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  • 搜尋飯店


1/51 評價
1/51 評價
對於想要捕捉吉隆坡城市風采的旅客來說,Lavile由五感駐地提供的公寓是一個理想的選擇。附近很多景點,包括Gabai Waterfalls、Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo)和西明寺都離飯店不遠。飯店坐落於Royal Malaysian Police Museum邊,附近還有很多景點包括翡翠博物館和Beryl's巧克力工廠。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有熨衣設備、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。飯店休閒區提供了各類設施,您可以在這裡舒緩身心壓力。多國語言工作人員的服務,將為您消除在異國的語言障礙。
5/53 評價
5/5極好3 評價
Sangat bersih,selesa n byk kemudahan spt swimming pool ,gym, dan ank2 sgt happy🥰👍👍⭐️⭐️⭐️
0/50 評價
該民宿對面是偉樂商場,交通便利,步行5分鐘便可到達捷運站。顧客可以進入該大樓內的以下區域GF 層:大廳、零售店1 級:祈禱室9 樓:泳池、休息室9M 層:健身房、祈禱室46層:空中花園、空中大廳、天篷餐廳、休息室
4.6/50 評價
4.6/5很好0 評價
旅客們會發現Gabai Waterfalls、Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo)和Lim Lian Teng Memorial Hall距離飯店都不遠。飯店佔盡地理之宜,翡翠博物館、Beryl's巧克力工廠和吉隆坡佳迪藝術精品中心離此都很近。浴室內提供吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。在空閒的時候,去咖啡廳喝杯飲品放鬆一下是不錯的選擇。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,附近Mosaic(自助餐)的MO Curry Laksa 、香蘭葉(麵包甜點)的香蘭葉蛋奶煎糕和SUSHI TAKA(日本料理)的鰻魚壽司或許能勾起您的食慾。飯店的健身設施有健身室。
4.4/57 評價
4.4/5滿意7 評價
每間房都有窗戶,可以看到外邊的風景,三間房,兩個廁所,所有廁所都沒有掛鉤和衣架。廚房很大,廚房門如果換作趟門設計更好。整體清潔度很好,一開門入屋,大廳就有一張梳化床和一張大床。加埋梳化床一共有五張床,每張床都好大。廁紙濕了,我叫佢攞個新嘅嚟1分鐘就送到,效率非常快。check out後我把行李暫託在櫃檯兩個小時都可以。附近有一個大型商場和很多食肆,非常方便購物和食飯。
4.7/510 評價
4.7/5很好10 評價
Helpful and responsive management. Appreciate for their efforts to make us had a wonderful stay. Just inform them if you have special request, I can feel for their efforts. Yes have to make the deposit at first. Return of deposit was a pleasant one. Thank you.
4.1/57 評價
4.1/5不錯7 評價
MY HOME AWAY FROM HOME Ten Simple Reasons Why I Will Keep Booking UNA@Sunway through Bluebird 1. HONESTY. To begin, in the simplest form - The Host - Bluebird is honest. They say what they mean and mean what they say. 2. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Two bedrooms mean two bedrooms. Unlike some hosts (such as my last experience at Swiss Garden Residences) which slither their way around with words. The second bedroom was nothing more than a work space with a foldable bed but with deceptive photos that makes it look like a room - sigh) But UNA is straightforward. Everything listed is what it should be. No hiding behind flowery words. The give you what they say they will give. 3. CLEAN, SPICK & SPAN. I'm a rather easy going person, but there are limitations to my easy nature when it comes to cleanliness. Being with a four year old child means I am extra cautious. Because she would not even step onto the ground if she deems a place dirty. Well? She was lying and playing on the floor the whole time we stayed there. 4. BATHROOM. There are two. One is common and the other ensuite. I first used the common bathroom for my shower. The water heater in this bathroom is the typical type - which is a wall mounted unit or what some might call, ”tankless water heater”. Pressure was good enough. Assuming that both bathroom were the same, I remembered thinking - how much nicer it would be if there were something like a conventional tank water heater. Because the water pressure and volume of water would be even greater. Lo and behold - in the ensuite master room, I found what I was looking for. As I use rain shower head at home, I really appreciate any accommodation that provides such facilities as well. Being in a tropical country, to me the shower is a very very important aspect during my travels. It just washes all the dirt and grime away and leaves me feeling amazingly fresh! I love the bathroom. And yes, like the rest of the unit - it is spick and span too! 5. BEDROOMS - While my wife found the bed to be a tad too soft for her liking - it was excellent for me. She used the bed in the other bedroom on the second night and found it to her liking. I find that bed, just a tad too firm. So, problem solved. While there is never a perfect solution to what kind of beds you expect in a hotel or accommodation - the two beds at UNA by Bluebird worked great for us. One to my liking and another to her liking. My young daughter? She likes both. Both rooms come with AC and fan. How delightful. I love to sleep (hibernate) in a very chilly room and the AC alone was enough to send me into a deep slumber. Combined with the fan - turned on at a low speed - I was hibernating soundly every night. 6. NOPE NO PANTRY - BUT A FULLY FUNCTIONAL KITCHEN! Well pantry sounds quaint right? So quaint you could barely move. Check out some of the airbnb pantries in Manila and you will know what I mean. Those pantries are at best good for heating up food with a microwave. At UNA - there is a
4.1/591 評價
4.1/5不錯91 評價
位置很好。靠近主幹道。可以到MRT Maluri,但是需要走走大概600m.如果你沒有小孩出行,老人比可以選擇走路(我確實走了)。很多商店(因爲它位於一個舊區,政府宿舍)所以期望很多汽車數量。除了酒店提供的餐飲,任何人都可以尋找餐館只需步行幾分鐘。最近的購物中心是伊恩·馬魯裏,其次是Sunway Velocity(多走一點),可以乘坐捷運到科克倫出口,前往宜家和邁城。
3.4/53 評價
3.4/53 評價
我預訂了這家酒店,因爲它位於AEON maluri旁邊,因爲我在那裏做了一些工作。首先,入住非常順利,我們被給了2樓的房間。房間很乾淨,視野很好。牀很舒服,空調工作也很好。走廊裏有一個熨衣架,還有一個不錯的公共座位區,有花園式的裝飾。我唯一要說的是,這裏的所有傢俱和設備都已經開始顯示他們的年齡,他們迫切需要翻新。
0/50 評價
旅客們會發現西明寺、Gabai Waterfalls和Masjid Jamek Alam Shah距離飯店都不遠。飯店佔盡地理之宜,吉隆坡佳迪藝術精品中心、FARM 32和成功時代廣場主題樂園離此都很近。所有極具特色的客房都配備有熨衣設備、液晶電視機和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了電熱水壺。除此之外,配備有24小時熱水的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。大廳吧旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。如果您覺得在入住飲食方面僅限於此,那不妨去看看附近Mosaic(自助餐)、香蘭葉(麵包甜點)和SUSHI TAKA(日本料理)絡繹不絕的人流吧!Nasi goreng、香蘭葉蛋奶煎糕和鰻魚壽司分別是每家為您精心推薦的美食。房客既能在 健身室揮灑汗水,也可以在桑拿浴室放鬆身心。飯店的會議廳將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。
3.1/510 評價
3.1/510 評價
飯店應由舊式住宅改裝,大堂很輝煌,除櫃台外還有登記自助機,柠檬水歡迎飲品,櫃台常只有一位服務员,但有礼貌。 房間與大堂裝修感覺落差很大,房間是陳舊裝修,黄色分休式冷氣,發出呼呼聲音,洗手間地台有洗不甩的污渍, 枕頭套也有同一問题,慶幸有渍而無味。房間內没有提供牙膏及牙擦。 三人房空間阔落,有微波爐,雪櫃,熱水瓶,底層有泳池。 飯店附近有go kl免费巴士,但路線是去民居繞一圈,不太值得坐。步行10-15分钟可到Aeon ,經地鐵地下通道連接到Sunway velocity ,這兩大商场可解决購物及飲食問题。 坐地鐵緑線到Maluri 站(Aeon )D出口,直行,過巴士站及十字路口便到。 整体從飯店房價及附近便利,要求不高,也值得住的。
3.9/547 評價
3.9/547 評價
友好接待快速登記乾淨房間空調超棒酷酷停車(每條入口rm5)附近711n Mamak餐廳🥰👍
