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  • 搜尋飯店


3.7/515 評價
3.7/515 評價
房間裡非常熱,沒有風扇,打開窗戶就意味著交通噪音會進來。接待員似乎不明白預訂系統——我們預付了 4 個房間,但只給了 3 個房間,這意味著 2 個成人和 2 個兒童共用一間小房間,酒店沒有任何補償。她在辦理入住手續時再次向我們收費,因為她沒有意識到我們已經在網上付款。她一直聳聳肩說這不是她的錯,我們同意了這一點,但問她我們該做什麼,卻又得到了另一次聳肩。在我們後面登記入住的夫婦也遇到了同樣的問題,當工作人員沒有表現出解決方案或表示悔意時,他們感到沮喪。為了退還多付的費用,我們不得不發送電子郵件 4 次,收到非常粗魯的回复,直到我們提到記錄正式投訴,十次我們收到非常禮貌的道歉並立即退款。計程車不太方便——一位計程車司機載了我們一半的人,然後又回來接剩下的人,這意味著兩端都要等待很多時間。停車位非常有限,必須提前預訂。總的來說,在擁擠和炎熱的房間裡度過了壓力和不愉快的住宿,而且服務很差。建議去另一家酒店,因為附近有很多酒店。
3.7/52 評價
3.7/52 評價
不論是商務還是休閒旅客,青年旅舍HI魯昂都能讓您的魯昂之行變得更加美好而難忘。Gare de Rouen位於距離該飯店大約2km的地方。著名的景點Côte Sainte-Catherine、L\'armada和Fontaine de la Croix-de-Pierre均可步行很短距離到達。從飯店到魯昂法院遊覽很方便,Square Verdrel和Parlement de Normandie也均在附近。飯店提供的休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩、奢華完美的住宿體驗。飯店配備有會議廳,可供旅客使用。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。
3.9/590 評價
3.9/590 評價
We selected this hotel for it's central location and secure car park and it didn't let us down. It sits on a site with a Mercure Hotel which has advantages and disadvantages. The car park is huge, don't feel the need to grab the first place you see, it really does carry on forever. The car park lift will then deposit you in the Mercure where you check in. You will need to remember that lift as if you forget and try to get back to the car park in one of the other Mercure lifts you will find yourself in their conference suites! Breakfast and dinner are served in the Mercure and are excellent. We found all the staff very friendly and as we were there on one of the nights that England were playing in the Euros we were able to enjoy the match on a large screen that had been set up. Whilst having access to all the Mercure facilities was wonderful it does leave the Ibis somewhat lacking. The reception area resembles a storage area. The rooms however are comfortable, the bathroom in our room looked like a pod that had been created elsewhere and dropped into the room but whilst small it was functional. The air conditioning worked well and we had two very comfortable nights.
0/50 評價
開業於2021-12-31,相信無論您是一日遊還是深度遊,魯昂塞納觀景公寓都是您魯昂之行的不二選擇。在該地區觀光很容易,Côte Sainte-Catherine、Monument Jeanne d'Arc和Maison de L’Architecture de Normandie都在飯店附近。從飯店出發可方便前往市內的眾多著名景點,包括魯昂美術館、Fontaine Sainte-Marie和Eblouissants Reflets。所有極具特色的客房都配備有熨衣設備和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供浴缸和吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。閒暇時間在飯店的大廳吧喝上一杯,必定是您休憩放鬆的好選擇。除此之外,我們還為您精心蒐集了周邊的餐飲訊息,Pommes dEpices、Restaurant La Couronne(法國菜)和Le Diplomate期待著您的光顧。飯店提供的體育和休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩的住宿體驗。多國語言工作人員的服務,將為您消除在異國的語言障礙。
0/50 評價
在該地區觀光很容易,Côte Sainte-Catherine、Monument Jeanne d'Arc和Maison de L’Architecture de Normandie都在飯店附近。從飯店出發可方便前往市內的眾多著名景點,包括魯昂美術館、Fontaine Sainte-Marie和Eblouissants Reflets。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有熨衣設備和衣櫃/衣櫥。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。飯店提供的體育和休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩的住宿體驗。
4/573 評價
4/5不錯73 評價
Easy on-site parking and 10-15 minutes walk to the historical center. Very grumpy, slow and inefficient check-in. Nobody noticed that I am a Silver member or the ”request” in my reservation. Therefore, I had to ask for a welcome drink and was allocated in a room facing the backyard. Cheapie attitude as they provide only one welcome drink for the card-holder ...even if the room and breakfast is paid for two persons... and I gave up waiting for the bar-tender to get my beer. Seriously, how much would it cost you to offer an extra soft-drink? If you do it on purpose so that the customer has to pay the abnormally high price you charge for a beer, then it is simply a bad policy which has negative impact on welcoming attitude. Shower only and an-all around ”detergent” suitable for hair, body ... and probably also dishes and car-wash. Usually in 4* hotels you have branded amenities and full-size bathtub. Even when there is a shower only, the installation is better and it doesn't require that the tenants must mop the floor every time after using it. Therefore, bad value for money, especially since you get almost the same at an IBIS with 35% cheaper rate. Excellent breakfast in every aspect ...variety of dishes and quick replenishment. Sleep comfort and air-conditioning were very good and that saved the day ... or the night :-) - IF I will be ever returning to the area, I will either choose the adjacent IBIS with river view, or a similar priced centrally located hotel.
4.2/50 評價
4.2/5不錯0 評價
若想要遊覽魯昂,卡雷爾聖馬克飯店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。在該地區觀光很容易,Maison de L’Architecture de Normandie、Les Racines du Ciel和聖馬克盧教堂都在飯店附近。飯店提供的體育和休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩的住宿體驗。
4/519 評價
4/5不錯19 評價
我們喜歡魯昂這家乾淨且位置便利的小酒店。飯店位於一條靠近河流的安靜街道上,步行 5 分鐘即可到達大教堂和市中心,設有一個帶鎖的小型底層停車場(15 歐元/24 小時),接待人員英語說得很好。這是一個住宿的好地方而且很容易找到。我們受到了熱烈的歡迎,我們的房間位於三樓,雖小但足夠了。它有一個帶淋浴的小浴室、一個用來掛衣服的小空間、一張舒適的 5 英尺雙人床、一張小辦公桌和一台大螢幕電視。房間安靜、現代、乾淨——每天提供服務。然而,雖然有吹風機,但沒有茶和咖啡設施,而且無線網路連接速度很慢。樓下有一個令人愉快的早餐區(每人13歐元),你也可以在那裡坐下來和朋友聊天。 (我們發現在魯昂市中心的咖啡館買一些羊角麵包和咖啡比較便宜)。如果網路和咖啡設施更好的話,我會給這家飯店更高的評價。但我會再來的。位置優越,工作人員友好,酒店非常好。
3.4/562 評價
3.4/562 評價
Tired, dated, dingy, - key card slot for electric supply fell off wall and had difficulty getting it to stay put! Seemed to be limited supply of towels and toilet rolls despite our double occupancy! No air con but at least supplied a fan! During our visit to France we stayed in a couple of Mercure hotels and 3 Ibis as my husband is a platinum card holder the one in Rouen is by far the worst one! As part of a chain of hotels they can usually be relied upon for a certain standard of accommodation depending on the level from Sofitel and MGallery to Ibis budget being the cheap and cheerful end for our road trip. This one disappointed!
3.8/57 評價
3.8/57 評價
Nous avons passé une nuit avec une amie et avons adoré, la cheffe est incroyablement douce et accueillante tandis que l’endroit est vraiment superbe, que ce soit l’hôtel l’allée avec la décoration type de napoléon mais aussi son emplacement qui par rapport au centre ville historique n’est vraiment pas loin. Cela nous laisse une belle balade à faire, accompagnée des précieux conseils de la cheffe! Merci
4.5/50 評價
4.5/5滿意0 評價
在該地區觀光很容易,聖羅曼街、Historial Jeanne d’Arc和Monument a Gustave Flaubert都在飯店附近。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有液晶電視機。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺。除此之外,配備有24小時熱水的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。飯店提供的體育和休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩的住宿體驗。
4.1/51 評價
4.1/5不錯1 評價
