有天空,但他們沒有 - 他們只有兩個頻道的標準電視。不幸的是,我們專門選擇這個地方觀看天空的比賽 - 但不能觀看。當我們詢問這件事時,經理並不高興。浴室工作得很好-聞到煙味,窗戶沒有鎖,這意味着街道噪音,但有一個加熱器可以補償(小心你的孩子)。你可以聽到其他房間發生的事情 - 帶上耳塞。但它便宜$120/night,位置優越,清潔人員很可愛,非常樂於助人(可能是住宿的最佳部分)。
2.4/5110 評價
My stay was disgusting and the receptionist (manager) was rude, mean, dismissive and argumentative. She has no empathy, doesn't care, she acted like I was inconveniencing her by just checking in and checking out. She would stare at me with utter distain. No ounce of customer service skills. Then had the audacity to call me rude and told me to get people skills. I was merely reacting to her being nasty and my taking money. She has no professionalism what so ever constantly acts like she is annoyed. She acted like she owned me and was trying to be my mummy She yelled at me and stole my money. The accommodation is disgusting, I dont even know where to start Upon arrival I thought there was no one there, I was left standing there. I didn't realise the receptionist was in the office ignoring me until a lady with a duffle bag went into the office and I asked the lady if someone was there to which she said yes. So I went to pop head in to say hello and the receptionist set on me growling at me and being nasty telling me to get and go away. She was rude and treated me like a criminal during check in. The room was impossible to find but I found it eventually. She heartless and inconsiderate. It's not a hotel it's a hostel Upon check out the receptionist acted like she was pissed off that I wanted to check out. She growled me because I touched the reception desk, there was some old tape hanging off and I kinda played with it and she just kept growling me and yelling at me saying I was ripping it when I wasn't and she wouldn't let me speak or shut up. I had to yell over her to check me out. She refused to give my money back because there was a hair dye transfer from me bright red hair on a towel. I explained the dye is water soluble and it will wash out. Never mind that my makeup and mascara were on the towels. She staring yelling at me and would only give me 80 dollars in the end. She only gave it to me because I argued with her she was going to take the whole 100. I had folded the towels, emptied the rubbish wipes the floors. She had to unfold the towels like literally look through a customer's washing. She was looking for a reason not to give my money back. When I was trying to explain the room situation she yelled at me and talked over me I was just trying to have a discussion about the issues with the accommodation and she yelled at me and growled at me for not complaining sooner. I can actually raise an issue whenever I please. The fridge leaked in the middle of the night and I used a towel to clean that up. Out of courtesy I placed a towel on a pillow to sleep to avoid hair dye transfer. The room was gross the shared toilet and bathroom were gross there was urine on the underside of the toilets. The shared kitchen area was gross There's like a ventilation system above the bed covered with dust, grime and build up which fell on me and the bed so I pulled it away. No mirrors! The draws and furniture are so old and tatty and smell bad.
4.2/5104 評價
我們一直喜歡住在QT博物館酒店。我們被賦予了升級到頂樓海景房的選擇,並收取額外費用。看到比我在1樓靠近道路交通和垃圾箱區域的預訂要求更安靜的房間,我支付了每晚2晚的額外升級費用。 第二天我們的房間服務不好。浴室的垃圾箱是唯一沒有清空的。沐浴露沒有補充,我們不得不要求重新填充。牀上的墊子從前一天晚上起還在地板上,熨衣板還是遺漏了 -我沒有放回去,因爲熨斗後還是很熱那天早上給我的會議熨衣服。健身房設施很累,所有毛巾都用完了,用過的毛巾箱都溢出來了。 我對這次旅行的住宿非常失望,因爲新冠病毒現在是一個非常古老的藉口,使用人員短缺。管理層應該安排系統和程序,以確保5星級評級得到維護。如果不能讓客戶高興再次回來,就不要賣更多的房間了。這不僅是我的意見,也是我同事的意見。非常令人失望!
3.9/5102 評價
2022年8月5日她留下來工作 好的酒店,位於方便的中心位置。良好的接待區,工作人員友好而熱情。無論如何,不是一家現代化的酒店,而是經典的感覺。 被分配到一個無障礙輪椅房507,房間是一個乾淨整潔的小大牀房。作爲一個無障礙無障礙房,浴室很大,基本上是一個沒有浴室的溼房。不是我想要的,但通常你會期望看到一個。 在淋浴時,我幾乎滑倒了,因爲我沒有找到橡膠夾子墊子,直到我的淋浴時,它就在毛巾欄桿下面,我沒有看到它,而不是在淋浴的手欄桿上。 很高興看到他們用塑料瓶包裝了 有一個內部房間面對另一個酒店街區,沒有風景,但這意味着它很安靜。惠靈頓週五晚上可能會吵鬧,但我睡得很好。 退房大概花了10秒。 會再次入住的 大門
4.1/576 評價
The 1920/30s architecture and original interiors are awesome. So great that the building has been preserved as well as it has been (has it been earthquake strengthened yet? I think the deadline is 2025?). The room was clean and well appointed (great minibar), good working desk, lighting, tea table, bathroom, etc. The TV channel options were disappointing but the wifi quality was very good. The whole place has a quaint feeling given the history and grander of the place and colourful people who stayed there. A few nice places to eat close by but it's the quiet end of town, so not the greatest selection (La Saigon is really good). The staff were friendly and helpful. It's a hidden gem that deserves a higher profile and I'd be interested in investing in it if the opportunity ever came up. Double/triple glazed windows would be the first thing I spent money on.
4/555 評價
總是徹底享受我在這裏的住宿。非常方便,距離中央考特尼廣場僅幾步之遙。停車方便,交通便利。房間配備齊全的小廚房,帶有自己的洗碗機/爐灶台/冰箱等。超級舒適的牀和漂亮的小陽台。真正好的開放式浴室/濕室,照明非常適合擺弄!這是在鎮上過夜的完美地點。當我需要在惠靈頓市中心度過一整夜時,總是會在這裏預訂。櫃檯的克裏斯蒂安·H(Christian H)是一位非常友善而熱情的工作同事。
4.2/5118 評價
4.2/597 評價
發送了一個要求海景房的請求,並返回一條消息,說不能容納我。 。 。 。並問我什麼時候到達。 所以問了,說不。 接待人員相當冷漠。 去我的房間。 。 。 225。 密鑰將無法使用多年。 進去,感覺有些不適。 。 。 。 然後注意到一個男人從他靠近酒店的辦公大樓的書桌上透過窗戶看著我。 (就像幾米遠) 我關上窗簾了。 。 。 。但感到不舒服。 房間很整潔。 。 。 。但是羽絨被上有污漬。 我下樓了,不想再和那個已經告訴我這是我唯一的房間的接待員再打交道。 我離開了鑰匙,說我正在退房。 他對為什麼不感興趣。 。 。 。所以我離開了。 好免費的酒店錢。 我永遠不會回來。 。 。 。曾經是最喜歡的地方
4.6/565 評價
在葡萄園裏閃耀的神聖體驗!❤️ 在去惠靈頓的路上,有幸跌跌撞撞地穿過馬丁伯勒。這是一個古雅的地方,有各種設備齊全的小木屋,有燃氣壁爐和水療浴缸,就在可愛的咖啡館,商店和酒廠的村莊外面。他們的團隊親切,勤勞。💯 帶上自己的食物,因爲你有一個小廚房,食物在白天可以限制,因爲大多數地方直到晚上或週末才開放給遊客。另外,建議開車,因爲要在有限的免費班車外四處走動既昂貴又具有挑戰性。自行車可以租$40NZD 🤑🤑
4.1/5112 評價
酒店名稱在當地是MAUMI酒店,但該網站的名稱無法傳達。感覺這座建築正在精心使用舊建築,樓梯和電梯感覺很舊。4即使在一棟樓裏,它也在這裏較高,每層樓的地板垂直和水平地展開。 前面的CUBA街是最繁華的地區,那裏有許多餐館和商店,還有咖啡館,我沒有機會在酒店休息室用餐,所以我存款的所有金額都歸還了酒店。 房間面向街道,但週末城市的喧囂在12:00之前消失了,我度過了一個安靜的夜晚。 假期早上和8點之前,幾乎沒有汽車行駛。


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平均價格 (平日)US$172
平均價格 (週末)US$151