
5/517 評價
因為想去道因潛水,沒有選擇住杜馬市區,住在道因海邊,距離浮潛/潛水地方很近,沒有選擇豪華版,出門旅遊主打就是一個性價比。 第一次到杜馬,算得上是意外之喜!很開心認識了濤哥和Nana,所以很樂意和大家分享下入住體驗。 設施:度假村剛裝修過,乾淨清爽,選了靠海的房間,睜開眼睛就是大海的感覺很美妙。 衛生:我個人會比較在意衛生間的環境,可以說是非常感人。之前也看了周圍幾家,這個價格區間算得上是佼佼者了。 環境:麻雀雖小五臟俱全,店裡有泳池,休息區,(划重點)還有一個天然硫磺溫泉!對於潛水完想要泡湯的小伙伴真的是非常友好了。院子外就是海邊,蕩蕩鞦韆,發發獃,還可以逗逗狗,擼擼貓,咱就是說,還要啥自行車。。。 服務:之前都說出門在外,都是中國人坑中國人,但超幸運碰到濤哥和Nana。語言沒有障礙,英語稀爛也完全沒有問題。雖然房費不包括餐飲,但是如果體驗完當地口味,不想出去的話,還可以請Nana準備中餐(是的,不愛西餐的中國胃,異國他鄉吃到了水煮肉片!)濤哥作為資深教練,足不出戶裏就可以上潛水課,人非常Nice 就是這些了,期待以後假期再來,最後上圖片
3.9/511 評價
The hotel is very cozy! It has small, but great rooms, and you can just walk like 50 m and then you are on the beach. The beach is really nice as well. Here you can enjoy swimming and snorkeling without going on a boat. The hotel area at the beach is also very nice with a lot of seating area, and they also have chairs and some sun beds you can bring with you. At the hotel they have a great restaurant, and they even serve you down at the beach! :) The food is so great, you actually don’t have to go somewhere else. They have Asian food and western food and a lot more, and it’s really good. The staff at the hotel is really great and helpful, and make you feel really welcome. We would definitely go back! The only negative thing is if you leave any food in you’re room, it will be infested by a lot of ants. So be careful with that :)
3.6/515 評價
我們到達的那一刻,工作人員非常非常熱情地歡迎我們。他們立即給我們歡迎返校舞會。似乎沒有什麼太多的東西讓他們安慰我們,使我們的住宿變得美妙。幾天後,每個工作人員都感覺像老朋友,我們真誠地愛他們所有人。當我們離開時,我相信我們會想念他們每個人。最好的度假村,當然是有史以來最好的員工!!!!我們一直在夢想,並計劃儘快返回!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!您是一羣很棒的人,他們將永遠留在我們的心中,我們希望我們能保持聯繫,並很快再次見面。非常尊重你們所有人。Selamat kaayo和安全。我們喜歡Sirra度假村,工作人員,Critter Republic Divecenter,非常工作人員。我們的房間感覺就像我們的家一樣。很乾淨,我們被窗外的景色和非常寬敞的陽台所壓倒。餐廳有非常好的菜單,廚師提供的食物非常出色。
4.8/58 評價
優點:屋內設施是極好的,房間非常大,而且離海邊特別近,適合在酒店泡着度假。酒店的飯很好吃,沒有網上說的很難吃,我們這幾天晚上都是在酒店吃的,價錢相對於菲律賓來說確實貴了,但相對於國內來說還是很便宜的。 缺點:下了三次海浮潛,啥都沒有,真的是什麼都沒有… 之前看評論說有很多魚的,我也沒看到,很失望;服務員都是表面對你客客氣氣的,我們享受了送餐到屋的服務,幾乎每次都給小費,但沒有一個人告訴我們這個送餐最後是要另收費的,最後退房的時候看到送餐的收費單說實話不是很舒服,是按照百分比來收費的;再有,打碎了屋裡一個放肥皂的托盤,最後退房的時候問多少錢,找我要2000多比索!後來我一看賠償價目單我說這個價格對應的物品不是我們打碎的啊,不太對啊,她才說,哦哦,你說的不是這個啊。不管是不是成心的,我都覺得不是很舒服,如果不是我發現了,這不就要白搭這麼多錢進去?最後,回國以後想起來一副耳環落在牀頭了,但也沒多少錢就懶得聯繫酒店了,可是作為一個好的酒店,服務人員在打掃完房間看到住戶落東西了不應該主動去聯繫一下么?anyway,這個酒店我是不會再來了。
4.6/543 評價
I'm conflicted by my stay here, so I'll just lay out the pros and cons. Pros: Absolutely great dive shop. First and foremost, thank you to Gabby who was my divemaster for all my dives. He is phenomenal and a huge asset to Mike's. Jonathan who manages the diving also provided good service. The rental gear was in excellent condition except for the booties which have seen better days but got the job done. They took me and one other guy to Apo island which I do not think is a profitable trip for them with just 2 customers, but they knew how much time we had at Mike's and made it work for us. Gabby also took me out on a solo night shore dive (which was incredible). Not all dive shops will do this. Corri who manages Mike's also provided excellent customer service. She responded promptly to my emails and then gave me her number so I could Whatsapp her to coordinate a transfer from the ferry. And then after I had an issue with my A/C (see below), she thanked me for saying something so I told her all my complaints as they happened (nothing in this review will be a surprise to them), and she did her very best to resolve them. She never once blamed me as being high maintenance, at least not to my face. And really, I'm not high maintenance. Mike's just has some issues that it needs to address. The wifi was really good and it worked in my room. This is a big deal and a rarity in the Philippines when you get outside the big cities. Mixed: Mike's restaurant has a fairly large menu, and there's a full page of Mexican foods as Mike himself is from California, where I lived for many years. I had the seafood burrito and it was bad. The seafood itself was fine although perhaps not the kinds I would expect to see in a seafood burrito, but ingredient availability plays into that. The real issue is that the flavor was well off. Now perhaps I was foolish to get Mexican food in the Philippines, but I think that if you put something on your menu, you should be proud of it, and this dish was not something to be proud of. Corri did tell me that she and Mike were going to order the seafood burrito the next day and reevaluate it, so again I appreciate her taking my complaint seriously. On the other hand, I had one of the Filipino soup dishes (I can't remember the name) and it was tasty. The breakfasts were also good. So food is a mixed bag, and perhaps you'll be fine if you stick to breakfast and Filipino food. Cons: The biggest con by far is that the bed is uncomfortable. The mattress is a 3 inch piece of soft foam. That simply doesn't cut it. As a side sleeper, my hips were hitting the slats below. Corri again took my complaint seriously and brought me a second mattress to put on top of the first. This helped but these mattresses are so soft, it's still not conducive to a good night's sleep. I stayed in several other places across the Philippines during my trip, including places significantly cheaper than Mike's, and all of my mattresses
4.3/536 評價
環境不錯,房間也贊。見到放在牀上的歡迎標語尤其開心。有深潛項目。活動場地略小,遺憾是黑沙。記得自備沙灘拖鞋。坐車方便,坐大巴從機場到酒店不過幾十peso,車次很多。用本地人的話說,don't worry, many bus here,you just stand and wave your hands~



最高價格HKD 726
最低價格HKD 191
平均價格 (週末)HKD 411
平均價格 (平日)HKD 410