5/1. Ratchadamnoen soi 4, Phra singh

Posted 2023-12-24 16:03:52
Gorgeous small boutique hotel in a quiet location but in the middle of everything. Stunning delux room with a balcony on 2 sides. Spacious room, spotlessly clean with fridge and air conditioning. Very comfortable bed although pillows were a little hard for my taste. Lovely kind owners. Was very sad to leave this gem.

Posted 2022-12-31 21:35:45
A true gem of a place in a lovely part of the old city. Close to great eateries. Our hosts were really helpful. The room was bright and fabulous. It’s by far the best place we have stayed in. Wish there’d been availability to stay longer. Great value

Posted 2022-11-19 10:58:39
The hotel just re-opened in the beginning of November, after a 2-year closure due to COVID-19 concerns. The location is on a quiet street right in the middle of the Old City. The facilities are charming. We also had a great view from our room on the second floor. Because the owners are just recovering from the economic woes of no tourism in Chiang Mai during COVID, they were currently not providing all the generous snacks and airport rides they previously provided. This could, of course, change again. In any case it is great deal for a low price, and we consider it one of the places we would really like to stay again in our next visit to Chiang Mai. Highly recommended!
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