
4/518 評價
I would definitely not call Seronera a resort. It holds much promise. It’s smack in the middle of the Serengeti NP and perched on top of a rocky outcrop that oversees the plains. The staff are also upbeat when it comes to service, and food spread while not big, is overall delicious. They would also try to serve up dishes if you have particular requested, and staff puts up a lively performance over dinner. However a lot more work is required, especially with the hardware and maintenance. The development is old style and rundown. Its wooden floors are creaky and curtains tattered (we looked at multiple rooms with similar conditions). We checked in with dead and half-dead bugs on the floor, and a bug ran across my daughter’s arm. The management explained that bugs are attracted to light but still, maintenance I think could be better. They eventually moved us to a family room which was marginally better, but same problems persist. The beds are stiff, our room couldn’t get wifi and hot water wasn’t reliable. Reminds us very much of a motel in the US rural, certainly not a resort. On the electricity, it indeed cuts off at 12am (11.30pm on our first day) and only comes back on close to sunrise. The management explained that this is because the airport is nearby and the authorities have rejected their request to put up solar panels (for backup batteries). And leaving the electricity on the whole night is not permitted either so as not to disturb the wildlife. So you will need to be diligent at charging up all devices early as they can’t be charged overnight. Seronera will need a lot more work and investment before it can become a viable resort.
4.7/526 評價
We were on a 10 day safari and were able to spend 1 night at this beautiful tented camp closely situated to excellent game viewing. Several cape buffalos spent the night bedded down near our tent to keep us company! A really great camp with kind and attentive people. The Klipspringers jumped from rock to rock with amazing agility as if to welcome us there.
4.8/544 評價
這次去塞倫蓋蒂就是衝著四季酒店,酒店景觀很好,就在塞倫蓋蒂國家公園里麪,公園門票每天要單付的,酒店可以代買收5%服務費,我們兩個人四天大概是4000元的公園門票。 我是一月份住的,1萬一晚的房費包三餐,下午茶都隨便吃,味道還可以吧,晚上有個露天餐廳有馬賽人表演,燭光晚餐單付100美金,就一個蠟燭,在室內沒感覺,最後那張圖就是。酒店的很多工作人員是當地馬賽人,很有特色,也有很多付費項目很好的,就是酒店定的項目都非常的貴,比外麪定的貴很多,不過車還是更好,服務很多。接送機很貴,因為公園里有個小機場,離酒店50分鐘車程,單次送機兩位還是和別人拼車的就要大概1500元,接機也差不多 但讓我很不爽的是酒店的服務員總是服務很敷衍,我定的是每晚1萬元的房間,住了四晚,入住時問是否可以給我升級房型,因為我是四季的隱性VIP,按說可以升級的,但是他們拖了好長時間給升級了一間和我定的沒有區別的房間,之後在酒店又消費了一些項目,比如步行遊獵,越野遊獵,spa等等,我結賬的時候他們想方設法給我多算錢,給我多算了幾千人民幣,在我掰持的半天後,他們才承認自己算錯了,而且態度很差,我很驚訝四季酒店怎麼還有這種黑客的行為,估計是給我們服務項目的人可以拿提成吧,希望這個事情可以引起四季酒店的注意,我在很多國家都住過四季,從沒有過這樣的黑客行為,大家如果去住也一定小心在付費項目上他們會動手腳,我是退房頭天晚上就去核對賬單的,如果是退房當天早上很幫忙去機場,一定沒時間和他們對這麼細。 但是除了黑客行為以外四季還是很好的,塞倫蓋蒂太美了,以後還會再去。
4.8/542 評價
我們在這座美麗的酒店呆了三天。酒店直接在Serengeti附近,景色很美,整個設施都很愛情,典型的非洲裝飾。我們已經得到一個房間升級到我們見過的最美的房間,謝謝!全體員工非常友好,很有幫助。我們每天都能在現場預訂,還可以感謝阿諾,我們超級司機,只是享受。謝謝!根據薩法裏的願望,酒店可以安排一次旅行。我們會推薩法裏包在Serengeti中午餐,因爲那次好吃的不太好吃了其他遊客;-),謝謝廚房隊,這裏的動物生態多樣性令人印象深刻。酒店的餐飲供應與服務一樣優秀,感謝全部的F&B團隊給予了好時間。馬餐廳特別推。餐廳的景色也難忘。我們會隨時回來 推酒店
4.3/55 評價



最高價格TWD 264,386
最低價格TWD 3,135
平均價格 (週末)TWD 26,929
平均價格 (平日)TWD 26,993